Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
Member's Gallery and Forum
April 27th, 2010 - Forum: "Progression of a Staff Photographer" with Anna Gomez
Anna Gomez bought her first camera, a Kodak Instamatic, when she was 13 years old. As an art student, she viewed the camera as another way to express her creativity. At 19, her father brought her back a Canon from a business trip to Japan, and her father-in-law taught her some basics about aperture and shutter speed good exposure. Next in line-a Nikon, which was given up for a nice automatic-focus zoom Olympus after her daughter was born. She wanted to capture those special moments lost during focusing. In 2005 she bought her first hi-end point and shoot digital; once again an Olympus. Then, back to a DSLR in 2007. The Nikon D200 and the switch to digital opened the door to becoming the Staff Photographer for her employer in 2008. 

Anna enjoys shooting many different subjects, from landscapes to abstracts.  

Anna is a member of the NVPS (Northern Virginia Photographic Society), and has won numerous awards from the club, including 1st place at the End of the Year Banquet (2008-2009) for the Enhanced Print category. Anna was also juried into the Meadowlark Show in 2009.
Forum Subject:  
Grateful for the opportunity to fill the position of Staff Photographer in mid 2008, I accepted the challenge while shaking in my boots and asking myself "What was I doing not having had this type of photographic experience or equipment?" My boss, having faith in my ability, was not really aware of the limitations I faced compared to the pro's they usually hired. Oh my, was I now considered a "professional" photographer?

The photography was always outsourced to professional photographers, using an arsenal of professional equipment. The position has been immeasurable as a photographic learning experience for corporate, event and portrait photography, using less than optimal equipment. 

My first "job" was our largest and most important conference of the year... I managed to keep my job and continue to learn and improve. The presentation will include typical photographs taken for conferences, events, Senate hearings, and employee portraits for a number of uses.

The Forum will be presented after the Members Gallery Presentation on Tuesday April 27h 2010.

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