Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Member's Gallery and Forum
May 26th, 2009 - Members Gallery: Prints by Davis Balderston by Digital Projection by Farzin Emami
Members Gallery on May 26h will include Prints by Davis Balderston & Digital Projection by Farzin Emami. Join us for their presentations immediately followed by May's Forum presentation. The following are the biographies of the members presenting on May 26th:

Davis Balderston is a former government employee who has had time for photography since retiring late in 2004.  In September, 2005, he started classes at Photoworks, which is part of Glen Echo Park in Glen Echo, Maryland.  Most of his work there has been with Mark Power, who was in the Corcoran's photography department. for 27 years.  He has also studied with Eliot Cohen, who teaches at Photoworks and the Smithsonian.  In October, 2008, 24 of his photographs exhibited at the Arlington Central Library.  In May, 2009, five of his photographs will be part of the exhibition "Across The Pond", at  the Beyond The Image Gallery in Norwich, England.
Davis moved to the Washington, D.C. area in 1972.  Since 1990, he has lived in Arlington, Virginia, a close-in suburb of Washington.  One of his photographic interests has been Arlington, an older suburb that has been changing rapidly over the past decade or so.  He has also been drawn to what he calls semi-abstract nature photography.
He finds that digital photography fits his personality and photographic interests well.  He likes working in color, and digital technology gives him control over the printing process that he would not have with film.  Also, digital photography lets him work almost immediately with what the camera has captured, which he thinks helps improve the quality of his work.  The fast feedback possible with digital photography certainly helps reduce the frustrations and delays that go with working with film.

Farzin Emami began photographing with a Kodak 110 Film Camera when he was 10 years old and continued with film photography for a number of years. After giving up photography for a while, he resumed it  a few years ago with a digital SLR (D70) and attended Wayne Wolfersberger's classes. He now uses a Nikon D300.

Farzin has been a member of NVPS since 2006. A few of his images have been shown at the Meadowlark Exhibit in the last couple of years. He loves nature photography, especially landscapes.

Farzin is a system analyst/enterprise architect and works for SWIFT in Northern Virginia. He moved to Canada from Iran in 1995 and then moved to the US in 2000. This year he had the opportunity to return to Iran and visit Dasht-e Kavir and Kavir-e-loot in the middle and south of the country. He will show a few pictures of his trip during his presentation.

Farzin would like to have his own website eventually but for the moment he would rather be out in the field taking pictures.

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