On Tuesday Ocober 19h, oolaryngologis we will ic off our firs hemed compeiion, cysiis “Power of Three” of he 2010-2011 season. “Power of Three” is defined as images conaining hree (3) of an objec or subjec. Josh Taylor will be our judge.

Here is some furher clarificaion on he new compeiion caegories:

• In he digial compeiion, monochrome is Unresriced
• Images ha are produced in camera by spinning he lens or panning or oher such echniques, are Resriced as long as hey are he resul of a single capure.

Please noe, we are going o change he of compeiion for Ocober. We will firs judge digial images, hen he prined images. If you submi a prined image, be prepared o say o he end o ae your prins home or have a friend ae hem.

Lasly, please pu readable arrows on he bac of your phoo and please prin your name on he sign in shee. We need o be able o read his informaion in a darened room.

On compeiion nigh, please plan o join us and Josh Taylor for dinner a Chili’s a 5:30 prior o he compeiion.

Josh has presened phoography worshops a he Smihsonian Naional Orchid Show, U.S. Naional Arboreum, U.S. Boanic Garden, Brooside Gardens, Virginia Sae Arboreum (Blandy Farm), American Horiculural Sociey Garden School, Adins Arboreum, and Longwood Gardens. In addiion o eaching in he Smihsonian Sudio Ars Program and being a Canon Camera insrucor a Ace Phoo, Josh speas a camera and garden clubs, judges phoographic compeiions, and exhibis his phoographs in gallery shows. He is a member of he Norh American Naure Phoography Associaion, Garden Wriers Associaion, and Naional Associaion of Phooshop Professionals, and a member and pas presiden of he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey. Josh was voed bes garden club speaer in 2005 and was a judge for he 2009 Garden Wriers Associaion Naional Media Awards. hp://joshuaaylorphoography.com/

You mus be a paid up member o compee.

Again, please go o he NVPS websie o re he new caegories. A , you will also find informaion regarding eligibiliy requiremens, number of images, ypes of images, sizes, deadlines and insrucions for uploading digial images, ec. Also, please recall ha he image capure dae will need o be included on he image sign-in shee.

Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Compeiion

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