Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Nov 4th, 2008 - Program Night with Don Johnson: Zoo Photography

Over the years, Don Johnson has had a number of his photographs published. In February 1997, Popular Photography, billed as "the world's largest imaging magazine," selected one of his photographs for their "Your Best Shot" column. He has also produced cover photographs for The AOPA Pilot magazine and Ballooning: The Journal of the Ballooning Federation of America. In addition, Mr. Johnson had three of his images published in the fall 2006 issue of Nature's Best magazine, one of which appeared on the cover of the issue. Another photograph in the issue was selected as the top "Zoo and Aquarium" photograph of the year. Two of his images from the magazine, including the winning "Zoo and Aquarium" image, were displayed at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History.

Mr. Johnson is a past President and an active member of the Gaithersburg Camera Club, located in Gaithersburg, Maryland, as well as a former President and current member of the Frederick Camera Clique, a photography club located in Frederick Maryland. He is also a member of the Friends of the National Zoo (FONZ) Photography Club.

Don Johnson has photographed in over 45 zoos in North America. In his talk on "Zoo Photography", Don will discuss how to produce wonderful animal images by simply going to the zoo -- a great place for a photographer. Don will also discuss options for photographing through glass, through a fence, and how to use a flash in a zoo setting, when appropriate. He will also tell some interesting stories about the animals that he has photographed in a captured setting, while detailing how he captured a number of his images. Don's work can be viewed on his web site: www.sunspotimages.com.
Don will be joining interested members for dinner at 6:00 pm at Chili's--if you're planning to attend, please rsvp to Mary at mary.m.o'neill "at" gsk.com.

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