Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Portfolio Project
April 04th, 2010 - NVPS 2009-10 Portfolio Project Update
NVPS 2009-10 Portfolio Project Update Looks like there's starting to be lots of action in the NVPS portfolio gallery. Lots of people are updating their portfolios, making changes and adding new shots. Things are starting to look pretty good as people are iterating through their portfolio and trying to improve what they have by shooting new images to replace the weaker images and images that don't support their artist statement. Don't forget about the key dates to keep in mind for the portfolio project:
The May 11th critiques will emphasize the portfolio as a whole - more so than critiques of the individual images (although there may be comments on images as appropriate to illustrate their impact on the portfolio). There will be a display of all the participants' printed Portfolios, an opportunity for attendees to discuss the portfolios with their makers, and a slide show, discussed below, accompanied by comments by this year's critquer, Sherwin Kaplan. (Sherwin, a member of the club, is one of the club's best judges. He has reviewed and discussed the portfolios the last two years.) Turn in your Slide Show Portfolio
Email your Slide Show Portfolio to Scott Musson (nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*">scottmusson@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(* no later than April 27. You will get a confirmation email that I've recieved your portfolio. If you do not get a confirmation, please follow up to be sure I have reiceved it.
The final printed portfolios will not be collected, but each participant will be required to bring their printed Portfolio the May 11th meeting. In summary, the May 11th workshop will be devoted entirely to the Portfolio Project. At this meeting each portfolio will be available in printed form for NVPS members to view and discuss with the artist. Also, each portfolio will be presented in slideshow form and Sherwin Kaplan will make observations during the slideshow about each and all portfolios. Please feel free to contact the project coordinators at any time with
questions and suggestions. Sherwin Kaplan's Notes for March 30th, 2010 Portfolio Meeting
The following were items that Sherwin Kaplin, our esteemed critique for the portfolio project discussed at the NVPS meeting on March 30th, 2010.
Getting access to the NVPS Portfolio Photo Gallery
To get access to the NVPS Portfolio Gallery send your NVPS Gallery user id
to Scott Musson
nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*">scottmusson@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(* (I don't need your password).
When you do, I'll give you access to see the other portfolios and create a place
for your portfolio to be uploaded. I'll also provide you rights to comment on others portfolios
send you instructions on how to upload images to your new folder. If you need help in any way, just let me know. I would also be happy to upload your images for you, just email them to me and name them including a number so I know what order you would like them to appear. Your first image in your gallery should be your artist statement, just paste the text of your artist statement into an empty image. This is very important since people will be critiquing your portfolio based on your artist statement. This is one of the reasons why it's important to develop your artist statement first. Remember you can send your artist statement to Bill or Scott for feed back if you like. Useful links
The NVPS Photo Gallery NVPS Portfolio Project Photo Gallery The NVPS Portfolio Project Web Site If you have questions or need help with your portfolio, feel free to ask Scott Musson or Bill Prosser your Portfolio Coordinators. Scott Musson nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*">scottmusson@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(* 703-278-2828 Bill Prosser nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*">prosserwm@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(* 703-821-2670 Happy shooting! Scott and Bill |
©2012 Northern Virginia Photographic Society. All rights reserved.
![]() No reproductions or representation of any material appearing on these pages may be made without written approval of the Society. All photographs on this site are copyrighted by each individual maker and may not be used without their approval. For questions about or to report problems with this website contact the website admin. |