Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Education & Training
November 9th, 2010 - Workshop - Creative In-Camera Techniques
On Tuesday, 9 November, the workshop will be a presentation from Ed Knepley on in-camera techniques that help to make your images more unique. You can get a preview of Ed's work at his Photo-a-Day gallery that he has been running since 2004.  

The 3-Cs (Craftsmanship, Composition and Creativity) are a foundation upon which many NVPS members have been taught to use while making images. Ed believes that there is a 4th C (Communication) that is the ultimate purpose behind making images, and he maintains a blog Photography Improvement through the 4-Cs that provides a mix of photographic techniques and post-processing workflow to help you improve your images.

According to Ed, it is unfortunate that creativity is often missing element in our images as we strive to make the world's 10,000th copy of an Ansel Adams classic. In Ed's presentation you'll learn ways to create images ranging from abstract to "arty" - but no one will say "I've seen that a million times before."

Creativity can take many forms ranging from
• Routine techniques but using unusual perspectives, angles, light, etc.
• Unusual techniques such as black light and montages as presented by Scott Musson and Matthew Schmidt in September and October.

Ed's presentation will illustrate less common techniques guaranteed to keep you busy and your viewers interested. Techniques will include:
• Selective Focus
• Deliberate Camera Motion
• Multiple Exposure
• Light Painting
• Glass & Water
• and more.

Although the emphasis will be on Creativity, since we are looking at in-camera techniques, craftsmanship topics such as lens selection and camera settings necessary to achieve the desired creative results will be addressed as well.

Ed has won numerous awards including eleven end-of-year awards during his one year of competition at NVPS. His work has been published in books, magazines and hangs in several permanent and private collections. He is a volunteer photographer for the National Park Service where his work is on display in the Shenandoah National Park's Byrd Center and is used extensively in park brochures, newsletters and websites.

Questions can be addressed to Matthew Schmidt at mgs@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamloreleistudios.com.

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