The Porfolio Projec is a nine monh projec saring in Sepember 2009 and running hrough May 2010. All club members of all sill levels are encouraged o paricipae in his projec. The goal of he porfolio projec is o conceive a heme, 60mg craf an aris saemen, ry capure he images and he presen hem as a porfolio. This aricle is devoed o clarifying he deails of he projec and explaining wha is conained in an aris saemen.

Your goal is o creae a porfolio of your bes images, primarily colleced from June 2009 o May 2010, ha exemplify he objecives of your heme and Aris’s Saemen. These should be images you would be proud o share wih ohers for years o come.

The beginning sages of he projec enail picing a heme or concep and wriing an Aris’s Saemen. In he “Aris’s Saemen” he phoographer explains wha he or she is rying o accomplish wih he projec. The phoographer maes images over he program year consisen wih he saemen and edis he body of wor down o draf porfolio of approximaely 20-25 images. (The draf porfolio may include some of  he aris’s earlier images consisen wih he heme. Alhough he final porfolio may include older images, he bul of i should be recen wor.)

Draf Porfolios will be criiqued in early spring, and he final prined porfolios (plus a digial Porfolio file) will be submied in April for a criique. A May Porfolio meeing will be held when all porfolios will be displayed.  The criiquer will commen on each final porfolio submied.
A final porfolio should conain abou 12 o20 images. (Exac parameers may be specified laer.) I may be bound as in an album or each image may be maed conained loose in a radiional porfolio box. Porfolio boxes and albums are available from B & H Phoo, (, Ligh Impressions (, and a Michaels and Penn Camera.)

Each aris will be able o display a draf Porfolio for commen using he club’s websie, The version is he woring, draf version, and inended o faciliae sharing images and commens hroughou he porfolio’s developmen. I also allows paricipans and oher members o and commen on all draf porfolios as hey progress hroughou he year. These commens will no only help paricipans improve heir images, bu in choosing heir bes wor o be included in he final prined porfolio.

The version of he porfolio is limied o abou 30 images This experience is an excellen opporuniy o creae a high qualiy porfolio o show your bes wor. T is a wealh of informaion on he web on creaing a porfolio. A good saring place is he following : hp://

Porfolio Projec Coordinaors: Bill Prosser ProsserWM “a” [703-821-1373] and Sco Musson smusson “a” [703-278-2828].

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