Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Education & Training
May 11th, 2010 - Workshop: Member Portfolio, Presentation and Critique
The Workshop meeting on May 11th will be the final step of this year's Portfolio Project. At the meeting Portfolios will be displayed, critiqued and discussed. In addition members will be provided an opportunity to have images reviewed and discussed informally by three other critics.

All Portfolio Project participants' will display printed Portfolios and be available to discuss them with attendees. There will be a slide show of 12 images from each of the portfolios which will be accompanied by comments by this year's critic, Sherwin Kaplan. (Sherwin, a member of the club, is one of the club's best judges. He has been the Portfolio Critic the last two years.) The critiques will emphasize the portfolio as a whole rather than comments on individual images (although, there may be comments on individual images as appropriate to illustrate their impact on the portfolio). After the critic's review all the portfolios, attendees will be able to look at and discuss individual portfolios with their makers. 

After the portfolio slideshow and while meeting attendees are viewing the printed portfolios, there will be an informal critique to support the upcoming themed competition.  (As always, images for critique will not be restricted to the theme.)  So far there are 3 volunteers to critique images--Tom Brett, Timber Gooding, and Steve Passman.  They have been kind enough to volunteer, so those of you who wish to have images critiqued, can do so. Please be respectful of their time, and bring no more than 3 images, either as prints, or loaded onto a thumb drive or CD. Each "critiquer" will have a laptop available to display digital images for their review and discussion.  (If these informal critiques do well, it is highly possible they will be held more often next year, in addition to scheduled formal critiques.  Any questions, please contact Melanie Marts, jasmarts@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamcox.net. 

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