The fifth Tuesday in January we will have a club Swap Meet and a Portfolio Project Critique.

Swap Meet:

Members are encouraged to bring unneeded and unwanted camera equipment and/or supplies to the meeting for sale, trade or give away. We will do this at the beginning of the meeting for about 30-40 minutes followed by the portfolio critique.
If any non-members are interested in attending the swap meet are welcome to attend, but we are not allowing non-members to sale/trade/give away equipment or supplies at the meeting.

Everyone is expected to police their own equipment (even the stuff for give away) prior to leaving the firehouse for the evening, so please do not plan on dropping some things off and leaving. The people who stay until the end of the evening will appreciate your help when it comes time clean up the firehouse for the night.

Portfolio Project Critique:

The portfolio workshop will be devoted to critiquing individual portfolios of members participating in the Portfolio Project. We are fortunate to have Sherwin Kaplan to critique portfolios. Sherwin has critiqued NVPS portfolios in the past and been praised for his insightful thoughts about overall portfolio construction. He also is an outstanding critic of images and always offers insightful, constructive suggestions about how to improve them. We currently have about 25 members signed up for the project and 15 who have indicated they would like to participate in the critiques. The logistics of critiquing this volume of images will take serious effort and planning; especially since it will be preceded by the swap meet. We request participants have their portfolios and artist statements entered on the website and ready for Sherwin to review by Jan. 20th. This will give him adequate online preview time to provide useful suggestions about your images and portfolio as-a-whole. He will devote approximately 5 minutes of oral comments per portfolio. (If you need assistance putting your images on the portfolio gallery, please contact the Website Managers.)

Jim Steele, another excellent professional photographer and portfolio critic, has promised to try to also view the portfolios and make on the on-line suggestions and comments to the portfolios.

If you plan to participate in the critique, please email Bill Prosser (prosserwm “at” (Only members participating in the Portfolio Project will be eligible to have their work critiqued.)  To learn more about the Portfolio Project, please visit the Portfolio Project section of the website.

Bill Prosser (prosserwm “at”, Paul Simmons (pwsimmons11 “at”, and Ginger Werz-Petricka (vze39dgt “at” If you have questions or need help with your portfolio, feel free to contact us at portfolio “at”

Roger and Dennis

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