Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Member's Gallery and Forum
May 22nd, 2012 - Forum: Abstracting & Visual Design: Visualizing the Simplest Form with Matthew G. Schmidt
If you've ever wondered why a photographer chose a specific vantage point to create a photograph, this presentation is for you.  Join us as we review some photographs created by icons of the photographic community, and discuss how aspects of visual design apply to those images.  We'll review the principles of visual design, the building blocks and some of the psychology of those building blocks.

After the review, we'll look at Matt's abstractions to a simple form of the photographs, and how that abstract view contributes to the strength of the image.  Matt's abstractions are based on principles taught in painting and drawing to create the proper proportions and shape.  For many of us, this is a completely different way of viewing the world, where a literal interpretation is no longer required.  This can strengthen your ability to create abstract images, as well as your literal interpretations.

Matt is a computer professional and amateur photographer with a wide variety of photographic interests.  During the winter months he often shoots indoors, mostly macro and still life, while in warmer months he shoots outdoors, enjoying landscapes, action and motorsports.  Over the last several years he has been developing his skills with more artistic photographic interpretations, incorporating panning, multiple exposures and montages into his portfolio.

Even though he works in a technical position, he has taken a great interest in art, studying the masters in painting and photography.  He has begun to apply those interpretations, compositional and lighting techniques to his photography.

Matt is an active member of NVPS and has been a board member for five of the last six years.  He has been the Digital Competition Coordinator, PSA Rep, Co-VP for Competition and the Workshops, Education and Training Coordinator. Matt is a PSA member and has attended the PSA Image Analysis course.

You can reach Matt at: mgs@nospam!#*&^#)type address - don't copy spam protection(*@.@nospamloreleistudios.com.

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