Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Education & Training
March 29th, 2011 - Workshop: Macro and Close-Up Photography
The normal 2nd Tuesday of the month will be dedicated to the Portfolio Project critique so the Workshop will be on the 5th Tuesday this month. Join us for a "hands-on" workshop on table top macro and close-up photography presented by John Naman.

John is a retired researcher, fine technical photographer and excels at making the complex science of photography simple. He has a PhD and has taught at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Maryland. Those experiences have given him the ability to create examples that thoroughly demonstrate the concepts that he is teaching, in easy to understand steps that can be followed again and again until they become second nature.

John believes in taking simple approaches to seemingly complicated projects. He is an avid Do-It-Yourself photographer and will demonstrate table-top techniques including converting a couple of sheets of copier paper into a light tent for use with continuous lights or flashes. His techniques provide that beautiful wrap around lighting and a seamless background that are commonly used in product photography.

Bring your cameras, close-up or macro lenses and tripods. Bring a coin or small object if you want to practice on something that you have already had trouble with, or just want to shoot. We will have experienced photographers manning stations for taking photographs of some miniatures and small items.

Questions can be directed to Matthew Schmidt at mgs@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamloreleistudios.com.

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