The Portfolio Project is a nine month project starting in September and running through May 2013.  All club members of all skill levels are encouraged to participate in this project.  A Portfolio may include some images already taken, but primarily new images taken over the program year.  The goal of the portfolio project is to conceive a theme, craft an artist statement, capture the images and the present them as a portfolio.  This article is devoted to encouraging members who may be interested in participating this program year to start thinking about portfolio topics, possibly several, and to start shooting this summer.

Your goal is to create a portfolio of your best images, primarily collected from June 2012 to May 2013, that exemplify the objectives of your theme and Artist’s Statement.  These should be images you would be proud to share with others for years to come.  The beginning stages of the project entail picking a theme or concept and writing an Artist’s Statement.  In the “Artist’s Statement” the photographer explains what he or she is trying to accomplish with the project.  (See for more details about what should and should not be in an Artist’s Statement).

In the beginning stages of determining a theme, some members have worked on several themes at the same time.  As time passed and their images piled up, they began to become more comfortable with one subject over others.  You too may follow this model in your project.  It is helpful to write an Artist Statement for all potential portfolio themes.  The NVPS web-site contains numerous articles in the “Portfolio Project” link under Club Activities on the main page.  This year’s coordinators are Ginger Werz-Petricka (vze39dgt “at” and Ken Barnett (ken.barnett “at”  If you have questions or need help with your portfolio, feel free to contact us at portfolio “at”
Need inspiration?  Be sure and visit the Photo Gallery and see the truly impressive portfolio projects from years past.

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