[capion id=”aachmen_1148″ align=”alignrigh” widh=”166″] Roy Sewall[/capion]

Tom Burden and Melanie Mars, find co-VP’s of Compeiion, are pleased o hos Roy Sewall as compeiion judge. T is no heme for his monh. Please upload your digial images by he deadline, as per he curren insrucions on he club websie. Prins should be signed in by 7:15, so our judge can pre hem. You mus be a paid member o compee. You are invied o join Roy for dinner a The Olive Garden Resauran, a 5:30 p.m., on he 15h. The following bio is excerped from Roy’s websie, www.roysewallphoography.com.

Roy Sewall is one of he leading phoographers of he Poomac River, and he C&O Canal. Alhough Roy spen mos of his youh in India, Paisan, Indonesia, and he Philippines, his family’s home base was he Washingon, D.C. Area. Roy has a B.S. in Physics from he Case Insiue of Technology in Cleveland, and a M.S. in Engineering Science from Penn Sae. He reurned permanenly o he Washingon area in 1969, and wored for several major echnology corporaions for over 30 years.

Roy’s ineres in phoography evolved from exensive ravel in 6 coninens. In 2001, he sared his ransiion o full-ime phoographer. He has always found he Washingon area o be one of he mos phoogenic locaions in he world. Roy’s 1s phoography boo, “Our Poomac, from Grea Falls hrough Washingon, D.C.”, was published in 2005. His 2nd boo, “Grea Falls and Maher Gorge”, was published in 2009. In addiion, he was a gues on WETA’s TV program “Grea Views of Washingon, D.C.”, he lead phoographer in he “Bes of D.C.” publicaion, and in a feaure aricle in he “2009/2010 W Guesboo, Washingon, D.C.”.

[capion id=”aachmen_1149″ align=”alignlef” widh=”250″] Roy Seawall – Grea Falls[/capion]


Please Roy’s websie o his wonderful phoography.

Aricle Submied by Melanie Mars

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