Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Education & Training
October 12th, 2010 - Workshop - Image Critique - Power of 3

On Tuesday, 12 October, the workshop will be an image critique in support of the themed competition on 19 October, "Power of 3."

NVPS is fortunate to have nearly a dozen NVACC trained judges amongst its membership, and two such members will provide feedback on images from the general membership.  Our two critics, Tom Brett and Fred Chitty, will provide critiques of up to three images from each member (time permitting).  While this critique session is scheduled so that members may get feedback for their competition images to be submitted for October's themed competition, any image may be submitted and all available time will be used to critique images.

Tom Brett is the Past President (for the 2nd year in a row) and was the NVPS President during the 2008 - 2009 camera club year.  He is a four time Photographer of the Year and recipient of  the NVPS Distinguished Service Award.  Tom has been a Board Member of NVPS for the last 11 years, serving in various positions such as the Vice President for Programs, the Vice President for Competition and Equipment Manager.

Fred Chitty has been an active amateur photographer off and on for over 25 years.  His interest in photography started in 8th grade shop class with a project to construct a pin hole camera.  As he watched the image come up in the darkroom developing tray, he was hooked for life.  His next
big opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of photography was working in the UNC-Chapel Hill photolab.  Here he spent 20 hours a week for 18 months taking every type of photo and working in the darkroom.  It was also here that his physics professor and photo lab manager told him, in 1968, that digital photography would replace film in his lifetime.  Keep in mind that 35mm SLR cameras were cutting edge technology at the time, with the Nikon F1 struggling to replace the 4x5 Speed Graflex as the newspaper photographer's preferred camera.  Slide rules were the only calculator used by students.  A highlight of his college experience was attending two lectures by Ansel Adams. 

Fred is very much an eclectic photographer, shooting nature, landscapes, portraits, macro, blacklight and travel.  While he still owns film cameras and has slide film in his freezer, he shoots with Nikon digital equipment.  His wet darkroom equipment is packed away in the attic, but his portrait studio is still in active use.  He has been fortunate, in that his career has taken him to many places around the world, but unfortunate in that many of his slides are now moldy.

Submission of Images for the Critique

Please submit your images by 6:00 pm on Monday, 11 October so that I can get the images sorted and copied onto media for Tuesday evening.  Images should be numbered in order of preference and have the photographer's name included for the critique, e.g., 1-JoeSmith.jpg, 2-JoeSmith, 3-JoeSmith.jpg.  Please size the images in accordance with the digital competition rules and email to critique@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamnvps.org.

For those who are new to the club, typical critique sessions will cover two images from all submitters and occasionally we are able to get into the 3rd round of images before running out of time.  Please number your images accordingly and do not expect that all three images will get critiqued.

Questions can be addressed to Matthew Schmidt at mgs@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamloreleistudios.com.

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