Welcome to the NVPS’s 46th year! I hope you all had a terrific summer, survived this unusually hot weather and had the opportunity to take many great photos.
I am looking forward to seeing you all again and welcoming new members. We have many continuing and new volunteers as well as a terrific new board of both experienced and new members who have been all been working hard this summer lining up field trips, exhibitions, speakers, educational trainings/workshops, judges and our own members for nine months of learning and camaraderie.
We will also be introducing some new initiatives in September (Welcome Committee and the Member Resource Program). NatureVisions or MANPE (formerly Meadowlark) will be a huge photography event of the area camera clubs taking place at a beautiful new venue on November 13th and 14th. John Quigley (Exhibits Coordinator), our NVPS point person and Yulan Guo, Trinka Reddie and Angelique Raptakis have been working for many, many months on what will be our biggest event of the year. There will be many separate articles on these including one from John later in this issue of FotoFax. Many thanks to all those that worked or are working to make these visions come to fruition.
We had our transition (old board and new board) meeting on July 18th followed by a pot luck barbecue at my house. A great time was had by all. Minutes of the board meeting will be available on the website.
Some changes were made last year to NVPS that I hope will enhance the membership experience.
1) Competition rules were revamped - please read the new rules carefully before entering the September competition. Direct any questions to Bob or Willa Friedman. Please remember the two year rule (photograph must have been captured within 2 years of the competition date) when choosing images to submit.
2) Vice President of Operations is a new elected position on the board. Brian Payne will be serving in this capacity and will be responsible for the operations (facilities, equipment and technical) of our weekly meetings. He will need volunteers to help with lights, sound and other functions. This is a big job – please be sure to thank him and give him any help he needs.
3) Member Support - acknowledges member and/or family illnesses, deaths, and other life-changing events. Please let Gayle Dennis (Membership) and myself know of any members or families in need of acknowledgement.
On a very sad note we lost two of our members this summer. Our deepest condolences go to the families of Chip Clark and Ed Schwarz. Chip passed away very suddenly in his sleep and Ed had been hospitalized for several months with an infection.
The new Welcome Committee spearheaded by Gayle Dennis will help new members acclimate to the club and feel welcomed. The Workshops, Education and Training Coordinator Matthew Schmidt will oversee the new Members Resource Program that was conceived by and will be run by Tuan Pham and Melanie Marts. You will be hearing a lot more about these two new programs in this issue and on the website. Both of these new programs will require a lot of volunteers so please help out where you can.
Jeff Namadan has joined with Scott Musson to make the NVPS website the best site around. They have all kinds of new ideas. Please check the website often for new content and take advantage of the myriad of opportunities to submit articles, photos, your achievements, etc.
OK, VERY IMPORTANT – COFFEE and COOKIES. Curtis Gibbens with help from Beth Morrison made coffee and tea for us 2-3 times per month. Tom Brett and others brought cookies and snacks. We are looking for a new coffee person to make coffee 2-3 times per month (excluding competition night). We have the coffee maker and donations pay for the coffee. It is just a matter of bringing the coffee maker and supplies and making it. Many people take advantage of this nice service so please, I need 1 volunteer to keep it going. Email me please or see me at the first meeting. We don’t have a formal structure for cookies/snacks – we just rely on folks to bring things when they think of it. Please consider making cookies or buying some at the store when you do your normal shopping and surprise us!
I want to personally thank the old and new boards, folks in the other volunteer positions, and the chair people and members of new committees for agreeing to serve. It takes a village to make NVPS the largest, most active, and respected club in Northern Virginia. We have a very talented and terrific membership and I am grateful for all of your time and support.
Tuesday, September 7 will be our first meeting of NVPS. I look forward to seeing you all and welcome your feedback and ideas throughout the year. It is going to be a fantastic year – I can feel it!
Sandi Croan
First the good news. The NVPS Board voted to keep dues at their current level, $45 for individuals and $65 for family membership. Dues can be paid of the NVPS web site using PayPal, or by check or cash at the NVPS meetings. Please give your dues payment to Gayle Dennis, our membership chairperson.
In summary, financially, it was a great year for NVPS. This was due to the board members staying close to budget, coupled by a record year with 286 members. NVPS income exceeded expenses by $1,158.17 or 11.7%. This amount has been added to our capital reserve balance.
NVPS expenses last year totaled $9,860 as follows; meeting facility rental - $4,875, Competitions - $2,168 (judge honorarium, judge meals, ribbons, trophies, etc), Programs - $675, Equipment purchase - $748, EOY Banquet - $672, Exhibits - $234, Workshops - $150, Insurance - $200, Misc & membership - $139.
For our upcoming year our budgeted expenses total $9,260 as follows; meeting facility rental - $4,875, Competitions - $1,900 (judge honorarium, judge meals, ribbons, trophies, etc), Programs - $800, EOY Banquet - $500, Exhibits - $250, Workshops - $250, Insurance - $200, Web & host server - $200, Misc & membership - $285.
Fred Chitty
At the meeting on July 18, 2010, the Board approved a new service program to begin in September. It is called the Members’ Resource Program and its details are as follows:
The Members’ Resource Program is designed to engage the more experienced members of NVPS by encouraging them to share their knowledge with other club members. The program will provide ongoing opportunities for the resource personnel to showcase their talent, while providing club members with identification of, and access to, individuals with experience in a given area of photography. This program has been specifically designed to avoid any conflicts with the services provided by members who run workshops and develop other training for a living.
Role of Resource Personnel
- Attending club meetings regularly (term of service is 1 club year)
- Being available for consultation with club members during meeting breaks.
- Writing at least one brief article for Fotofax or f-Stop about any aspect of photography.
Role of Member
- Seeking out help via the coordinator(s) or directly.
- Respecting resource personnel’s right to enjoy meetings.
Role of Program Coordinator
- Recruiting resource personnel
- Maintaining the list of the current resource personnel and their areas of expertise
- Identifying and rectifying gaps in the resource personnel pool
- Soliciting articles for Fotofax or f-Stop
- Speaking with new members to determine if they desire assistance
- Maintaining and updating articles, references, resources, and links for the club website
Call for Volunteers
The Member Resources Program is looking for nine (9) volunteers for 2010-2011, especially those with advanced knowledge in:
1. Photoshop/Lightroom/HDR/slideshows
2. Flash, black light, light painting, infrared photography, etc
3. Macro, abstract, bird photography, architectural, etc
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Program Coordinators
Program Coordinators for 2010-2011
A Journey through Nature
Alex Mody
Tuesday, September 7, 7:30 PM
Please join us for our first Program of the new year with an emerging talent in nature photography, nineteen-year old Alex Mody—winner of the Nature’s Best Windland Smith Rice International 2009 Youth Photographer of the Year Award! Alex specializes in landscape and wildlife photography. His nature images have been featured in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Nature’s Best Photography Magazine, Elan Magazine, and as well as on a number of websites including Discovery Channel.com and MSNBC.com. In addition, Alex has written a numerous articles for NatureScapes.net, BetterPhoto.com and the Singh-Ray Filters blog. Originally from Vienna, VA, Alex is moving in a few weeks to damp and beautiful Olympia, Washington, where he attends Evergreen State College."
Alex will be speaking about his photographic journey thus far, and will show many his favorite images in his portfolio, including both landscape and wildlife photographs taken throughout his travels through North America. Alex will discuss his photographic vision, composition, creative techniques, equipment, etc. Alex will be our guest for dinner at Chili’s prior to the Program at 5:45 pm, so please RSVP to mary.m.o’neill@gsk.com if you’re able to join us for dinner.
Mary O'Neill
Workshops, Education, and Training |
Black Light Photography
Scott Musson
September 14th
On Tuesday, September 14th, Scott Musson will share his extensive experience with Black Light photography. The evening will start with a lecture describing the technique and the tools, followed by some hands-on work with your own camera at one of our manned Black Light stations.
The lecture will demonstrate several techniques that Scott has used to create award winning photographs using Black Lights and ordinary items like a Slinky. Black Lights make fluorescent colors "glow" and create an unusual effect that forces you to look at things in a whole new way.
Black Light photography is low-light photography so remember to bring a tripod in addition to your camera. Faster ISOs are not efficient for reducing the shutter speeds with Black Light photography so camera support is critical.
Remember to bring:
Camera (with charged battery and memory card)
Macro or Close Focusing Lens
Other useful items:
Cable release
Diopters or extension tubes
UV/Haze filter for your lens
We look forward to a fun and educational evening that we hope will inspire you to try this unique lighting technique on your own.
Feel free to bring in some of your own items to photograph on the black light stage. Small items that glow-in-the-dark or are fluorescent make exceptional subjects, as do textured or unusually shaped glass, together with the fluorescent subject.
If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Schmidt.
Matthew Schmidt
Steve Passman
September 21, 2010
On Tuesday September 21st, we will kick off our first competition of the 2010-2011 season with Steve Passman as our judge. Prior to the competition, please review the competition rules posted in the Competitions section of the NVPS website at www.nvps.org/main/meetings/competition. Last year the membership approved new categories for competition. The NVPS website to review the new categories At this site, you will also find information regarding eligibility requirements, number of images, types of images, sizes, deadlines and instructions for uploading digital images, etc. Also, please recall that the image capture date will need to be included on the image sign-in sheet.
There is no theme for the September Competition. The first themed competition of the season will be “Power of 3” and will be held in October. The 2010-2011, Competition Themes are also posted in the “Competitions” section of the NVPS website.
On competition night, please plan to join us and Steve Passman for dinner at Chili’s at 5:30 prior to the competition.
Steve has been photographing since he was eleven years old. (He is now over 40.) His first camera was an Agfa Isolette, probably brought back from Germany by a GI after WW2, and today it is still in pretty decent working condition. Though most of his photographs have people in them, he is not a specialist in the sense of subject material, and seldom uses special techniques to produce or modify photographs. He most often carries one camera and two prime lenses. He believes in personal vision: for the most part photographs are not "taken", rather, photographs "make themselves known to me". When he is not photographing or writing, He is a university professor of mathematics and an enthusiastic cook.
Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Competition
Brookside Gardens
Wheaton, MD
September 11th
This is NOT an official NVPS field trip, but if you are welcome to join me at Brookside Gardens at sunrise. I should be there Saturday morning. Brookside Gardens is Montgomery County’s award-winning 50-acre garden that opens at sunrise. I should be there by 7:00, allowing plenty of time to photograph outside. Admission is free.
Starting at 9:00 you can purchase a $6.00 ticket for their “Wings of Fancy Butterfly Exhibit” at the visitor center. The exhibit opens at 10:00 and features butterflies from around the world. It is shortly coming to a close.
I will be leaving shortly after my visit to the “Wings of Fancy.”
Please know that tripods are not allowed in the conservatories.
If you need directions or have any questions, please contact me, but remember, this is not an official NVPS field trip, so technically, you are on your own.
1800 Glenallan Avenue
Wheaton, MD 20902
- From the Beltway (495)
- Take exit 31A (Route 97 North) in Silver Spring Maryland.
- In three miles, turn right on Randolph Road
- Shortly, turn right on Glenallan Avenue
- The entrance to Brookside Gardens is a half mile on the right.
Great Falls Park
Great Falls, VA
October 2, 2010
Great Falls Park has many opportunities to explore history and nature, all in a beautiful 800-acre park. The Potomac River and the unique geological features have shaped the land at Great Falls for millennia. Floods regularly occur along this stretch of the river, taking away soils and plants and depositing new silt and seeds to take their place. This is a dynamic environment, home to rare plant communities and a variety of wildlife.
The gates open at 7:00 a.m. and there is a $5.00 entrance fee. We will meet in the parking lot after the entrance gate, beside the visitor center.
9200 Old Dominion Dr.
McLean, VA 22102
- From the Beltway (I-495)
- Take exit 44 for Route 193 West, Georgetown Pike
- About three miles down the road, make a right at a traffic light on Old Dominion Drive
- This will dead end at the entrance station, about one mile down the road.
Shenandoah Valley Hot Air Balloon Wine & Music Festival
Clark County, VA
October 16th
The 14th anniversary of the Shenandoah Valley Hot Air Balloon, Wine & Music Festival is held on October 15-17 on the spacious lawns and fields of Long Branch in Clark County, VA.
If you are interested in seeing the first balloon launch on Saturday, October 16th, we will meet at the open parking lot at Vienna Metro at 5:30 am. This is the first parking lot on the right from Nutley Street (the 66 East bound side). For people who would rather attend later, meet at the same place at 9:00. I would like someone to volunteer to coordinate the second carpool shift.
Huntington Beach State Park
Brookgreen Gardens
Myrtle Beach, SC
November 4th - 7th
There are two great parks less than a mile from each other, a few minutes south of Myrtle Beach. The first, Huntington Beach State Park, is great for wading bird photography and ocean scenery. The second, Brookgreen Gardens, is an enormous garden filled with figurative sculptures. There is something for everybody.
Curtis Gibbens
Images from Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens Field Trip
July 2010

Bob Friedman

Jan Ponder

Judy McGuire

Tuan Pham |

Curtis Gibbens

John Hancock

Maricruz Fugon

Willa Friedman |
Note: Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image. Simply hit the "back" button in your browser to return to the newsletter.
Lightroom 3 Basics - A Simplified Work-flow for Creating “Stunning” Photos
Dennis Govoni
September 28th
Bring your photos to life by learning the basic tools in Lightroom 3 for producing a final image. Using actual photos by the presenter, he will take you through importing images, managing the catalog, and then, using a simplified work-flow, create images that are ready-to-print or for the web.
Dennis Govoni was educated in the fields of biology and botany and has been doing nature photography since 1964. While he was a Professor of Biology at Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk, VA, he offered two week courses in color and black-and-white photography (and processing those images) as part of the January term program.
Forum Speakers Needed
Forum speakers are NVPS members who share their experiences, techniques, and results with the membership on the fourth Tuesday of each month, usually for about 30 minutes. General areas for member forum can include such topics as: techniques for digital workflow, mastering photographic equipment and software, photographic techniques, activities and events, photographic approaches, selling, marketing, and exhibiting your work.
In addition to 8-9 forum presenters, we also need at least one “on deck” presenter who is willing and ready to step in if we have a sudden cancellation. If you have the knowledge and ability to share any of this information with the membership, please get involved. If you would like to present or to recommend another member as a possible presenter, contact Tom Burden, Forum Coordinator.
Tom Burden
Sandi Croan
September 28th
Sandi has been taking pictures since she was young with a point and shoot. In 2003, she decided to embrace her artistic side by taking her first photography course through the county with Wayne Wolfersberger. Shortly after, Sandi joined NVPS in March 2004 and immersed herself in all aspects of digital photography including numerous workshops in photography and Photoshop. Her most memorable and educational experience came in 2007 at a one week workshop in Canada with Freeman Patterson/Andre Gallant.
She enjoys photographing landscapes, nature, travel, informal portraits of children in natural light, and macro work. She particularly looks for color and texture and takes pleasure in creating images that are artistic in nature. She shoots with a Nikon D300 mostly using her 18-200, 105 macro and 12-24 (wide angle) lenses. Recently, she purchased an Olympus EPL1 for more mobility and fun.
Sandi enjoys the entire process of photography from capture to processing, printing, matting and framing. For this work she uses the Epson 4800 and 1800 printers while experimenting with different textured paper.
Her images have been selected for permanent display at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens and the Joe Miller Photographic Center for the Arts. She has been juried into numerous art shows including VisArts of Rockville Exhibitions, Fairfax County Council of the Arts Show (Unlocked) and The Fraser Gallery International Photography Exhibition. Many of her photographs have been sold to private, corporate and government clients. Currently, her work is on display in local galleries and restaurants as well as published in a number of magazines.
Since joining NVPS, Sandi was named Photographer of the Year (2007-2008) in Advanced Color Prints and won both 1st and 2nd place at the Meadowlark Photo Expo in 2008. Additionally, she has held the following positions at NVPS: Members Gallery (2 years), Co-VP of Competition and presently, second term President. In Sandi’s words, “I have learned so much from being a member of NVPS and have been inspired and mentored by wonderful people and photographers. The programs, camaraderie, inspiration and amazing people have become a major part of my life. I consider it a privilege to be a part of this terrific club.”
Sandi is still married to her college sweetheart, Jerry. Together they have two children—a daughter who recently married and a soon-to-be-married son. Both live in the San Francisco Bay area.
Sandi’s work can be viewed at www.sandicroanphotography.com
Bob and Willa Friedman
September 28th
Bob and Willa Friedman have been members of the Northern Virginia Photography Society since the fall of 2004.
Growing up, Bob and his brother had a darkroom in their home while Willa came to photography shortly after marrying Bob. After graduating from college, Willa became an instructor at the American Museum of Natural History in New York where she was given a choice of assignments—one of which was to photograph wildlife in city parks. After choosing the photography project, she was handed an SLR camera and a light meter. Over a weekend, Bob taught her enough to have her work published. So much for formal training!
With a dark room in their home, Bob continued to pursue his hobby by photographing weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. Yet, with the pressures of work and children, the darkroom became a storage closet.
As they approached retirement and had more spare time, Bob and Willa drifted back into photography taking courses in the basics with NVPS members Corey Hilz and Ed Funk. In addition, they took Photoshop classes and workshops with Eliot Cohen and Freeman Patterson.
Before retiring, Bob spent his career in computers, much of which was spent in the basement of the Pentagon doing “stuff.” While, Willa was involved in teaching, retail management and sales.
Bob and Willa both use Nikon equipment. Bob shoots scenery, wildlife and their grandchildren. Willa tends to shoot architecture, city life and flowers.
Bob and Willa are waiting for the Pulitzer Prize winning photo (or, at least, for most of their photos to be properly exposed and in focus).
Charlotte DeFuria
A list of current Board members and their contact information can be found at nvps.org/main/about/board-members.
Meet Your Board Members
We are introducing a new feature in FotoFax. Members of the Board of Directors have been asked to provide short biographies to allow members to get to know them better. The full set of biographies will be posted on the web site. In this issue, we publish the biographies of Sandi Croan, President and Fred Chitty, Treasurer.
Sandi Croan
I grew up in Queens, New York and lived in Boston and York, PA before moving to Northern Virginia in 1978. I am still married to my college sweetheart and we have a son and daughter. Our daughter got married this June and our son is getting married in October. We are very ready for grandchildren!
My past lives have included being a Physical Therapist, Human Resources Director and owner of a local temporary staffing agency. In my free time, I enjoy travel, reading, theatre and bridge.
I have been taking pictures since I was young with point and shoot cameras but never knew what an “F stop” was. In 2003 I decided to embrace my artistic side and took my first photography course through the county (Wayne Wolfersberger was the instructor). He strongly recommended to the class to join a local photography club. I joined NVPS in March of 2004 and totally immersed myself in all aspects of digital photography. I have taken many workshops in photography and photoshop. The most memorable and educational was a Freeman Patterson/Andre Gallant one week workshop in Canada in 2007.
I enjoy landscape, nature, travel, macro, natural light informal portraits of children. I particularly look for color and texture and enjoy making images that are creative and artistic. I enjoy the entire process of photography from capture to processing, printing, matting and framing.
I shoot now with a Nikon D300 – mostly with an 18-200, 105 macro, and 12-24 wide angle lens. I just recently purchased an Olympus EPL1 for more mobility and fun. I use mostly Lowepro camera bags my son is a product manager there). I have the Epson 4800 and 1800 printers and enjoy experimenting with different papers.
I have learned so much from being a member of NVPS and have been inspired and mentored by wonderful people and photographers. I have won my share of competitions and was NVPS Photographer of the Year in Advanced Color Prints in 2007-2008. My proudest achievement was winning both 1st and 2nd place at the Meadowlark Photo Expo in 2008. I have also been fortunate to be represented in galleries and have been involved in many group and solo exhibitions. In addition, I have been published in a few magazines, including an article and the cover of Elan Magazine.
Since joining NVPS in 2004, I have held the following positions: Members Gallery (2 years), Co-VP of Competition, and am now in my second year as President.
NVPS has been the source for most of my photographic education. The programs, camaraderie, inspiration, and amazing people have become a major part of my life now. I consider it a privilege to be a part of this terrific club.
Fred Chitty
Fred has been an active amateur photographer off and on for over 25 years. His interest in photography started in 8th grade shop class with a project to construct a pin hole camera. As he watched the image come up in the darkroom developing tray, he was hooked for life. His next big opportunity to provide in-depth knowledge of photography was working in the UNC-Chapel Hill photolab. Here he spent 20 hours a week for 18 months taking every type photo and working in the darkroom. It was also here that his physics professor and photo lab manager told him, in 1968, that digital photography would replace film in his lifetime. Keep in mind that 35mm SLR cameras were cutting edge technology at the time, with the Nikon F1 struggling to replace the Speed Graflex as the newspaper photographer’s preferred camera. Slide rules were the only calculator used by students. A highlight of his college experience was attending two lectures by Ansel Adams.
Fred is very much an eclectic photographer, shooting nature, landscapes, portraits, macro, blacklight and travel. While he still owns film cameras and has slide film in his freezer, he shoots with Nikon digital equipment. His wet darkroom equipment is packed away in the attic, but his portrait studio is still in active use. He has been fortunate, in that his career has taken him to many places around the world, but unfortunate in that many of his slides are now moldy. Fred maintains his amateur photographer status by ensuring his expenses exceed his revenues each and every year.
Mid-Atlantic Nature Photography Expo |
The Mid-Atlanic Nature Photography Expo (MANPE) NatureVisions Exhibit will be held November 13-14, 2010, at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, Prince William Campus, George Mason University, Manassas, VA. Noted travel photographer Bob Krist will deliver the keynote address on Saturday evening November 13th. Tickets for the Expo are now available for sale on the NatureVisions web site at www.naturevisions.org. Package deals represent a substantial savings over individual ticket purchases. The only activities not covered in the package deals are the Saturday and Sunday workshops.
All judging will be done by print and the following schedule has been set. Images will be due at the club level on or before October 16 and the judging will be held on October 24th. Further details for submission will follow at a later date. Guidance for preparation of the images, ticket information as well as other Expo information is posted on the NatureVisions web site under the "Artists" tab.
Each member may enter a total of ten images. The first six images are free and up to an additional four images may be submitted for a fee of $20.00. Members may submit images from multiple clubs, but no more than a combination of ten total images.
The production of the Expo is a time consuming and labor intensive process. Individuals who submit images for the Expo will be expected to volunteer some of their time before and during the Expo to assist with various tasks required to assemble and submit the prints as well as those tasks assigned to the club by the MANPE Board. At a minimum NVPS will be expected to staff a club table during the hours of the Expo on Saturday and Sunday. Club members who do not participate in the exhibit are invited to also volunteer their time.
The submission date of October 16 is not as far away as you might think and I would like to begin to collect information on individuals who are interested in entering the exhibit. As a start, if you are interested e-mail me at jhquigley@msn.com. As we get closer to the submission date I will ask for further info such as number of images, volunteer info, etc. If you do not think you will enter, but would like to volunteer anyway, please let me know also.
John Quigley
MANPE Representative
Kim Roberts
Kim Roberts entered the photo contest for the Annual Rose Show of the Arlington Rose Foundation June 5 and June 6, 2010. She won the Best Photography Award for a single bloom. The entry was a yellow rose taken at Longwood Gardens in February of this year. The Rose show was held at Merrifield Garden Center in Fairfax, Virginia. This is the first awardshe has received for herphotography. Kim joined NVPS April of this year and says she is having a great time and learning a lot.
Kim Roberts
Novice Photographer
Kcrm121@aol.com |
Happy 90th Birthday Luella
Willa Friedman, Minnie Gallman, Sandi Croan, Judy McGuire, and Jan Ponders celebrated Luella Murri's 90th birthday in July. Congratulations, Luella. |

Will Haubert
Will Haubert has had an eventful summer. To begin, Will has a solo exhibit of 15 photographs from the American Southwest hanging in Arlington’s Cherrydale Library. The library is hosting a reception for Will on Wednesday, September 1, from 7 to 8:30 pm. Please feel free to come to the reception or stop by the library to see Will’s exhibit. For address and hours, see http://www.cherrydale.net/index.php?page=cherrydale-library
Earlier, Will was selected by juror David Adamson for an Equal Merit Award for his photograph titled Jefferson’s Columns in the Workhouse Arts Center’s Second Annual Photography Show. In addition, Will had a second image, Aspen Detail juried into the Show. Finally, Will had 5 images juried into the Upstream People Gallery’s 12th Landscape Online Exhibition -- four of which received Special Recognition Merit. A link to their website is: http://www.upstreampeoplegallery.com/exhibition/default.asp?XD=7/1/2010&AN=Akrish%2C+Esther
Will Haubert
Chuck Cecil
Chuck Cecil’s shot of the view from the balcony of his room in the Serena Inn in Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania was used in the August issue of Conde Nast Traveler, in their “Room with a View” feature. This feature always fills the last inside page of the magazine. Other shots from Chuck’s visit to Zanzibar can be seen online at http://www.cecilimages.com/gallery/Zanzibar-Islam-madrasa-Hinduism-music-culture/G000003qiFqBb14g
Chuck Cecil
Exhibition Opportunities
Canaan Valley NWR Photography Contest
Entries Due September 30th
The 2nd Annual Canaan Valley National Wildlife Photography contest is beginning on July 1st. The contest focuses on exploring the wildlife and natural beauty of the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge and the surrounding Canaan Valley area. The grand prize for 2010 is a personal "field day" with renowned West Virginia photographer, Jim Clark. There will also be cash and other prizes awarded in the first, second, and third place for each category.
Gallery West 14th National Juried Show
Entries Due November 12th
Gallery West is announcing a call for entries for its 14th annual national juried show. The all media show will be juried by CD, awards to total $1000. It will be juried by F. Lennox Campello. The exhibit dates: February 9, 2011 - March 6, 2011. The eEntry deadline isNovember 12, 2010. For more details, go to: www.gallery-west.com
4th Annual Claude Moore Park Photography Expo
Entries Due September 15th
Exhibition September 25th & 26th
Friends of Claude Moore Park hold their 4th annual Photography Expo on the 25th and 26th of September. More information about the expo and the photography exhibition entry requirements can be found at www.loudoun.gov/claudemoorepark.
Workshop Offerings
Roy Sewall
One-on-one Coaching: This coaching is intended for novice and intermediate photographers. Coaching sessions are tailored to an individual's specific needs, and the scope is flexible. Representative topics are: how to operate a digital SLR, equipment selection, photo critique in a private setting, on-computer demonstration of photo improvements, and field technique. Roy judged an NVPS competition in October 2009.
(301) 530-6720 roy@sewallinc.com www.roysewallphotography.com
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Workshops offered at local destinations. Nikhil is an NVPS member and presented a forum in March 2010.
Josh Taylor, Jr.
Fall workshops, classes, and lectures are posted at archiphotoworkshops.com. Please take a look and hopefully, you will find something of interest, including Canon camera classes. Josh is an NVPS member and most recently presented a workshop in March 2010.
Awake the Light Photo Tours and Workshops
Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem
Join two well-known professional photographers on their exciting and educational photo tours. For 2011 they are offering trips to Alaska's Denali National Park and Katmai National Park, Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, Antelope Canyon and Monument Valley in Arizona, the Great Smoky Mountains, and Acadia National Park in Maine. All tours include extensive photographic opportunities in the field, as well as personal one-on-one assistance and classroom instruction. Mollie and Mary gave an NVPS Program in October 2009.
Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem www.awakethelight.com 757-773-0194 awakethelight@cox.net
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. It purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
NVACC publishes a monthly Calendar of Virginia Member Club Events that can be found at www.nvacc.org/Calendar.html.
.NVACC has published a Field Trips Guide Book for Photographers, which provides information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit (http://www.nvacc.org/Field%20trips%20Guidebook/NVACCPublications.html).
Nikon D80 kit. Nikon D80, AF-S DX Zoom-NIKKOR 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6G, EN-EL3e Rechargeable Li-ion Battery, MH-18a Quick Charger, EG-D2 Audio Video Cable UC-E4 USB Cabl,e AN-DC1 Strap, BF-1A Body ca,p DK-5 Eyepiece Cap, DK-21 Rubber Eyecup, BM-7 LCD monitor cover, Accessory shoe cover. Contact John Naman, 703-532-9343 or email Used@jnaman.com.