Volume 53 – No. 4

Founded 1965 – our 52th Year

December 2017


The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society

Editor: Alan Goldstein – Email: editor" at "nvps.org

Table of Contents

President's Message
2017-2018 Board
Monthly Program
Education and Training
    November Competition Results
Members' Gallery
Field Trips
   Members News
   Exhibition Opportunities
   Workshop Offerings

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Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs


12/5 Monthly Program: Sports Photography with
           Jonathan Newton
12/9 Field Trip: Washington, D.C., by Night
12/12 Education & Training: Anonymous Critique
        with Mike Whalen and Kevin Egan
12/19 Competition: Judging by Denise Silva
Forum:(No Forum this month due to Christmas
12/28 Members Gallery: (No Members Gallery this
        month due to Christmas  holiday)

Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter. (The more that you read, the more things you will know - Dr. Seuss )

To protect our members from email spam, personal email addresses in this newsletter have "@" replaced with " at " Please remember to substitute the "@" when attempting to contact any of the people.

All meetings for the club year start at 7:30 p.m. at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors open at 6:45 p.m. for a "meet and greet" with meetings on non-competition nights beginning at 7:30 p.m. Note for Competition Nights only (Third Tuesday): Competition begins at 7:15p.m. All prints must be checked in no later than 7:30 p.m. 

Although we have not had any problems for many years, do remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight, as we should in any public parking area. Come early and visit, but when the meeting starts, PLEASE take seats immediately and silence your cell phone, pager or any other device that might make noise and distract listeners or interrupt speakers.

Please check the website and FotoFax for the club's policy on weather closings. Check WTOP www.wtop.com or Fairfax County School systems web site for closings. You can also sign up for emails or cell phone alerts: http://www.fcps.edu/news/emerg.shtml

President's Message

The 2017 NatureVisions was another huge success. The speakers were interesting, informative and entertaining. The vendors offered special deals on equipment, tours, classes, etc. There were hands-on workshops available. And it was a good chance to socialize with other photographers and friends.

As usual, the NVPS members won several awards:
 - Stan Bysshe and Dennis Govoni were part of a three-way tie for Best in Birds
 - Mark Chen won Best in Flora
 - Judy Guenther won The People’s Choice Award and Second Place in Photo Art
 - Kacy Turner won The People’s Choice Award in Nature

Congratulations to all of the award winners and all the Club members who had their images displayed.  

Special thanks to Roger Lancaster, who as this year’s NatureVisions President, made sure everything ran smoothly, and to Rebecca Colegrove, who managed social media works for this year’s event. Also thank you to everyone who volunteered to work at NatureVisions.

Georgette Grossman gave a great presentation to the club on November 14 on printing cards and calendars. See the “member’s resources” section on the NVPS website for links to her presentation and technical guidance. Encouraged by a similar presentation Georgette gave several years ago, I started printing my own holiday and other types of cards. I found that holiday decorations and ornaments can be a great subject matter for lighthearted holiday cards, as shown above.  I encourage everyone to take advantage of Georgette’s presentation and go point some calendars and calendars this holiday season.

Happy holidays to all as we look forward to ringing the New Year.

Bill Millhouser
2017-2018 NVPS President

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Board of Directors

2017-2018 NVPS Board

Elected Board    
President Bill Millhouser president@nvps.org
VP Programs Willa Siegel programs@nvps.org
VP Operations Frank Napoli operations@nvps.org
Co-VP Competition Chuck Campbell competition@nvps.org
Co-VP Competition Stan Bysshe competition@nvps.org
Treasurer Tom Brett treasurer@nvps.org
Secretary/Historian Kathryn Mohrman secretary@nvps.org
Appointed Board    
Past President Kevin Egan pastpresident@nvps.org
Education & Training Coordinator Ron Taylor education@nvps.org
Exhibits Coordinator (Nature Visions) Roger Lancaster naturevisions@nvps.org
Field Trips Coordinator Jim McDermott field-trips@nvps.org
Member’s Gallery Coordinator Laurie Kuyk membersgallery@nvps.org
Forum Coordinator Kirk Johnson forum@nvps.org
Membership Coordinator Kacy Turner membership@nvps.org
Newsletter & NVACC Representative Alan Goldstein editor@nvps.org
Website Manager David Crooks webadmin@nvps.org
Meeting Facilities Dale Nelson facilities@nvps.org
Special Board Member Mike Whalen specialboardmember@nvps.org
Special Board Member Bob Friedman specialboardmember@nvps.org
Special Board Member Willa Friedman specialboardmember@nvps.org
Special Board Member Georgette Grossman specialboardmember@nvps.org
Special Board Member Jamie Kiechlin specialboardmember@nvps.org

A full list of all current NVPS Board members and their club contact information also can be found at: http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=23

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Monthly Program

December 5th: Sports Photography with Jonathan Newton

Jonathan Newton is entering his 31st season as a professional photographer.  He joined the staff of The Washington Post in summer 2000.

He started out at the Nashville Banner in 1986. After a little more than a year at the Banner, he moved to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, where he spent 10 years shooting assignments that included the Atlanta Braves. He joined the St. Petersburg Times in 1998 when the town landed an expansion baseball team.

A Louisville native and the youngest of eight children, Jonathan worked many jobs after high school, including apple picker in Canada, kitchen cleaner at the Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone National Park, aluminum siding installer, liquor store clerk, pot washer at a Jewish deli, fish fryer, house painter and busboy. It was as a student at Jefferson Community College that he got his first taste of newspapers, shooting pictures for the weekly student publication. With $300 saved from his busboy job, he went to a downtown Louisville pawnshop and bought his first professional camera equipment.

Jonathan has covered almost every major sporting event in the world: the Olympics in 1996, 2008 and 2016; the Kirkwall Ba in Scotland, in 2007; four World Series; six National League Championships; six NCAA Final Fours;; the Preakness; several heavyweight title bouts in Las Vegas; college football championships; the Super Bowl; and countless high school sporting events.

Jonathan’s awards include the Morris Berman NPPA Citation; White House News Photographers Association awards; Baseball Hall of Fame photo contest; first place in the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors sports competition; and three-time Georgia Photographer of the Year.

Examples of Jonathan's work:

Monthly Programs for 2017-2018

Date Speaker Subject
January 2, 2018 Geff Bourke Black and White Photography
February 6, 2018 Renee Comet Food Photography
March 6, 2018 TBA TBA
April 3, 2018 TBA TBA
May 1, 2018 TBA TBA

The VP for Programs for 2017-2018 is Willa Siegel.

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Education & Training

December 12th: Anonymous Critique with
                      Mike Whalen and Kevin Egan

Take this opportunity to get feedback on your images without needing to enter a competition. Send in images you are thinking of entering into competition, images you are experimenting on with new software, or images that may need just a little help.  Remain anonymous, or enter into the discussion if you want, this is all about your growth as a photographer.

You can submit up to three images. We will review as many as time allows. You will not be identified unless you choose to make comments or ask questions about your images. We will need your submissions by 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 9.  
Please submit your images to nvpsimagegallery@nvps.org, sized the same as for competition with a maximum of 1400 pixels wide and 1050 pixels high (vertical shots have the same 1050 pixel height requirement), sRGB workspace. We recommend your jpeg images be 127 pixels per inch (PPI sometimes called dots per inch or DPI) or less (e.g., 127, 96 or 72 PPI) for best results with the projection program.

Name your images #_title, where number is 1, 2, or 3 and anything you want for a title. For example, “1_Red House on Green Prairie”. Putting the number first will allow us to sort the images so that at least one image from every photographer is critiqued.

Education and Training Programs for 2017-2018

Date Topic Presenter
9 January 2018 Lightboxes and Portfolio Announcement Kieulan Nguyen
30 January 2018 Portfolio Project Review Kieulan Nguyen
13 February 2018 I'll Fix It In Post Mike Whalen
13 March 2018 Anonymous Critique TBD
10 April 2018 Portfolio Project Review Kieulan Nguyen
8 May 2018 Creativity Freeman Patterson
29 May 2018 Vendor Show and Swap Meet District Camera

The Education and Training Coordinator for 2017-2018 is Ron Taylor.

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December 19th: Judging by Denise Silva

Denise Silva was the featured photographer in the July/August 2015 Photoshop User Magazine,  “Who’s Who in the KelbyOne Community article.” Additionally, Denise was recognized as one of the Top 200 Women Photographers Who Inspire by Nature Photo Guides and has had multiple articles published in Extraordinary Vision (EV) Magazine. 

Denise finds every aspect of photography rewarding. From in-camera composition to post-processing, photography is meditative, creative, and challenging. Her passion is to capture images, from landscapes to urban decay and to share her experiences and knowledge with fellow photographers. 

To this end, she and Don Rosenberger started Road Runner Photography Tours. James Norman has recently joined the team! 

They look forward to sharing their passion for photography with you and know that their tours will not only take you to great places, but also give you an opportunity to build your network of photography friends while enhancing your photography skills through experience and knowledge sharing in a supportive environment. 

There is no better place to learn and develop your skills than in the field! 

Competition Themes for 2017-2018

Note: The Board reaffirmed that there will be themed competitions per program year, but there will be no theme competitions in the months of January or February. 

About the December theme: Faceless Self Portrait – In this theme we are looking for you to be creative and express your identity by taking a photo of yourself without your face.  The key to this theme is showing the viewer something about your character or personality through your image.  It can be a headshot that doesn’t expose your face or it can be different parts of your body that don’t include the head or face.  But the subject of the image has to be you, and it should tell a story about you.

Question:Is an image that captures my shadow considered a "portrait"?

Answer: Based on our theme description, your image can include your shadow, but it must also include part of your actual self.  Examples of “yourself” may be a direct photo of you or parts of you, your silhouette or your reflection.  A shadow, by itself, would not be considered a faceless self-portrait.

The theme for the remainder of this 2017-2018 season is:

  • The American Experience –Americans at Work - March 2018:
    For this month's themed contest, show us your best photos of Americans at Work. This may be of a single person, or multiple people, at work. The person or persons and the work being performed must both be clearly evident in the photo. Let’s showcase Americans at Work by demonstrating their emotions, determination, strength and pride!

Competition Themes for 2018-2019

  • Geometry:
    Images where the predominant elements are geometric shapes — circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, etc. The compositional elements may be specific [subject-based], such as a wall with a door and doorknob and windows, or implied [design-based], where the photographer searches for designs, such as rectangles, circles, etc. without concern for the names of the objects. For example, subject-based could consider a scene with land, ocean and sky, whereas, design-based could see the same scene as three rectangles of different tones and sizes.
  •  Reflections:
    Images which include reflections in water, buildings, mirrors, glass or any other reflective material.
  •  Trains, Planes, Automobiles, and Trucks:
    Images of these subjects can be of new or old ones—ones in mint condition or in a state of ruin. Photos can be of the entire vehicle or parts, such as hood ornaments. Subjects can be in motion or at rest.

Competition Judges for 2017-2018

Date Judge Theme
January 16, 2018 Josh Taylor none
February 20, 2018 Roy Sewall none
March 20, 2018 Denise Silva Americans At Work
April 17, 2018 TBA none
May 15, 2018 TBA Oldies
End-of-Year Banquet Corey Hilz none

November Competition Results

Digital - Class 1
1st Place – Paula Neumann – Melting Glacier
2nd Place – Len Johnson – Cormorant Fisherman Sunset
3rd Place – Kevin Linde – Late Braking

Digital – Class 2
1st Place – David Crooks – Swimming Deer
2nd Place – Laurie Kuyk – Purple Haze
3rd Place – Kathryn Mohrman – Camel Shadows
Honorable Mention – Ron Petricka – Before the Thaw

Digital – Class 3
1st Place – Lynn Cates – Fall Stream
2nd Place – Gayle Dennis – Deutschland Countryside
3rd Place – Kevin Egan – Attack of the Pac Men
Honorable Mention – Judy McGuire – New Bedford Boat Reflection
Honorable Mention – Kieu-Hanh Vu – Catch Me If You Can

Color Prints – Class 1
1st Place – Joan Barker – The Lily
2nd Place – Len Johnson – Ring Juggler

Color Prints – Class 2
1st Place – Don Smith – Noble Light
2nd Place – Eva Lanyi – Sunrise Lilypads
3rd Place – Ron Taylor – Angry Bird

Color Prints – Class 3
1st Place – Fran Bastress – View From a Smoky’s Overlook
2nd Place – Judy Guenther – The Smoker
3rd Place – Bill Vanderpool – Zebra Crossing
Honorable Mention – Kevin Egan – Glass Never Rusts

Monochrome Prints – Class 1
No Awards

Monochrome Prints – Class 2
No Awards

Monochrome Prints – Class 3
1st Place – Stan Bysshe – Sunflower Study
2nd Place – Bill Corbett – One Handed Grab
3rd Place – Ed Ruggiero – Shear Wind Bars

First Place Winners

Digital Class 1
Paula Neumann
Melting Glacier

Digital Class 3
Lynn Cates
Fall Stream

Digital Class 2
David Crooks
Swimming Deer

Color Print Class 1
Joan Barker
The Lily

Color Print Class 3
Fran Bastress
View From A Smoky's Overlook

Color Print Class 2
Don Smith
Nubble Light

Monochrome Class 3
Stan Bysshe
Sunflower Study

The Co-VPs Competition for 2017-2018 are Stan Bysshe and Chuck Campbell (competitions@nvps.org)

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Competition Image Use

The NVPS Website has a gallery of past Competition winning images at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/. If your image placed first, second, third or received an honorable mention in a club competition, it is eligible for this gallery.  Images are not posted automatically, you must specifically provide consent for your image to be included in the gallery.

To have your winning image included in the gallery, email editor "at" nvps.org and provide the following information:

Your name
Image Category
(digital, color print, monochrome print)
Image Class
(1, 2, or 3)
Competition Date

Digital Winners: When you upload your image for the competition, you can check the box to grant permission for it to be posted if it wins.  

Print Winners: send a digital version of your print, sized as if it were for digital competition.

The FotoFax newsletter is usually finalized during the weekend immediately following the monthly club competitions.  If your image is a first place winner and you send it in before the Friday following competition, your image will be forwarded to the editor for inclusion in FotoFaxIf you have not provided permission before that deadline, another winning entry may be used.

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December 26th: (No Forum due to Christmas Holiday)

The Forum Coordinator for 2017-2018 is Kirk Johnson.

Upcoming Forum Presentations:

Date Presenter Title
23 January 2018 Bill Corbett  
27 February 2018 David Heagy Iceland
27 March 2018 Michael Aarons  
24 April 2018 Alan Goldstein* Come Fly With Me
22 May 2018 Ginger Werz-Petricka  

      * This Forum will be structured as Education and Training due to the subject matter.

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Members Gallery

December 26th: (No Forum due to Christmas Holiday)

Dates Digital Print
January 23, 2018 Len Johnson Kieulan Nguyen
February 27, 2018 Joy Braithwaite Jim Williams
March 27, 2018 Bill Millhouser Stan Bysshe
April 24, 2018 Kristine Tan David Crooks
May 22, 2018 Sam Schaen Kacy Turner

The Member's Gallery Coordinator for this 2016-2017 is Laurie Kuyk.

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Field Trips

December 9th: Washington, D.C., by Night

We’re going to try our luck with the weather with a field trip to Washington, D.C., at night. Tripods and/or high-ISO shooting!

Night photography in a city presents the challenges of capturing long exposures, dealing with different light sources (and color temperatures), and being ready for whatever weather may come our way. Possible shooting locations include the Jefferson, Lincoln and Washington Monuments; the Chinatown Arch (drag the shutter for steaming headlights and taillights); the Supreme Court; the FDR and MLK Memorials; and the Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.  Please note that tripod use is not allowed in every location listed here.

We’ll meet at the Dunn Loring Fire Station at 4:00 p.m. and carpool into the District. (Sunset on December 9 is at 4:46 p.m., with civil twilight ending at 5:15 and nautical twilight ending at 5:49.  Moonrise is at 11:43 p.m.) We’ll make the plans for what locations to visit when we meet based on how many photographers are on the trip, what their interests are, and (above all) what the weather is. (Having the group split up for different destinations would be possible.) We’ll tentatively plan to have dinner together by 7:30 or 8:00, probably in Chinatown.

Please email us for questions and to let us know that you will be going: field-trips@nvps.org

Field Trip Coordinators for 2017-2018 are Jim and Jerri McDermott

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2017-2018 Membership Dues

We now have NVPS business cards for you to hand out. Stop by the membership table and pick some up to keep in your camera bag! They are FREE for you to spread the word about our club.  Be sure to write your name on the back of the cards that you hand out; let’s see who brings in the most prospects!

Remember, in order to participate in the monthly competitions your membership dues must be current. The grace period has expired.

Membership dues for the 2017-2018 year are as follows:

Class of Membership: Dues:
Individual   $55
Family   $75
 Student         $20.00 (must be full-time student)

There are three forms of payment. Checks and cash are preferred by NVPS:

Questions, please email membership at membership@nvps.org.
We look forward to seeing you at upcoming club meetings and events!

Stay Connected with NVPS

Email: If you are not already receiving NVPS emails, there are two ways you can sign up to join the list. Click on the following link and sign up by entering your name and email address. Click on join the list. http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=31. Or you may stop by the Membership desk at the next meeting and they will be happy to assist you. It's important to note, you will receive an "opt-in" email from nvps.org. If you do not receive it, check your spam folder. Please respond to this email within 72 hours or the verification link will expire.

Facebook: If you are on Facebook, please join the NVPS private group. Search on Northern Virginia Photographic Society Social Group and request to join. Members post everything from their photos to interesting articles on photography to requests for recommendations. You will find the group informative and fun!

Kacy Turner
Membership Coordinator

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Notice: The information about workshops and events not sponsored by or affiliated with NVPS are provided as an informational courtesy to Members. Individuals should review the detailed rules and conditions for contests and gallery shows to determine what impact entering an image has on the photographer's rights and ownership of the submitted images. Review the descriptions of workshops to see whether participation in a particular workshop would actually meet your personal learning goals. NVPS attempts to screen events for legitimacy and quality; however NVPS does not recommend these events and cannot assume responsibility for their ultimate quality. We recommend due diligence and encourage you to share your experience with other club members.

Members' News:

Kathryn Mohrman

Kathryn Mohrman won the “Audience Choice” award November 12 at PhotoSlam, part of FotoweekDC. It was a two-stage competition: first we looked at thematic collections of images from 35 photographers, then the 10 highest scorers moved to Round 2 where one photo from each of the 10 was scored.

Kathryn's first round images were people from Cuba (you can see examples at jadeforestphotography.smugmug.com) and the second round audience choice was from Yunnan Province in Southwest China, image to the left.


Tuan Pham

Tuan Pham will be presenting at Osher Lifelong Learning Camera Club, located at 4210 Roberts Road in Fairfax on Friday, December 8th, at 9:30 a.m.  The title is Seeing Beauty Where You Are. Guests are welcome; admission and parking are free.
Tuan will share his approach to photography, drawing from teachings on the art of seeing and from his own experience as an amateur photographer and mindfulness practitioner. If breathing is a matter of life and death, then seeing and listening could be a choice between delight and doom. 

The audience will learn three simple ways to create space in their daily lives for beauty to appear, namely, (1) Coming home to the senses, (2) Clearing out the proverbial haystack, and (3) Seeing through multiple eyes.  Tuan will use his own photographs to show that one needs not travel long distances, climb mountains, or wake up before sunrise to experience beauty.

Tuan Pham is a grandfather of twelve, a member of NVPS since 2005, and GRC (Get in right in the camera) hosted by Joe Miller about half of that time. He keeps two cameras within reach most of the time.

Georgette Grossman

Georgette Grossman had her image, What Am I?, juried into the themed exhibition (Doubts) this November at the Art League Gallery, 105 North Union St., Alexandria. The show was juried by Jason Gubbiotti. It will be on display November 7–December 3, 2017. In addition her image, Wild Tulips, was sold from the unframed Gallery 75.

The Art League Gallery holds monthly juried exhibits and special exhibits including solo artists, student shows, and the Patrons' Show. Exhibits are free and open to the public. All artists can become members and submit work to our monthly exhibits, juried by noted fine art professionals from throughout the Washington area and beyond.

What Am I?
Wild Tulips

Judy Guenther

Judy Guenther received an honorable mention for her photo Leg Up  at the November Art League juried show themed as Doubt.  Judy was one of seven NVPS members juried in.  Other members were Willa Friedman, Georgette Grossman, Wayne Guenther, Lee Halvorsen, Kathryn Mohrman, and Willa Siegel.

Leg Up

The juror was Jason Gubbiotti, a graduate of the Corcoran Gallery, who lives and works just outside of Paris. The show is different because artists were asked to provide a statement as to the representation of "doubt"  in their image. Patrons will be able to decide whether to reveal the description or not in the gallery.

Judy also had two photos accepted by Anchala Studios (a literary publication) for their periodical themed  The Collection: Flash Fiction for Flash Memory  which focuses on capturing the spirit of the human condition. The two photos that will be included are titled Her Eyes and What’s Out There?   

Her Eyes
What's Out There

Judy was also selected as the featured photographer for The Vignette Review’s Autumn Issue 10, Vol. 3, a Chicago-based quarterly literary periodical. Judy has 14 of her fall foliage images paired with short stories in the Fall publication.  The web site of the publication is at  http://www.thevignettereview.org/?issuem_issue=autumn-issue-10-vol-3


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Arts Herndon

ArtSpace Herndon invites photographers from Virginia, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia to enter in its 9th Annual Fine Art Photography Competition. The competition is open to fine art photographers aged 18 or older working in any medium (digital or analog, color or monochrome), and using any printing technique. Fine Art Photography of any subject is welcome; there is no required theme for entries. The deadline for entries is Friday, January 5, 2018.

Photoworks Gallery: "Coffee and Critique " Show

One Sunday morning each month, photo enthusiasts of all sorts meet at Photoworks Gallery to share their work. Fueled by bagels and coffee, they join in lively conversation led by a Photoworks faculty member. Each participant, whether beginner or pro, has an opportunity to spread out prints on one of the big tables and receive thoughtful feedback and helpful suggestions. The popular, free event is a great way to meet others who are passionate about photography.

Opening December 8, Coffee and Critique - Open Shutter highlights work by C&C members - some who have participated for years and others who are new to the group. A reception will be held on Sunday, December 10, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and the exhibit runs through January 15. Photographs exhibited range from bold portraits, to luminous landscapes, and textured minimalist images.

The artists exhibiting work in the show include: Bob Friedman, Willa Friedman, Kathryn Mohrman, Steve Greenberg, Beth Altman, David Mosher, David Scherbel, Val Makepeace, Julie Miller, Jim Palmer, Catiana Garcia-Kilroy, Louise Sabol, Susan Green, Diane Charnov, and Sandy Sugawara.

About Photoworks
Forty years ago, in a derelict building hidden among the abandoned amusement park rides of Glen Echo Park, four young photographers founded Photoworks with little more than a shared passion for the daily work of seeing, shooting, and printing images of lasting beauty and artistic integrity.  The day-to-day collaboration, creative dialogue, and informal mentoring that led those artists to successful careers as fine art and commercial photographers established the values of experimentation and collegiality that define Photoworks today.  Offering a diverse combination of educational programs, gallery exhibitions, and community initiatives, Photoworks is a vibrant and unique resource for student and professional photographers - an arts community in the very best sense of the word.

Photoworks offers photography classes for all ages. The gallery is open to the public Saturdays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 1pm to 7pm. Visit http://glenechophotoworks.org/ for more information.

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Exhibition Opportunities

Announcements of workshops, exhibitions or contests are provided for information purposes only. There is no actual or implied endorsement by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society.

Eighth Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit

May 5 – May 28, 2018

The Joseph Miller Center for the Photographic Arts takes great pride in announcing its eighth annual juried abstract exhibit. ALL interested photographers are invited to submit entries for this much anticipated spring event. Submissions to the First Annual JM Abstract Exhibit were limited to local NVACC-related clubs; however, over the years, because of the influence these exhibits have had in encouraging and promoting abstract photography and due to their reputation, recent JM Abstract Exhibits have been attracting entries from national as well as international photographic artists.

The Joseph Miller Center will begin accepting entries for the upcoming Eighth Annual Exhibit on Saturday, December 23, 2017.

The deadline for submissions will be Friday, February 23, 2018.
A detailed prospectus containing all relevant information regarding the exhibit can be found on the Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs website at nvacc.org

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Workshop Offerings

Speakers and competition judges for NVPS are offered the opportunity to have notices about up-coming tours and workshops in FotoFax for two years after the date of their NVPS program.

2018 André Gallant/Freeman Patterson Photography Workshops

St. Martins, New Brunswick (with Freeman and André Gallant)

  • July 1 – 7
  • July 15 – 21  
  • August 26 – September 1
  • October 7 – 13 

André Gallant's Lunenburg Workshops

  • May 20 – 25
  • October 21 – 26

Information on all these workshops and the application form are now posted on Freeman’s website www.freemanpatterson.com.  They will take registrations on a first come/first served basis and registrations are now open. If you wish to register, fill out the application form indicating your first and second choice for workshop weeks and send it e-mail to Northern VA Alliance of Camera Clubs (mgs@nvacc.org) or by fax 506-763-2035.

Inscape Workshop 2018

This year Freeman will be offering two week-long workshops with David Maginley INSCAPE – Imaging, Dreaming, Creating

  • Inscape One – July 29 – August 4
  • Inscape Two – September 9 - 15

Information and application form for this workshop will be sent out in a separate email and will also be posted on Freeman’s website within the next week.

E. David Luria

A member of the Society of Photographic Education, E. David Luria is founder and director of the Washington Photo Safari, through which he and his team of eleven professional photographers have trained over 32,000 clients on 4,700 photo safaris since 1999 in the techniques of travel and architectural photography. Washington Photo Safari is offering more than 25 technical skills initiatives this year.  For more information on their various offerings, check their web site at www.WashingtonPhotoSafari.com David is this month’s Program presenter.

Denise Silva

Denise Silva was our November 2016 and October 2017 judge. She and Don Rosenberg operate Road Runner Photography Tours. For information on their latest tours and workshops, please visit their web site at http://roadrunnerphotographytours.com/

Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops

Nikhil Bahl was our End-of-Year judge for 2016-2017 as well as Program Speaker in November 2015 and November 2016. He offers a variety of workshops and coaching events. For more details with his latest workshop updates, visit: www.NikhilBahl.com

Alan DeFelice

Alan DeFelice the January 2017 judge and was our 2016 End-of-the-Year judge. He is a professional photographer who has done raptor photo workshops at Nature Visions. For several years Alan has been a partner with Virginia Digital Photo Safaris. Learn more at: http://www.virginiaphotosafari.com

Corey Hilz

Corey Hilz was our February 2016 judge and was our October 2015 Education and Training speaker. He regularly offers software workshops as well as photo workshops and international tours. Spring/summer photo workshop locations include Longwood Gardens, the National Zoo, Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. His international destinations include Cuba, Ireland, Czech Republic and Morocco. Full schedule of events is listed at: http://www.coreyhilz.com

Joshua Taylor, Jr.

Joshua Taylor is a past NVPS president and was our September 2017 speaker. His goal in photography is to help you create, capture and refine your vision. Josh is offering fall photography workshops and classes, including Canon camera classes. For a complete listing and registration, visit his website: joshuataylorphotography.com

Roy Sewall

Roy Sewall was our Judge in December 2016 and Program speaker in May 2017. Roy offers both private and group instruction to novice and intermediate photographers, and in 2014 became an instructor for the Capital Photography Center. Find out more on Roy's website: http://www.roysewallphotography.com/iWeb/Home.html

David Blecman

David Blecman, a member of the Professional Photographers of America, is an internationally recognized photographer and instructor, having taught in over a dozen countries to photographers, models, and makeup artists. He was our judge in October 2015 and April 2017 and a Program speaker in April 2016. David's website: http://posneg.com/

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Spudz Microfiber in Flip Pouch

The club has a supply of Spudz.  Great for cleaning your lens and camera. These are a large size, 10x10 inches, and are emblazoned with the club logo!  Don't be fooled by other cheaper models.  These are in the flip pouch. I will be selling them at club meetings for the amazing price of $10/each or $20 for two. See Bob Friedman

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Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)

The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.

NVACC publishes a calendar of area member club events that can be found at http://www.nvacc.org/Calendars.html

NVACC has a free, downloadable series of 25 guidebooks for photographers, which provide information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit. See their booklets at:

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Editor's Notes

Please note that the deadline for each month's FotoFax is the Friday following Tuesday of Competition Night. Contributions from members are always welcomed. This especially includes news of the individual members. Photos should be submitted in the same format as they are for competition.

Alan Goldstein
FotoFax Editor

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Copyright 2017 by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and its Contributors. The contents of this FotoFax are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the Editor or the material's contributor. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers who have granted permission for NVPS to use their image in FotoFax and/or on the NVPS website, but otherwise retain all rights to their image.