On Tuesday March 16h, chec 2010, cos we will hold our sevenh compeiion for he 2009/10 club year. T is no specific heme for he March Compeiion.

Ellis Rosenberg

Ellis has been an amaeur phoographer for over 40 years and horoughly enjoys he phoographic ar form. He was inroduced o he exciing world of local phoo clubs a he 2005 Meadowlar Naure Phoo Expo and has been an avid supporer ever since. He is currenly serving as C of he Reson Phoographic Sociey (RPS), and as a board member of The League of Reson Ariss (LRA) which includes he RPS. He also acively serves on he board of he former Meadowlar Naure Phoo Expo. Ellis has served in hese posiions for he las four years and hey have provided him wih an excellen exposure in he area of judging phoography.

His wor has been exhibied locally on a compeiive basis. He has won numerous awards, and has been juried ino RPS exhibis, Meadowlar Naure Phoo Expos, The Loron Worhouse, The Herndon Ars Cener and oher venues.

Ellis is a graduae of he Joe Miller Seminar on Judging. Ellis says ha Joe is he reason he go ineresed in he judging aspec of phoography and he considers him a menor. Ellis has combined he nowledge gained from his seminar, ogeher wih his experience, in an effor o be compeen judge while providing enjoyable learning experience for all.
Please join us for our pre-compeiion dinner a Chili’s a 5:45 on Tuesday, March 16h. Please RSVP o Gerry a gerry.abbo@cox.ne . Hope o you .

Gerry Abbo
Co-VP Compeiion

Brian Payne
Co-VP Compeiion


Chili’s Bar and Grille
8051 Leesburg Pie
Vienna, VA


1: Tae he VA-7 W/LEESBURG PIKE exi number 47B-A oward TYSONS CORNER
2: Merge ono LEESBURG PIKE/VA-7 W oward TYSONS CORNER and move o lef lane
You will Chili’s almos immediaely on he lef.

3: Tae a lef a he firs ligh “Fashion Square” (Tiffany’s will be on he lef and Tyson’s
Corner Shopping Cener will be on he righ) and an immediae lef ono service road in
fron of Tiffany’s, ae your firs righ ino Chili’s paring lo.

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