Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Portfolio Project
NVPS 2008-9 Portfolio Project

The NVPS Portfolio Project is a nine month project that runs through May 2009. 

There are several important guidelines for this project that represent significant changes from the 2007-8 project. They are:

  • The project, unlike last year's, is not a competition. The portfolio presentation meeting on May 12th will be similar to last year's except the "judge" will not be picking winners but, rather, providing critiques. 
    • The May 12th critiques will emphasize the portfolio as a whole - more so than critiques of individual images (although there may be comments on images as appropriate to illustrate their impact on the portfolio).
    • All participants will receive equal recognition of their efforts in the form of a memento you won't want to miss.
  • Very important - since it's no longer a competition but rather a project to produce a great portfolio for your personal use and enjoyment the image age limit has been dropped. You can use any image (made by you obviously) regardless of when it was made. 
  • The portfolio size limit will be - 
    • Printed version for your personal use & for display on May 12th - no limit (guidelines 10-12 minimum & 20-25 maximum plus an artist's statement) 
    • May 12th slide show - a 12 digital slide subset of your print portfolio if you have more than 12 prints 
    • The "judge" will receive your print portfolio several weeks before the May 12th presentation meeting. The critique will be based on this version and the slide subset will serve to illustrate the larger print portfolio (if it is larger).

The schedule for the project is (all events are optional for each participant):

    • Images may be submitted to the NVPS website's portfolio gallery for informal critiques in November. How-to instructions were made available November 5th.
    • A program, "How to Choose Images for a Portfolio",  will be held at Joe Miller's studio from 1-3 Dec 6th (and repeated on the 13th if needed). Limited to portfolio project participants and by prior sign-up only.
    • A special mid-year critique will be held at Joe Miller's from 1-3 PM Saturday January 17. Images will be displayed digitally. Instructions for submitting images will be available in early January.
    • Portfolios will be critiqued at the NVPS meeting on March 31st.
    • The final printed portfolios will be collected in late-April for review by the person doing the May 12th critique.
    • The May 12th workshop will be devoted to the Portfolio Project. At this meeting each portfolio will be available in printed form for NVPS members to view and discuss with the artist. Also, each portfolio will be presented in slideshow form and a "judge" will make observations during the slideshow. This workshop was one of the highlights of the 2007-8 club year and we expect this year's slide show to be one of the best ever seen by anyone at anytime at NVPS.

Please feel free to contact the project coordinator at any time with questions and suggestions.

Ed Knepley



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