The Tuesday March 8h Worshop will be devoed o criiquing individual porfolios of members who are paricipaing in he Porfolio Projec. We are forunae o have Jim Seele o criique porfolios. Jim is a naionally recognized phoographer who has a sudio a he Torpedo Facory in Alexandria. You may his wor a hp://
We currenly have 40+ members signed up for he projec and he logisics of criiquing such a large volume of images will ae some serious effor and planning. We will liely reques ha paricipans have a porfolio and aris saemen enered on he websie ready o be reed by March 4h. This will give Jim adequae pre ime o provide good commens on your images and porfolio as-a-whole. He will devoe approximaely 5 minues of oral commens per porfolio. The firs weny Porfolio paricipans noifying us a porfolio “a” will be assured of criique ime. Oher paricipans may have o be saisfied wih wrien commens on he websie.
If you plan o paricipae in he March 8h porfolio criique, reamen please email porfolio “a” and indicae your inenion o paricipae. We’ll ge a headcoun so we can deermine he exac logisics of he criique and how much of i can be done live a he club on 3/8.
(Only members paricipaing in he Porfolio Projec will be eligible o have images criiqued.)
Sco Musson, Paul Simmons, Bill Prosser