Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Education & Training
Apr 14th, 2009 - NVPS Workshop: Critique Night
On Tuesday, April 14th, a critique night is scheduled, the last one for this club year. It is designed to give constructive feedback on your images. Generally critiques are held the same months as themed competitions. The April competition is architecture/cityscape. Members are encouraged to submit architectural/cityscape style images, but it is certainly not a requirement.

For this critique, there will be several judges, who will vote on the images, and give feedback. Please email your competition sized images to prosserwm@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamaol.com, no later than Sunday, April 12th. You are allowed to submit up to 3 digital images, in order of priority, in case we run out of time. Please label your images with a number 1, 2, or 3 to indicate priority and your last name. Example: 1-Marts. For those who wish to submit prints, the same guidelines apply. You may submit up to 3 prints or slides, in order of priority, at the appropriate table before the meeting. Label them the same way as you would for competition.

If there are questions, please email the Workshop Committee members: Bill Prosser, Melanie Marts, and Ed Ruggiero. Addresses: prosserwm "at" aol.com, jasmarts "at" cox.net, and eruggiero "at" cox.net.

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