Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
November 6th, 2012: Program Night with Speaker Susan Bloom
Thumbnail image for Love poem collagesmall.jpgPlease join us on the 6th for a presentation entitled "Interpretations" by Susan Bloom.  In this presentation, Susan will show her work and its relationship to the arts in general, sources of inspiration and creativity, and how we might make more meaningful images.

Susan Ruddick Bloom is known for her fine art photography. She uses alternative photographic processes and digital manipulation. Sue has been involved in making art on the computer for over twenty-seven years. She holds a BFA and a MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art. She is Professor and Chair of the Department of Art and Art History at McDaniel College, in Westminster, Maryland.

In addition to her college and workshop teaching and exhibitions Sue leads photo tours throughout the world.

Sue's book, Digital Collage and Painting, by Focal Press, was released in 2006, and has been translated into Chinese and Russian. This 608 page book is seen as the Bible for digital collage and painting manipulation and is used as a text in college's with a digital fine art curriculum. A second, revised version of that book, was released in October 2010. Sue's is also the author of  Digital Painting in Photoshop ( 2009).

She is part of a four person show traveling throughout the US for over a year. The show is all infrared photography and contains over 100 images.   Sue writes articles for leading photography magazines including Shutterbug and After Capture. She is a regular contributor to Australia's Better Photoshop Techniques. She conducts live webinars. Her work may be viewed at www.suebloom.com.

Members are invited to Join Susan for dinner before the meeting at 5:30 pm at the Olive Garden Restaurant, 8133 Leesburg Pike, in Tysons Corner. 

Please RSVP to tomburden@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamme.com if you plan to come for dinner.

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