Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Member's Gallery and Forum
February 23rd, 2010 - Members Gallery: Prints by Kent Mason, Digital by Yulan Guo
Members Gallery on February 23rd. 2010 will include Prints by Kent Mason and Digital Projection by Yulan Guo.  Join us for their presentations immediately followed by February's Forum presentation

The following are the biographies of the members presenting on February 23rd:

Kent Mason
Kent Mason is a landscape & nature photographer and conservationist. Using his photography skills, he is currently creating a environmental study of the extraordinary wild places in the highlands of West Virginia. This collaborative effort with The Nature Conservancy will ultimately result in a book titled the West Virginia Wilderness: A Photographic Study and Conservation View.
Kent has been involved in photography for well over 25 years, teaching Visual Design classes for the past 10 years and facilitating a Body of Work workshop for advanced photographers. He sells fine art landscape photography, has displayed his work in such places as the National Wildlife Federation headquarters, has had images published in calendars and Nature's Best magazine, and often has had images published on the TNC international website and in many of their publications. Kent leads photo tours in the West Virginia highlands where he lives six months of the year. He is proud that the 4 internet books he's created for The Nature Conservancy have been helpful in their conservation efforts. A large collection of his images can be seen at www.wvphotographs.com.

Kent is a returning member to NVPS (was a member about 15 years ago). He worked as a professional wedding photographer for 12 years but migrated to conservation photography 8 years ago. After many years of shooting medium-format film photography, he switched to full frame digital when the Canon 5D emerged on the market. Currently he uses a Canon 5D Mark II for landscapes and is upgrading to a Canon 7D from a Canon 50D for wildlife. Kent does not have a favorite lens, but rather uses a large selection of Pro lenses to maximize his output on any shoot.

After 30 years in various police and correctional management positions, Kent retired as Deputy Director of the Department of Corrections in Montgomery Co., Maryland. He is married with 3 adult children and 7 grandchildren. His goal is clear: to assist West Virginia Nature Conservancy protect wilderness through photography.

Yulan Guo
Yulan attributes her interest in photography to her father. She remembers him taking most of the family photos. At a young age she also remembers accompanying him to the darkroom at his office; she was fascinated to see her image appear on a piece of wet paper. When she was 8 years old, she received a German "toy camera" as a present from her aunt. Yulan had a lot of fun playing with it and taking photos of her friends and her sister. She learned how to develop film and prints in the darkroom at her middle school photo lab. 

In 1986, Yulan left China to pursue graduate studies at the George Washington University in the United States. She bought herself a camera and sent home many photos of her life in the States. In 2002 she used her first digital camera to capture web images for a local web business; she also used it when leading travel groups in China and Japan. In July 2007 Yulan bought herself a DSLR camera--a Nikon D80. At this point she started to become more passionate and serious about photography.

Yulan connects with nature photography--taking time to smell the roses and listen to birds sing. She enjoys travel photography, especially to her homeland of China, where she takes pleasure in her role as cross-cultural ambassador. Yulan feels these photography trips promote not only people-to-people connections but also document the rapidly changing history of this ancient civilization. 

Currently she is learning about micro/close-up photography as well as fine art photography. Yulan joined NVPS in September 2008 and has taken several photography classes and field trips with Corey Hilz, Joshua Tailor and Joe Rossbach. The delight of photography has enriched her life and enlarged her circle of friends. She appreciates this gift and wholeheartedly embraces the joy it brings. 

Yulan will be presenting two Galleries of approximately 40 images each. The first explores The Great Wall near Beijing and the second delves into the many Variations of Flowers.

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