Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
October 6th, 2009 - Program: "From Ordinary to Extraordinary" Molly Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem
A camera is perceived to be a recording device. It generally records a realistic representation of what we see with our eyes. But it can also be an artistic tool, interpreting the world from the very large and sweeping to the very small and overlooked. Both ways of recording the world around us have their benefits. Each photographer, at various times and depending on circumstances, might use both techniques to create the desired effect. For example, when photographing in a garden, one might choose first to capture an image that shows a complete bloom on its stem, then move in for a closer macro shot showing just color and line. Each view is valid, and each can be framed in a way that makes the finished image artistic. This program will explore what makes an image appealing, creative, beautiful to look at. It will cover a wide variety of subjects including macro flowers, landscapes, and animals and insects. Mollie and Mary will cover simple but powerful techniques and provide solid tips on how you can take your work from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Please join us for an inspirational program, and if you'd like to attend dinner at Chili's at 6 PM prior to the lecture, please rsvp to mary.m.o'neill@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamgsk.com.

Speakers bios: 

Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem founded Awake The Light Photo Tours and Workshops because of their love of teaching photography. Mollie's background is in portraits, abstracts, landscapes and macro, while Mary's expertise is in nature, wildlife, big game, and macro. Combined, they provide an interesting mix of talents and skills. 

MOLLIE is a professional photographer and experienced teacher. She has studied with Ansel Adams, Joyce Tenneson, and others. She has won the "Oscar" of photography, the coveted Kodak Gallery Award, fourteen times. Several of her award-winning photographs have been exhibited at Epcot Center in Disney World, and her work is in the Permanent Collection of the International Photography Hall of Fame. She believes that a great photograph fully expresses what the photographer feels about what is being photographed, and therefore is a true indicator of what one feels about life. She believes that photography is one way to achieve an ultimate happiness and faith, and a oneness with the world. 

MARY has been a full-time freelance photographer for the past two decades following a career in education that encompassed teaching photography at the college level. Since the onset of the digital revolution, she has taught Photoshop to a variety of groups and professional photographic organizations in Virginia, North Carolina, California, Colorado and Costa Rica. Her fine art photography has been shown in several galleries and appears in books and magazines including On Safari by David Anderson. She believes that the attainment of knowledge alone is valueless unless or until it is shared with others. She has dedicated her career to photography and to teaching. However, photography is not merely Mary's career, it is the voice of her soul. It is her passion. It is through the medium of photography that she most clearly communicates her intense appreciation of and love for the beauty this world has to offer. 

A special note from Molly and Mary to our NVPS Members:
As our thank-you for allowing us to speak to NVPS, we would like to offer a special discount to members who sign up for any of our 2010 tours. Members will receive a $100 discount off each tour they take in 2010. This discount is in immediate effect, and in order to qualify for the discount, all a member has to do is let us know of their club membership when they register for a tour. This discount will be in effect until 3 months prior to the start of any tour. Also, we'd like to have a drawing on the evening of our presentation for some free gifts that we find very helpful in our photography. Things like quality lens cleaning cloths, blower brushes, etc., plus an official Awake The Light t-shirt. We look forward to seeing you! Molly and Mary

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