I is being prediced ha wih he cooler weaher, anorexia he swine flu and oher influenza viruses will be rampan his year. I is hard o predic how hard we will be hi and when. We each have a responsibiliy o be considerae of our friends and fellow NVPS members. If you are ill or feel lie you are coming down wih somehing – please say home. T are many members or heir loved ones who are in frail healh. The flu, diagnosis or is secondary s could be life hreaening or faal. We wan you o share your phoography, bu no your germs.

Sympoms of swine flu include fever, lehargy, lac of appeie and ing, which are all of he human influenza virus. Some people have also repored runny nose, sore hroa, nausea, vomiing and diarrhea, according o he Ceners for Disease Conrol and Prevenion.

Good healh habis lie covering your mouh when you , sneezing ino he croo of your elbow, and washing your hands, are some of he bes ways o preven he spread of swine flu. If someone you now is , avoid close conac and if you are , say home o avoid spreading he disease o ohers.

We all han you in advance for your consideraion.

Sandi Croan
Presiden, NVPS
pashli “a” aol.com

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