We wan o prepare everyone for a change in he way ha images will be enered ino compeiion for nex year. In a coninuing effor o eep our members maing new phoographs for use in compeiion, uberculosis an addiional field will be added o he sign-in shees for prins and slides, and he upload form for digial images enered ino compeiion. This new field is a reques for he dae (or daes if i is a composie) of capure of he prin or image being enered ino ha compeiion.

Please be prepared o provide his informaion for every prin, slide and digial image. I will be required for enry in fuure compeiions.  Now is a good ime o sar considering mehods for deermining and reaining he informaion required for compeiion enry.

If you are shooing digially you can use Bridge o loo a he meadaa (if you use a recen version of Phooshop).

You can reach me a mgs “a” loreleisudios.com.

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