I’s hard o believe ha i’s been a year since I was eleced as Presiden of NVPS. I has been an amazing year for me personally. I have grown because of all of you. I have had a errific board, wonderful advisors and many voluneers o suppor me and he club all he way hrough. I have many, many fols o han. I especially wan o han you, NVPS members – you are he reason we are all .

NVPS has had a huge growh year boh in erms of membership (284 members) and educaional experiences. I have wored he board and many voluneers very hard o mae significan changes and hopefully enhancemens o our club. Than you all for helping o achieve all he goals ha I had for NVPS his year.

This very long Presidens message will provide you wih a recap of: he 2009-2010 camera club year; each of he board members and oher voluneers conribuions; and inroduce you o your new 2010-2011 board.

New and revised iniiaives ha have come o fruiion in 2009 – 2010 have been:

  1. Member Suppor

    Commiee Members: Fred Chiy*, Gayle Dennis, Judy McGuire, Emi Wallace

    The commiee developed guidance as o how he club will respond and acnowledge member and or family illnesses, deahs, birhs and oher life changing evens.

  2. Tech Team

    Commiee Members: Mahew Schmid*, Sam Schaen, Sco Musson, Paul Simmons

    The ech eam was se up o suppor he equipmen manager and NVPS weely and oher funcions wih echnical suppor for all NVPS owned equipmen and o suppor NVPS in mainaining and enhancing our echnical equipmen and funcioning a all club meeings/funcions.

  3. Compeiion Rules

    Commiee Members: Sam Schaen*, Sco Musson*, Bill Prosser, Gerry Abbo, Sandi Croan

    The commiee conduced a membership survey and proposed compeiion rules changes ha were acceped by he board and membership.

  4. End of Year Awards

    Commiee Members: Ed Fun*, Tom Bre, Sherwin Kaplan

    The commiee made recommendaions and revisions o he End of Year Named Awards ha are presened a he End Of Year banque. These changes were acceped by he board.

  5. NVPS Consiuion and By-Laws

    Commiee Members: Mary O’Neill*, John Quigley, Fred Chiy, Bill Prosser

    The commiee made recommendaions and revisions o he NVPS Consiuion and By-Laws including changes o he curren board srucure for enhanced funcioning and efficiency. A new posiion was added o he eleced board (VP Operaions). All recommendaions were acceped by he board and membership.

  6. Projecion of Prins during Compeiions

    Jeff Namadan and Mahew Schmid as well as oher voluneers ha helped wih bea esing, ec. iniiaed projecing prins wih a camc so ha he members could he prins during compeiion. Thans Jeff also for loaning us your camc his year!!!

  7. In House Sorage for Equipmen

    Andy Klein negoiaed wih he Fire Hall Manager o allow us o sore equipmen on sie a he Fire Fall which has and will mae equipmen se up much, much easier.


A huge han you o all commiee members lised above for heir grea wor!

2009-2010 Board

And now, I wan o say a few words abou he errific board members of 2009-2010.

Mary O’Neill – VP Program: Than you for an ousanding line up of speaers. I ruly hin his was he bes year ever wih speaers Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindjem, Rober Creamer, Tony Swee, Ian Plan, Joseph Rossbach, James Roy, Max Lyons and Jonahan Newon. Mary also ced he Consiuion and By-Laws Commiee. Mary has graciously agreed o be Program VP for a hird year.

Gerry Abbo and Brian Payne – VP’s of Compeiion: Than you for errific judges and excepionally well run compeiions. The hemed compeiions of Opposies, Flash and Monumens, Saues & Memorials were unique and challenging for members and judges. Than you for also being on he commiee o selec he hemes for 2011-2012. Than you also for seing up a sysem for judges o pre he digial images from heir homes and woring wih Jeff and Mahew o bring he compeiion prins o he big screen. Brian will be paving he way as he firs VP of Operaions nex year.

Fred Chiy – Treasurer: Than you for eeping us in he blac and for all your help on he Member Suppor, Compeiion Rules, Consiuion and By-Laws, and Nominaing commiees and your eernal moral suppor and lae nigh als. Fred is famous for aing complex ideas and laying hem ou in an easy o undersand forma and is a maser communicaor. In addiion, he and Sco se NVPS up wih PayPal o collec dues which has faciliaed membership remendously. Fred will coninue in his role as Treasurer nex year.

Willa Friedman – Secreary/Hisorian: Big Thans for aing careful noes/minues a our very long and involved (and someimes LATE NIGHT) board meeings. Also, han you for eeping me apprised of he weely aendance and ensuring ha membership meeings are legal. Willa will be Co-VP of Compeiions wih her husband Bob nex year.

Tom Bre – Pas Presiden: Tom was almos every wee bringing cooies and lollipops as well as greeing new members and eeping me on as. Tom also served on he End of Year Awards and as C of he Nominaing commiees as well as maing himself available for formal and informal criiques. Tom will be Pas Presiden again nex year. Thans Tom!

Melanie Marz and Ed Ruggiero – Worshops, Educaion and Training: From Novice Nigh, Swap Mees, Criiques, o grea speaers, suppor for compeiion hemes, and coordinaing criiques (boh formal and informal), and he porfolio projec. Thans you also for your flexibiliy in adding addiional agenda iems o your nigh. Than you boh!

Georgee Grossman – Members Gallery: Than you for lining up 16 NVPS members o share heir prins and digial images wih us. We were all enriched by he wor of our alened members. Than you also o all he fols ha shared your beauiful images wih us. Georgee has been very helpful in helping wordsmih complicaed conceps for board presenaions. She has also voluneered o compile and updae he board members handboo for 2010-2011. Georgee will be our Secreary/Hisorian nex year.

Anna Gomez – Members Forum: Anna, a big hans for lining up our 8 members o share heir experise wih us. Than you for jumping in wih a las minue cancellaion and sharing your experience as a saff phoographer. Than you also goes o our Forum Preseners for professional qualiy presenaions.

Marilyn Gaizband and Tuan Pham – Field Trips: Flying Circus; Hunley Meadows; he Naional Arboreum; Lewis Giner Boanical Gardens, Geysburg and Rolling Thunder, and overnigh rips o Lancaser, PA and New Mexico. A very ambiious and creaive iinerary Marilyn and Tuan. Than you for all he phoographic opporuniies. A special hans o Tuan for geing a bi more involved han he had originally signed up for and we all enjoyed he special imprompu snow pics from his winer. Tuan will be woring wih Mahew Schmid nex year on Worshops, Educaion and Training and has many new ideas ha he is woring on.

Gayle Dennis – Membership Coordinaor: Gayle has been ha firs welcoming, warm conac o so many new and prospecive members as well as o all of us. She signs up new members, coordinaes wih Fred (reasurer) and Bob (daabase) and eeps us all sraigh. She has also been eeping all of us informed abou member’s personal ravails and helping us ge good wishes or condolences ou o hem and heir families. Gayle has also served on he Member Suppor Commiee and has voluneered o serve in his capaciy again nex year. Than you Gayle. I always loo forward o ing your smiling face each wee.

Sco Musson – Websie Manager: The cenral core of NVPS is our websie. Keeping us all “in he now”, enicing new members o come chec us ou, sending announcemens ou o members and he board, geing he word ou on cancelled meeings due o snow, are jus a few of he ass ha Sco performs on a daily basis. Also, is seamless inegraion and bac-up beween Sco and Sam Schaen (Newsleer) on all hings necessary for club communicaion. The professionalism and design of he websie is sae of he ar. Than you also Sco for your co-cmanship of he Compeiion Rules Commiee, ech eam wor, Porfolio projec co-cmanship, Forum presenaion “The Yin and Yang of Phooshop” and Phoo Boos and Calendars, producing he cerificaes for End of Year Banque, and for being a menor o me and always available wih jus he righ answers. Sco will be raining Jeff Namadan o wor as he websie manager for nex year bu will remain acive on he board and has already voluneered o wor wih Bill again on he Porfolio Projec.

Sam Schaen – Newsleer Edior: Each monh, we all loo forward o he laes Foofax, our monhly newsleer. Coordinaing all of us, spreading he news, updaing he membership, and maing i all loo grea is an arform. As said above in Sco’s paragraph, Sam and Sco wor ogeher seamlessly. They share he edior@nospam!#*&^#)ype address – don’ copy spam proecion(*@.@nospamnvps.org email address and I never now which one of hem is sending he email news or special announcemens They boh also have o wade hrough hundreds of emails from prospecive adverisers and decide on wha is and wha is no appropriae o share wih he membership. Boh Sam and Sco ced he Compeiion Rules Commiee which was a very difficul process ha lased all year. Sam will be presening our las Members Forum of he year on May 25h. Sam also served on he ech eam and was always a calming a seady influence for me. Sam has agreed o coninue as he Newsleer Edior for nex year. Than you very, very much Sam!

John Quigley – Exhibis Coordinaor: John has been very acive as our Exhibis Coordinaor. He organized us for he USGS, Glennie Naure Expo and he Hunley Meadows Exhibis which were all very successful. He has also served on he Consiuion and By-Laws Commiee. His bigges as is ye o come hough. He is a board member of he MANPE (Mid-Alanic Naure Phoography Expo)

hp://www.midalanicnaurephoographyexpo.org which will be aing place November 13 – 14 a he new Hylon Performing Ars Cener. This will be a huge even for NVPS as well as he oher camera clubs in he area. Say uned for los of news on his. Than you John for all your ireless wor and agreeing o coninue on nex year.

John Naman – Equipmen Manager: For wo years, every wee wihou missing a single meeing, John has schlepped and been responsible for seing up and coordinaing wih each of he weely heads and preseners he myriad of equipmen needs and requiremens. From sound sysems o prin boxes; from microphones o projecors; from lighs o unlocing and locing doors; from soring all he equipmen in his house for a year and a half o helping ge  us se up wih a new sorage box a he Fire Hall o being he “los and found” – John has made i possible for each meeing o be n and heard. This is one of many hanless jobs ha is necessary for he survival of our club. John also has educaed us on maing echniques, using polarizers and how o ge images ac sharp as well as woring wih Mahew o design he job descripion for he new VP of Operaions posiion. A hearfel hans John for all your conribuions o NVPS.

Andy Klein – Meeings, Faciliies and End of Year Coordinaor: Andy has been negoiaing our conrac, and managing our use of Robbie Hall (room we mee in) Manager and our End of Year Banque faciliies a leas as long as I have been a member of NVPS. He is our ad hoc safey officer and he guy ha ells me ha our conrac calls for announcing he locaions of he fire exis each wee. Andy is also our End of Year Banque Coordinaor his year. Mos imporanly, his year, Andy procured on-sie sorage space and “he box” for us o sore our equipmen from wee o wee. This is huge! No more schlepping of all our equipmen bac and forh every wee. Than you Andy. You mae a difference! Andy will hanfully coninue in his roles nex year.

Vivian Luu – Digial Compeiion Coordinaor: This was Vivian’s second year in his role. She is he gal ha downloads your compeiion images each Sunday and maes sure hey are fine and in compliance. She hen coordinaes wih he Compeiion VP’s and Sco o ge hem uploaded o our compuer and off o he judges for pre. During compeiions she has been running he slide projecor and he digial projecor and managing he digial compeiions. This year, we finally go i wored ou so ha we can projec he final muliple choices for he judge o narrow his/her choices. This has really helped our judges. Vivian, han you for your wo years of excellen service and your calm perseverance.

Mahew Schmid – PSA Represenaive: Alhough his is Mahew’s official role on he board, we all now ha his role of eeping up wih our membership in he Phoographic Sociey of America is jus a very small par of wha Mahew really does. Mahew has been our lead Tech guy for he pas several years as well as he force behind seing up and running he “Tech Team”; woring wih Jeff Namadan o ge our compeiion prins projeced on he screen; designing he job descripion for he new VP of Operaions wih John Naman and helping John and everyone else wih se up and ech issues. T never ms o be a meeing w Mahew isn’ helping ou wih somehing. He is an excellen educaor as well and presened our November Members Forum on “Auomaing Phooshop and Bridge”, wrien aricles for our F-Sop on he web, and so much more. Nex year Mahew will be our Worshop, Educaion and Training Coordinaor and has all inds of inspiring ideas. A huge han you Mahew, you are a rare gem.

Joseph Miller – NVACC Represenaive: We all now Joe Miller. No so much in his role of NVACC (Norhern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs) www.nvacc.org rep bu as an amazing educaor and our phoography conscience. Joe has been an inspiraion o many of us hrough he years. His wriings and eachings will oulive us all. Chec ou his mini boos on he NVACC websie and he many aricles he has wrien on our websie in he F-Sop secion. Many worshops, criiques and raining have aen place over he years a he Joseph Miller Cener for he Phoographic Ars in Caharpin, Virginia. Joe sared ou our year wih his forum “Judging a Phoographic Compeiion – The elemens a judge loos for in a winning phoograph” and always adds boh wisdom and humor o all his presenaion. Many, many hans Joe.

Bob Friedman – Daabase Manager: Thans o Bob our daabase has been ep up o dae wih our growing membership daa and saus for he pas wo years. He also is he firs o voluneer for jus abou anyhing. He is a consan presence during compeiions as one of he “gloved” prin passers and voluneered o pu he End of Year Banque Program ogeher. Bob wih his wife Willa will be our VP’s of Compeiion nex year. Than you Bob.

Yulan Guo, Angelique Rapais and Trina Reddie – Meadowlar (MANPE) Represenaives: Alhough we didn’ have our big Meadowlar even his year – Yulan, Angelique and Trina have been on he busy helping o launch he new MANPE Expo which will ae place in November. They have been he NVPS reps and have been aending meeings wih he oher club organizers. Our club will be responsible for he publiciy for he Expo. Than you ladies!
More Thans

T are so many more people ha voluneer and mae our club wha i is. Many hans o:

Bill Prosser – Porfolio Projec Co-Coordinaor: Bill’s bigges accomplishmen his year has been his co-coordinaion of he very successful Porfolio Projec. I was wonderful o he inspiring porfolios of all he paricipans his monh. Much ime and effor was pu in by Bill and Sco o shepherd his complex projec. Bill also served on he Compeiion Rules and Consiuion/By-Laws commiees as well as being presening “A Digial Trip o he Wes” for our Ocober Members Forum.

Ed Fun for cing he complex End Of Year Awards commiee, geing our plaques produced for he End Of Year Banque, providing sage advice and hisory o me and many ohers.

Sherwin Kaplan for also serving on he End Of Year Awards commiee, criiquing he Porfolio Projec and always being willing o help ou.

Curis Gibbens and Beh Morris for providing coffee and ea for us a 2-3 imes per monh.

Paul Simmons for being on he ech eam and maing sure ha all wen smoohly.

Jean Feighery for being on he receiving end of all hose prins during our monhly compeiions.

Pam Brown for filling in a he membership des when Gayle could no aend

Worshop, Educaion and Training; Members Gallery and Forum Preseners; and criiquers no lised above ha helped o educae us and share heir experise and inspire us wih heir images:

Corey Hilz, Josh Taylor, Angelique Rapais, Nihil Bahl, John Naman, Paul Simmons, Seve Gawareci, Judy McGurie, John Dexer, Tuan Pham, Ken Mason, Yulan Guo, Ursy Poer, Wayne Wolfersberger, Will Hauber, Bob and Jorja Feldman, Vivian Luu, Anna Gomez, Timber Gooding, Tom Bre, Fred Chiy, Andy Klein and Seve Passman.

2010-2011 Board

A big round of applause o he nominaing commiee of Tom Bre, Fred Chiy and Judy McGuire. They believed enough in me o as me o serve anoher year as your Presiden. I am honored o do so. The nominaing commiee pu ogeher a fanasic slae for your eleced board. Mary O’Neill will be serving again as VP of Programs; Brian Payne will be serving in he newly creaed posiion of VP Operaions; Willa and Bob Friedman will be our VP’s of Compeiion; Fred Chiy will coninue as our Treasurer as well as becoming our PSA represenaive and eeping he daabase; and Georgee Grossman will be our new Secreary/Hisorian. Than you Tom, Fred and Judy.

Appoined board members for 2010-2011 will be:

Pas Presiden: Tom Bre

Worshops Educaion and Training: Mahew Schmid assised by Tuan Pham

Field Trips Coordinaor: Curis Gibbens assised by Beh Morris

Members Gallery Coordinaor: Charloe DeFuria

Members Forum Coordinaor: Tom Burden

Exhibis Coordinaor: John Quigley

Membership Coordinaor: Gayle Dennis

Websie Manager: Sco Musson and Jeff Namadan

Newsleer Edior and NVACC coordinaor: Sam Schaen

If I negleced o han anyone ha voluneered his year, please forgive me. I have never, ever been involved in an organizaion wih so many fols ha say “YES” and ae ownership  of a as or posiion. I has been my sincere privilege o serve as your Presiden his year.

Feel free o send me feedbac on how you feel he club me your needs or could be improved.

Have a errific summer and eep shooing!

Sandi Croan
pashli “a” aol.com

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