Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Education & Training
October 11th, 2011 - Workshop: Basics of Matting a Photo
In the survey sent out by the NVPS Workshop co-chairs, Dennis Govoni and Roger Lancaster, in late spring, a significant number of members  indicated an interest in learning the basics of matting a photo. Additionally, several competition judges have commented on the need to have better matting on the photos that were submitted for judging.  With this in mind, our October workshop will be on just that...The Basics of Matting a Photo.

The session will start with a general  overview of matting,  followed by a breakout into small groups, where SME's (subject matter experts) will lead members through the actual matting process. Each SME will be bringing their own matting equipment to the workshop, and each participant will have an opportunity to mat their own photo. Members are asked to bring a photo to mat, a piece of mat board,  and a piece of foam board on which to mount the photo.  The photo should be no smaller than 8 x 10; the mat board and the foam board should be 16 x 20;.  Boards of this size can be purchased at Plaza Art Supplies. They have stores around the area, including one in the Pan Am Shopping Center at Nutley Street and Lee Hwy. You can also get it at Michael's, and they have a store in the Pan Am Center as well. Archival board is recommended, but not necessary.  Mounting tape will be provided. 

Handout material on equipment and materials plus where they can be purchased will be made available.

Note: We can still use the help of more SME's for the workshop. The more we have the smaller the groups can be and the opportunity for members to have hands-on experience with matting will be enhanced. If you have matting equipment and do your own matting (you don't have to be an expert as the workshop will only deal with the very basics of matting) and you are willing to volunteer, please contact either Dennis (dngovoni at Verizon dot net) or Roger (roger at thelancasters dot us) asap.

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