Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Promoting the enjoyment, mastery, & furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, & good fellowship!
March 13th, 2012 - Corey Hilz: Image Editing Concepts and Techniques
Processing our photos is an important step towards making our images look their best. In this workshop Corey Hilz will demonstrate his workflow for making image adjustments. He'll discuss how he evaluates a photo and decides what adjustments to make. These adjustments will range from global to local and Corey will explain how he chooses which parts of an image to target with selective adjustments. This workshop will not focus on how to use a particular image editing application. Instead the emphasis will be placed on assessing what adjustments will benefit the image. It's important to focus on the changes that will bring out the best in the subject. What you can do to highlight, emphasize, or otherwise promote the subject or key elements in a scene? This isn't always achieved making changes to the subject itself. It may be changes to the background or secondary elements that help put attention on the subject. You'll be able to take the concepts discussed in the workshop and apply them using the tools available in your image editing application. Feel free to bring your laptop, after the presentation there will be time for you to practice with your own photos and Corey will be available to answer questions.

Corey Hilz is a professional photographer specializing in nature and travel photography. He is a published author and his work is seen in magazines, books and calendars, as well as in art galleries. Corey finds the diversity in nature and cultures around the world offer boundless opportunities for new images. He approaches his subjects with an artistic eye, looking for a fresh perspective. Corey has a passion for helping others improve their photography by sharing his knowledge through group and private instruction. He leads workshops to locations in the United States and abroad, plus offers photo classes and software training in the Washington DC area. Corey is recognized as a Lensbaby Guru, and authored the first book dedicated to Lensbabies, titled Lensbaby: Bending Your Perspective. His most recent books focus on digital workflow with Photoshop and Aperture. Find out more on Corey's website: coreyhilz.com

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