On Tuesday November 16h, pills our compeiion judge will be Corey Hilz. T is no heme for he Sepember Compeiion.

On compeiion nigh, mind please plan o join us and Corey Hilz for dinner a Chili’ s a 5:30 prior o he compeiion.

Corey Hilz is a professional phoographer specializing in naure and ravel phoography. His wor is n in magazines, boos, calendars and caalogues, as well as in ar galleries. Corey finds he diversiy in naure offers boundless opporuniies for new images. He approaches his subjecs wih an arisic eye, looing for a fresh perspecive. Corey has a passion for helping ohers improve heir phoography by sharing his nowledge hrough group and privae insrucion. He offers worshops and classes in he Washingon DC area on various phoography and sofware opics, plus leads worshops o locaions in he Unied Saes and abroad. Find ou more abou worshops and classes on Corey’s websie: www.coreyhilz.com.

You mus be a paid up member o compee.

Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Compeiion

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