While the fall leaves are fickle, the sunsets on the Blue Ridge amaze every day. Join us Saturday, September 16th on the Skyline Drive for a two-part field trip.
We will meet at the Dickey Ridge Visitor Center, approximately 3.5 miles beyond the Front Royal Shenandoah National Park entrance at 2:00 PM. We can explore collectively or individually the various overlooks and trails nearby to shoot wild-life, flowers and amazing vistas.
At 4:00 PM we will re-group at Spelunkers in Front Royal for a burger and a beer.
We will then make our way back up the Drive to position ourselves at several overlooks to capture the sunset. (Golden hour begins 6:40 PM.)
The Park entrance fee is $25.00 per car. Senior pass holders enter free. Carpooling is highly recommended. We’ll have sign-up sheets at the club meetings.