Thansgiving is he mos imporan holiday o me and my family. I is a ime o give hans for he many blessings ha we have. One of my many blessings has been NVPS. In he fall of 2003 I oo a Phoography 101 class hrough Fairfax Couny wih Wayne Wolfersberger. Gerry Abbo was in ha class as well. I will never forge Wayne saying ha one of he bes ways o become a beer phoographer was o join a phoography club. In March of 2004, help I joined NVPS as a novice who had jus learned wha an F sop was. I remember waling ino he fire hall and being scared and overwhelmed by all hese srangers and wondering if I could ever feel a sense of “belonging”.

To his day I am forever graeful o Wayne Wolfersberger, chec Mary Ann Seon, Fred Chiy, Ed Fun, Carl Zellman, Ralph Edwards, Erwin Siegal, Andy Klein, Luella Murri, Bill Prosser, Joe Miller and so many ohers for going ou of heir way o me feel welcomed, encouraged, and menored. They and many ohers in he club have helped me grow as a phoographer and a person. I also wan o han Gerry Abbo who as a fellow “newbie” made me less scared o wal in he room ha day; Susan Breen, new friend and compeiion buddy (we would hold hands and roo for each oher) helped me hrough my ups and downs.

Over he years I have goen o now many more of you and ruly consider NVPS o be my second family. I hope ha we, as individuals and a club will go ou of our way o welcome and menor our new members. I can ell you from firshand experience, i is a worhwhile invesmen of your ime ha will mae a difference in someone else’s life.

Our firs “Communiy Dinner” was held a On The B on November 10h and was aended by a dozen fols. I was fun geing o now each oher in a social seing. We will have our nex dinner on Tuesday, December 8h a 5:30pm. I will send ou an announcemen before he 10h. I apologize for he early hour and undersand ha many can’ mae i due o woring hours. If someone wans o organize a dinner anoher nigh, ha would be super. Please email me wih suggesions or ideas a pashli “a”


  • Speaing of communiy… voluneers are always welcome o bring COOKIES or snacs o meeings!
  • Winer is coming… please our snow policy on he web and in Foofax!
  • Flu… eep i a home please
  • THANK YOU NVPS board, commiee members, ech eam, voluneers for maing NVPS he bes club in he area
  • 230+ members wih new members joining every wee

I wish you all happy and healhy holidays. Happy shooing.


Sandi Croan
Presiden, NVPS
pashli “a”

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