Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Member's Gallery and Forum
May 24th, 2011 - Members Gallery with prints by Roger Lancaster &
Members Gallery on May 24th, 2011 will include Prints by Roger Lancaster and Digital Projection by Dan Ward.  Join us for their presentations immediately followed by May's Forum presentation. 

The following are the biographies of the members presenting on May 24th, 2011:

Roger Lancaster - Prints Presentation

Roger has been a member of NVPS since February 2009 and enjoys both the educational and camaraderie aspects of the club. He is humbled by the many extremely skilled photographers he has met in the club and aspires to be as good as they are, although he may not live that long!

A native of British Columbia, Canada, Roger's early photographic experience was very much influenced by his grandfather who was a photo journalist for a small town newspaper and took countless photos of Roger as a young boy.  Roger's first camera was a gift from his grandfather; an old Kodak box camera.  As a young adult he was given a Pentax 35 mm model, and relished time in the darkroom of his neighbor, although the results of his work were less than stellar.  The raising of 2 kids limited his photography to the typical shots a proud parent takes at concerts, soccer games, and trips to amusement parks. 

Late in his career as an association executive, he purchased a Sony Mavica camera with a 0.3meg sensor, where images were shot and stored on 3 inch disks (you could get 10 images on a disk). The first attempts at digital photography really grabbed his attention, especially with the realization that you could take as many photos as you wanted to, and it didn't cost you a cent to get them developed!  In fact, the biggest obstacle he had to overcome in his initial attempts at digital was the hesitation in taking a lot of photos... a throwback to predigital days when you had to make absolutely sure you got the perfect shot...after all, the cost of film and the cost of processing was pretty high!

Now hooked on digital, he then purchased a Canon Powershoot 3meg point and shoot camera, then a 5meg Canon point and shoot...and finding he was really hooked, switched teams  to Nikon and bought a D70, his first DSLR camera.  That camera is now used by his daughter and her family, and he now shoots with a Nikon D300. He loves his 18-200 Nikkor lens, but you can also find in his kit a 50mm 1.8, a 70-200 2.8, and a Sigma 10-20. Recently he purchased a 28-85 Nikkor lens for $25 at a yard sale and ran away as fast as he could before the seller realized that he had just given it away!

Roger considers himself an eclectic photographer, telling people that he shoots whatever strikes his interest at the time...although he admits that a well-shaped tree or a scenic landscape during a sunrise will grab his attention every time.  Retirement in 2008 has brought him the time to pursue the hobby he loves. He tries to get out on shoots at least once a week, and if he doesn't , his family makes plans for an intervention.  His plans in the near future include Twin Falls State Park in West Virginia  and the annual family summer trek to Surfside Beach SC with a side trip to Huntington Beach State Park just down the road from the beach. 

During his time in the club he has enjoyed the competitions immensely and was honored to be Novice Monochrome Photographer of the Year last year, while one of his photos won Novice Color Print of the Year and another won Honorable Mention in the Best of Year Enhanced Photo category.  He has also had photos juried into the Nature Vision Expo and the new Meadowlark Photo Exhibition,  which is part of the Foto DC contest.

While he sees in the monthly Members' Gallery absolutely marvelous works of art , he is both humbled and  honored to be able to show you the results of his work. Please enjoy!

Dan Ward - Digital Presentation

Dan Ward uses photography in an effort to capture images that touch people by capturing decisive moments of intense emotions such as love, joy, sorrow and contemplation.  He began his photography career as the head photographer for his high school newspaper over 40 years ago and honed his visual skill while traveling the world as a trumpet player in the US Navy jazz band, the Ambassadors and the US Navy Rock Band, Fly in the Soup.  He polished his skills in photography classes at the University of North Texas and has continued developing his eye while working as a human capital executive and people strategy consultant.  After moving to northern Virginia in 2003, he became active in the Loudoun Photo Club and shifted his membership to NVPS in 2010.
Dan shot medium format and 35mm until he began the migration to digital in 2001.  His first love is street photography, although he also has a passion for nature photography.  He is a confirmed Nikonoholic and currently uses a D7000 as his primary camera, although he occasionally uses a Holga "to keep from becoming too dependent on technology."  
Dan has received awards in a variety of photography shows including the Ellipse Gallery's "Best Photos of the Last 75 Years," Claude Moore Nature Photo Expos, Nature's Vision 2010, several Meadowlark Nature Photo Expos (Kodak Sponsor's Choice award 2006), On Your Own Time art shows in Dallas (People's Choice Awards in 2004 and 2006) and various community art shows in Virginia, Texas, Connecticut and Arizona.  His astrophotos have been published in Sky & Telescope and Astronomy magazines as well as David Levy's bestseller, The Sky.

For the past four years, he has been involved in "phoetry" - a process of combining photos with poetry in a way that integrates the two mediums so that the end result is greater than the sum of the parts, and not just simply an annotated photo or illustrated poem.  He is the co-author of two phoetry collections published by Blurb books, Emerge and Plane of Life.  The Atrium Gallery in McLean featured a show of his most recent phoetry collaboration in the fall of 2010.  Samples of his work are available on line at http://danlward.com/ 

Dan's presentation tonight is on "Phoetry."  He will show a few examples of the evolution of the process and include recent works.

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