Fran Bastress for Review My Image; Jim McDermott for Ask Me a Question (Nikon equipment and Lightroom)
Review My Image and Ask Me a Question
The “Review My Image” and “Ask Me A Question” tables will be open from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in September, October, and November. At the “Review My Image” table, an experienced club photographer will be available to offer feedback on images members would like to discuss. Bring your image on a laptop or tablet, or as a print. With image processing software on your laptop or tablet, you can look at potential changes to the image in real time. One-on-one discussion about images is productive and fun, and is intended to help members develop their photography skills. At the “Ask Me a Question” table, members can talk with an experienced club photographer about specific camera equipment and/or processing software. The discussion will be most productive if members bring their camera, smart phone, or computer to show their question and discuss the answer.