John Krout began taking photos in 1963. His subjects have been as varied as Richard Nixon’s inaugural, the Apollo 16 launch, rock concerts, school concerts, aerial fireworks and solar eclipses. In the 1970s, his rock concert photography was published nationwide by Ampersand magazine. After 29 years of 35mm photography using Pentax SLRs, he switched to Canon in 1999 and now owns two Canon digital SLRs. Since 2011 he has designed and published month per page photo calendars for his family and friends. He holds a masters degree in computer science and worked for most of his career as a software developer. He works now as a technical writer for the Thales Group, supporting use of their automated fingerprint identification technology by a major federal agency. He has lived all his life in Arlington VA and has traveled to 49 states, Europe and South America.