Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Education & Training
December 14th, 2010 - Workshop : Techniques for Improving Your Portraits with Fred Chitty
Join us on Tuesday, 14 December when Fred Chitty will present a workshop on how to take better portraits.  Fred will demonstrate portrait posing, choice of wardrobe and the differences between hard and soft portrait lighting.  Fred will discuss photographic key as well as using fill flash for taking better portraits.  Fred will be demonstrating a subset of the techniques live, using a model with studio lights.  Some of the demonstrations that he has planned include background lighting, gelling lights, the use of reflectors to improve shadow detail and camera setup.

It was in an 8th grade shop class where Fred made his first print from a pin-hole camera that made himself.  From that point he was hooked on the idea of watching the print develop in the darkroom.  He continued that fascination in college at UNC Chapel Hill, working in the University photo lab for two of his college years.  A highlight of his college photographic career was attending two lectures by Ansel Adams.  He has shot with various camera types and manufacturers including medium format, 4x5 and 35mm SLRs.  He no longer develops his own film, but processes digitally using Adobe Lightroom.

Today Fred shoots with Nikon DSLRs using a wide range of subject matter, such as family portraits, landscapes, nature/wildlife, abstracts and macro photography.  His home portrait studio is still in active use.

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