Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
September 7th, 2010 - Program: Alex Mody "A Journey through Nature"
Please join us for our first Program of the new year with an emerging talent in nature photography, nineteen-year old Alex Mody--winner of the Nature's Best Windland Smith Rice International 2009 Youth Photographer of the Year Award!  Alex specializes in landscape and wildlife photography.  His nature images have been featured in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Nature's Best Photography Magazine, Elan Magazine, and as well as on a number of websites including Discovery Channel.com and MSNBC.com.  In addition, Alex has written a numerous articles for NatureScapes.net, BetterPhoto.com and the Singh-Ray Filters blog. Originally from Vienna, VA, Alex is moving in a few weeks to damp and beautiful Olympia, Washington, where he attends Evergreen State College.

Alex will be speaking about his photographic journey thus far, and will show many his favorite images in his portfolio, including both landscape and wildlife photographs taken throughout his travels through North America.  Alex will discuss his photographic vision, composition, creative techniques, equipment, etc.  Alex will be our guest for dinner at Chili's prior to the Program at 5:45 pm, so please RSVP to mary.m.o'neill@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamgsk.com if you're able to join us for dinner.

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