Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
May 4th, 2010 - General Membership Vote on Changes to the NVPS Constitution and Bylaws
Our President, Sandi Croan, appointed a special committee to review the size and structure of the NVPS Board for optimal efficiency, and to generally review our Bylaws and Constitution for any necessary updates.  The committee (Mary O'Neill, Fred Chitty, John Quigley, Bill Prosser, Sandi Croan) made their recommendations for changes to the Bylaws and Constitution to the Board, who approved the recommendations on April 6 for submission to the General Membership.  Our general membership will now vote on these recommendations on May 4.  The recommendations focus primarily on consolidating a few Board positions, and then allowing for up to 5 additional Board appointments as needed for each term.  We also made recommendations for the disposition of club assets in the event of an unlikely dissolution, and made minor suggestions for changes in terminology.  I've attached the proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws as well as a summary of those proposed changes for your review prior to the vote.  Please let me know if you have any questions about these recommendations.  Thank you.  Mary O'Neill, VP Programs

A link to a PDF is provided below to describe the summary of proposed changes: SUMMARY_OF_RECOMMENDED_CHANGES_TO_NVPS_CONSTITUTION_4_6_10.pdf

A link to a PDF is provided below to the proposed updated NVPS Constitution & By-Laws: NVPSproposedConstitutionchanges_revised_04-07-10.pdf

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