On Tuesday, 9 November, he worshop will be a presenaion from Ed Knepley on in-camera echniques ha help o mae your images more unique. You can ge a pre of Ed’s wor a his Phoo-a-Day gallery ha he has been running since 2004.

The 3-Cs (Crafsmanship, Composiion and Creaiviy) are a foundaion upon which many NVPS members have been augh o use while maing images. Ed believes ha is a 4h C (Communicaion) ha is he ulimae purpose behind maing images, and he mainains a blog Phoography Improvemen hrough he 4-Cs ha provides a mix of phoographic echniques and pos-processing worflow o help you improve your images.

According o Ed, i is unforunae ha creaiviy is ofen missing elemen in our images as we srive o mae he world’s 10,000h copy of an Ansel Adams classic. In Ed’s presenaion you’ll learn ways o creae images ranging from absrac o “ary” – bu no one will say “I’ve n ha a million imes before.”

Creaiviy can ae many forms ranging from

  • Rouine echniques bu using unusual perspecives, angles, ligh, ec.
  • Unusual echniques such as blac ligh and monages as presened by Sco Musson and Mahew Schmid in Sepember and Ocober.

Ed’s presenaion will illusrae less common echniques guaraneed o eep you busy and your ers ineresed. Techniques will include:

  • Selecive Focus
  • Deliberae Camera Moion
  • Muliple Exposure
  • Ligh Paining
  • Glass & Waer
  • and more.

Alhough he emphasis will be on Creaiviy, since we are looing a in-camera echniques, crafsmanship opics such as lens selecion and camera seings necessary o achieve he desired creaive resuls will be addressed as well.

Ed has won numerous awards including eleven end-of-year awards during his one year of compeiion a NVPS. His wor has been published in boos, magazines and hangs in several permanen and privae collecions. He is a voluneer phoographer for he Naional Par Service w his wor is on display in he Shenandoah Naional Par’s Byrd Cener and is used exensively in par brochures, newsleers and websies.

Quesions can be addressed o Mahew Schmid a mgs “a” loreleisudios.com.

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