Exac daes for each heme will be announced before he sar of he 2011-2012 club year in Sepember 2011.

Subjec maer, heme, and arisic presenaion are normally he choice of he phoographer. However hree of he monhly compeiions will have a predeermined heme ha mus be observed. Alhough he hemes were specified by he Theme Commiee, he inerpreaion of he heme is being lef o he phoographer. Thus, he Theme Commiee inenionally did no provide definiions or examples for he 2011 – 2012 hemes.

As a reminder he compeiion hemes for 2010 – 2011 are:

Through Doors, Ou Windows
Images wih a hrough doors or windows, looing ou or in. The window(s) or door(s) may be he subjec hemselves, or a framing device for some oher scene.

Power of 3
Images conaining hree (3) of an objec or subjec.

Images which convey a feeling of grea age. Recommendaions: Images wih a subjec appears o be old, having lived or been around for a relaively long ime. May be living or inanimae. (Members Choice Theme)

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