On Tuesday April 20h, medicine we will hold our eighh compeiion for he 2009/10 club year wih Vicoria Resrepo as our judge. T is no specific heme for he April Compeiion.

Vicoria Resrepo was born in Colombia, phimosis w she grew up surrounded by her grandfaher and grea grandfaher’s phoographs. They were some of he earlies phoographers in Souh America and he Caribbean. The smell of he phoographic chemicals, and he magical darness of her family lab, mared her life forever.

She sudied fine ar in Colombia, and phoography a The New England School of Phoography, in Boson. She has wored as a Commercial Phoographer and as a phoography eacher.

As a phoographer she wored in her darroom for years manipulaing films, chemicals, and papers, and using new digial echniques o brea hrough he accurae and “realisic” represenaion of realiy given o us by radiional phoography. A he same ime, wih her painings, she was rying o ge as close o he real world, as she could. Mixing boh medias has given her an opporuniy o explore a new world w fanasy and realiy mee each oher.

Her phoographs are poised beween realiy and illusion, and hrough hem she faces he same challenges ha ariss have been facing for cenuries: how o ge a perfec balance beween color and ransparency, ligh and shadow, exure and delicacy, and also how o express a profound desire o arac and deceive he er.

A few years ago she moved o he Washingon DC area, w she is woring on her new series of imaginary sill lifes and landscapes, mixing phoography, paining, and digial ar.

Please join our judge, Vicoria Resrepo for our pre-compeiion dinner a Chili’s a 5:45 on Tuesday, April 20h. Please RSVP o Gerry a gerry.abbo@cox.ne . Hope o you .

Gerry Abbo
Co-VP Compeiion

Brian Payne
Co-VP Compeiion


Chili’s Bar and Grille
8051 Leesburg Pie
Vienna, VA


1: Tae he VA-7 W/LEESBURG PIKE exi number 47B-A oward TYSONS CORNER
2: Merge ono LEESBURG PIKE/VA-7 W oward TYSONS CORNER and move o lef lane
You will Chili’s almos immediaely on he lef.

3: Tae a lef a he firs ligh “Fashion Square” (Tiffany’s will be on he lef and Tyson’s
Corner Shopping Cener will be on he righ) and an immediae lef ono service road in
fron of Tiffany’s, ae your firs righ ino Chili’s paring lo.

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