Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Education & Training
Sep 30th, 2008 - Workshops Education & Training: Novice Night

Bill Folsom will speak about the important features of camera and photographic techniques. After his presentation several stations will provide photo-making opportunities plus answers to questions about cameras general photographic techniques. Also, there will be a Portfolio Project station. This station will have examples of last year's portfolios and provide an opportunity for members to ask questions. For more on the Portfolio Project see http://nvps.org/main/meetings/workshops/nvps_20089_portfolio_project/.
("Workshops" has been formally changed to "Workshops, Education, and Training,")

Finally, we are working to establish a "Help Desk--Problem Solvers" program to connect members with questions to members with answers. We plan both specific person to person referrals and online Q & A's. More details will be forth coming about this next month.

If you have any questions or concerns contact Bill Prosser (prosserwm "at" aol.com), Melanie Marts (jasmarts "at" cox.net), or Ed Ruggiero (eruggiero "at" cox.net)

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