Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Member's Gallery and Forum
January 25, 2011 - Members Gallery and Forum: Portfolio Night
The fourth Tuesday of January will be dedicated to the Portfolio Project. (For anyone unfamiliar with this club activity, please see http://nvps.org/main/meetings/portfolio/.) During the normal Members Gallery digital slide section we will present past digital portfolios by Scott Musson, Bill Prosser, and Paul Simmons. They will discuss lessons learned in preparing their portfolios and Artist Statements. The Members Gallery printed section will provide you with a chance to look at a number of portfolios prepared over the last three years. The portfolios on display will exhibit a number of different modes of printed presentation styles. 
The Forum session will include presentations by Sherwin Kaplan and Scott Musson. Sherwin judged/critiqued all the portfolios over the last three years. He will discuss his insights about what goes into a good Artist Statement and Portfolio. He also will talk about how he "judges" a single portfolio image and an entire portfolio. Scott will give a brief digital slide show and discuss his research on various means to prepare and present a printed portfolio. 
Scott Musson, Bill Prosser, Paul Simmons

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