Below are the general instructions for participating in the second anonymous critique workshop of the year. If you would like to participate please send no more than two (2) images to dngovoni “at” AND roger “at” no later than Thursday, April 5, 2012. We will only be doing digital images for convenience. Please follow the club’s image size outlined in the Digital Competition Guidelines on the website. During the critiquing session, we will not identify you unless you choose to do so yourself. We very much would like the less advanced members to participate in this and will give preferential treatment to those individuals. This is a good opportunity to get feedback from two experts to help you advance your photographic skills. The two members who will be critiquing the photos are Sandi Croan and Wayne Wolfersberger.

Thank you,

Roger and Dennis
Workshop Coordinators.

Guidelines for Anonymous Critique Sessions

The purpose of doing these critiques is to help all photographers, but especially the less advanced photographers, to improve their compositional and technical skills. We specifically chose to make them “anonymous” so that less experienced photographers would feel comfortable in participating, knowing that the end result is to help them become more accomplished photographers. This end result is different from monthly competitions (which are somewhat anonymous) in that the focus is on improvement not judging. Thusly, more time will be spent by the critiquers in analyzing the photographs.

Specifically: All photographs will be submitted digitally to the Workshop coordinators who will collate and select those for the critique session.Image sizes must conform to the current image sizes dictated by digital competitions (refer to NVPS web site under competition, “Preparation for Digital Projection Competition_v2 2“).

Images should be categorized by the submitter based on accepted norms such as landscape/seascape, portrait, macro, etc. or other appropriated category commonly used. We are flexible here. A submitter may submit up to two(2) images. Because of time constraints, the workshop coordinators may select a subset of submitted images based on breadth of categories. Not all photographs may be critiqued. We have estimated that it may be possible to do at least 20-25 images per session. While only the workshop coordinators will know the submitters, you may identify yourself, if you wish. All images will be erased after the critiquing session.

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