Volume 49 - No. 4 |
Founded 1965 - our 48th Year |
December 2013 |
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society |
Editor: Dan Ward - Email: editor" at "nvps.org |
Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.
To protect our members from email spam, personal email addresses in this newsletter have "@" replaced with " at ". Please remember to substitute the "@" when attempting to contact any of the people.
All meetings for the club year will start at 7:30 PM at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors will open at 6:45 PM for a "meet and greet".
Remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight. Please remember to take seats immediately when the meeting starts and to silence cell phones.
Please check the website and FotoFax for the club's policy on weather closings. Check WTOP www.wtop.com or Fairfax County School systems web site for closings. You can also sign up for emails or cell phone alerts: http://www.fcps.edu/news/emerg.shtml
December 2013
First, let me say thanks to all who participated in Nature Visions expo on November 8-10. Thanks to the volunteers, presenters, vendors, judges, NV administrators, members who submitted images, and of course the many visitors who attended the show. Without your help and support the NV event would not be possible. It was a fantastic success that also seems to get better every year.
Welcome to December. The warm summer months and those barefoot walks along the beach in August are now just sweet memories. The mercury has dropped and the colorful fall leaves are all but gone. The motivation to get out and take pictures in the cold may now be at an all-time low. But don’t despair, December offers unique opportunities for the passionate shutterbug and it is a great time to work on winter photo projects. It is the only time of year that you can find many places to photograph the colorful lights of the Christmas holiday season. It’s also a chance to get creative. Try defocusing, and/or zooming your camera at a slow shutter speed. These can produce interesting effects with colored lights.
The cold weather frequently brings us mornings with below freezing temperatures. Close-ups of frosty leaves or icy patterns on a window can be particularly interesting. If we are lucky enough to get a snowfall, grab the camera and get outside. Find a subject like a wooden fence, an old barn, a curvy road, a streetlamp, a stand of trees or frozen waterfall. These will look way different when covered in a fresh blanket of snow or when being viewed through falling snow. Winter landscapes are crisp and beautiful in a different sort of way. The winter night sky is also sharpest during the colder months, ask any astrophotographer. It will be worth the effort to get out and about to photograph after a snowfall.
If you are not fond of being outside in the cold, December is also a time for setting up winter projects indoors such as still life, close-ups, black light and studio shoots. Practice with off camera flash or light painting with a flashlight and slow shutter speeds. And food photographers rejoice: fancy foods, holiday meals and desserts seem to be everywhere. Practice your social photography by taking advantage of family gatherings. Don’t be shy to capture those memories of grandma and grandpa, the grandkids or Uncle Joe. Close-ups of older hands doing something or holding a child’s hand create a meaningful photo.
Places to Photograph Christmas Lights in our area
There are too many places to list here to see Christmas lights in the DC area, but this link to About.com shows many of them: http://dc.about.com/od/hoildaysseasonalevents/a/christmaslights.htm.
Personally, I have been to the Festival of Lights at the Mormon Temple in Kensington, MD, and ZooLights at the National Zoo in DC and I can recommend both. Walking around King Street in Old Town Alexandria in December is also a popular spot that I recommended. Lights, storefronts and shop decorations are colorful and festive. This can also be a great place for candid street photos.
Final Thoughts
Don’t let the cold weather be a deterrent to your photography this month. There are many unique and wonderful opportunities waiting to be captured. Please note that NVPS will be closed on December 24 and 31. Have a safe and wonderful holiday season.
Monthly Program
Dec 3rd: Dennis Dimick -Thinking Globally, Seeing Locally
In his day-to-day work Dennis Dimick originates and orchestrates environmental photojournalism projects for National Geographic Magazine. As the magazine's environment editor and a long time picture editor, he works with photographers to produce documentary photography coverage of major issues and ideas like climate change, the energy challenge, global freshwater issues, and the impact of a rising world population. He is currently working with colleagues on a 2014 story series on the future of food in a world where nine billion people will need to eat by 2050.
He has been in love with photography for more than 40 years, and worked as a newspaper photographer and picture editor before joining National Geographic in 1980. He has taught documentary photojournalism at the annual Missouri Photo Workshop for 17 years, and has received many awards for his picture editing from the annual Pictures of the Year Competition. In 2013, received the Sprague Memorial Award from the National Press Photographers Association for his service to photojournalism.
He is a professional photojournalist, but his own photography is strictly avocation. Often carrying a camera, always carrying a phone with a camera, he is constantly on the lookout for interesting and unusual picture possibilities right in his own community where most of his pictures are taken. He loves to take pictures from airplane windows. He is always looking for an interesting picture of trees in Arlington where he lives. He can occasionally be seen photographing swimming meets at the local pool, 4th of July parades, and has been known to photograph ultimate frisbee and other sporting events. He has rediscovered the simplicity and elegance of pictures made with a simple 50mm lens. As a photographer he tries to find beauty in the everyday, in the common, and the local. He firmly believes that photographic possibilities abound in our daily lives, and his presentation will focus on these ideas and others inspired by the beauty in our daily lives.
Dennis Dimick's flickr page
Dennis Dimick bio on flickr
Dennis Dimick's Instagram Page
Dennis Dimick's Twitter Page

Education & Training
Dec 10th: John Naman & Jeff Hancock - Abstract Workshop
NVPS Abstracts Workshop: Ideas and techniques for creating abstract photos
Tonight’s E&T will feature presentations by NVPS members Jeff Hancock and John Naman accompanied by renowned abstract artist Joe Miller.
The NVPS Abstracts Workshop is intended to demonstrate some ideas and techniques for creating abstract photos in your own home. Bring your camera! Cell phone up to DSLR with close-up. We will make several tabletop setups to unleash your creativity, experiment, and have some photographic fun! This workshop ties to a popular survey topic: Composition and Creativity. Exhibit Opportunity: the workshop is scheduled to help members prepare images to submit to the 4th Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit in March 2014.
John Naman photos@jnaman.com is an award-winning technical photographer with a focus on close-up, architecture and abstract photography. He also has a creative side that he employs in exploring the possibilities of light, texture, form, and unusual subjects. John was the Northern Virginia Photographic Advanced Digital Photographer of the Year (2011-2012). He has twice earned awards in the annual juried Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit.
Jeff will perform a live demonstration showing techniques used to perform in camera abstracts. Zooming, swirls, and panning will be performed while the camera is connected to the projector, so the results will be shown instantly.
Jeff Hancock has been an SLR photographer for 26 years. His initial training was from a photojournalist. Jeff has been on the staff at the newspapers of Hawaii’s Punahou School and Duke University. In addition to photojournalism, he’s been active in a wide variety of genres. His photographs of the Berlin Wall (before the fall) were exhibited at Duke shortly after the wall came down. He photographed sailboats for sale to Maryland’s Governor’s cup crew. He’s been the official photographer for Lindsay Cadillac’s Track events at Summit Point Motorsports. He is currently a contract photographer for Gadsby’s Tavern http://alexandriava.gov/GadsbysTavern, a museum built in 1785 that host historical figures and guests in period garb for galas and other events.

Dec 17th: Competition - Judge Corey Hilz - Open Theme
Susan Phillips and Beth Morris, Co-VPs of Competition are pleased to host Corey Hilz as our December Competition judge. This will be an open competition with no required theme. Corey is a professional photographer specializing in nature and travel photography. He finds the diversity in nature and cultures around the world offer boundless opportunities for new images. Corey approaches his subjects with an artistic eye, looking for a fresh perspective. He goes beyond the documentary image to show a unique perspective using color, shape and line. He strives to share the beauty of a destination you have never seen and provide a new perspective on a familiar subject. While Corey has collected diverse images from extensive travel, he also finds some of the most interesting subjects close to home.
Corey is a published author and his work is seen in magazines, books, calendars and catalogues. His photographs are also seen in exhibits and his prints are found in private collections. Corey has written six books, including two books on digital workflow and the first book dedicated to Lensbaby.
Corey has a passion for sharing his knowledge. He helps others improve their photography through group and private instruction. Corey's instruction enables photographers to improve their photographs technically and artistically. He leads workshops to locations in the United States and abroad, plus offers photography classes and software training.
Looking forward to seeing all of your photos!
Susan Phillips Co-VP Competition
Beth Morris Co-VP Competition
As a reminder, the January 21, 2014 competition will have Out of Place as the theme and will be judged by Jim Steele
Editor's note: We like to share competition winning images on the website and include a representative winner from each category in the monthly newsletter, but we cannot do this unless the photographer specifically grants permission. When you win a ribbon in the competition, please remember to grant permission. See the note in the following section for details.

November Competition Results
The full results from each month's competition can be reviewed on the NVPS website at: http://nvps.org/home/?cat=7
Some winning images from November:
Class 1 Prints - 2nd Place
Alan Goldstein
Lincoln 1946
Class 3 Prints - 2nd Place
Susan Phillips
Raining Aspens
Monochrome - 3rd Place
Paul Herholz

Class 2 Digital - 1st Place
Paul Herholz
Bubble Show
Class 1 Digital - 1st Place
John R Eppler
Upper Antelope Canyon at Night

Class 3 Digital - 1st Place
Sandi Croan
Kachhpura Intense
Class 2 Print - 2nd Place
John Singley
Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image.
These are the highest level winners in each category who provided permission to use their image this month.
Competition Image Use
The NVPS Website has a gallery of past Competition winning images at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/.
If your image placed first, second, third
or received an honorable mention in a club competition, it is eligible for this gallery. This
is not done automatically; you must specifically provide consent for your
image to be included in the gallery.
To have your winning image included in the gallery, email competitionwinners" at "nvps.org and
provide the following information:
Your name
Image Category (digital, color print, monochrome print)
Image Class (1, 2, or 3)
Competition Date
Digital Winners: When you upload your image for the competition, you can check the box to grant permission for it to be posted if it wins).
Print Winners: send a digital version of your print, sized as if it were
for digital competition (smaller is ok, but not too small).
The FotoFax newsletter is usually finalized during the weekend
immediately following the monthly club competitions. If your image is a
first place winner and you send it in before the Friday following competition,
your image will be forwarded to the editor for inclusion in FotoFax. If you have not provided permission before that deadline, another winning entry may be used.

December 24th: No Meeting
Due to the holiday, there will not be a Forum Presentation this month.
Members Gallery
December 24th: Prints - No Meeting
Due to the holiday, there will not be a Prints Member's Gallery this month.
December 24th: Digital - No Meeting
Due to the holiday, there will not be a Digital Member's Session this month.
Field Trips
December 14th: Wreath Laying at Arlington National Cemetery
On Saturday, Dec 14th, Wreaths Across America will be working with hundreds of volunteers to place wreaths at every gravesite in Arlington National Cemetery. If you would like to take pictures during the actual laying of the 110,000 wreaths, the schedule for this year’s event is:
Saturday Dec 14th
7:00 am Metro rail opens system-wide
8:00 am Arlington National Cemetery Gates open to public
8:30 am Ceremonial Wreaths Across America Truck Parade arrives Arlington Main entrance 9:30 am Opening Ceremony (Memorial Amphitheater)
10:00 am Wreath laying begins at sites throughout cemetery
11:00 am Wreath laying ceremony at President Kennedy grave
11:30 am Wreath laying ceremony at USS Maine Mast
12:00 Noon Wreath laying ceremony at Tomb of Unknown
We plan to meet at 9:00 at the Memorial Amphitheater where the opening ceremony is scheduled to take place.
From the Wreaths Across America website:
If you are interesting in volunteering to assist in the placing of the wreaths at Arlington, please join us on December 14th at 9:30 a.m. for a briefing to address the volunteers and instructions. After the briefing the volunteers are lined up behind the trucks and handed wreaths for placement. When you place the wreath please remember you may be the first person to visit this grave in years so take time to read the stone and honor the memory of that hero. The final ceremony will take place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers at 12 noon.
December 15th - Wreaths Part II
If you are unable to attend Saturday or if you prefer to take images after all the volunteers have gone and all the wreaths are in place, we have planned a second field trip outing to Arlington Cemetery on Sunday Dec 15th at 8:00am. We will meet at the main visitors center.
The wreaths will be in place through Jan 24th. Most people say that the best images of the wreaths and gravesite markers are after a fresh snowfall. But, since we can’t predict when or if it will snow between Dec 14th and Jan 24th, please note that Arlington National Cemetery is open from 8:00am to 5:00pm during those dates.
More details about all trip logistics will be provided at club meetings and on the website. Only paid up members and their family members can participate in Field Trips. If you would like to sign up for this trip or have any questions, please contact Chuck Campbell or Tom Pratuch, the field trip coordinators at field-trip@nvps.org.
Board of Directors
A full list of all current Board members and their contact information can be found at: http://nvps.org/home/?page_id=23
Elected Board |
President |
- Mike Whalen |
- president" at "nvps.org |
Co-VP Programs |
- Jamie Kiechlin |
- jkiechlin" at "asce.org |
Co-VP Programs |
- Willa Siegel |
- willas4111" at "aol.com |
VP Operations |
- Brian Payne |
- bpayne45" at "yahoo.com |
Co-VP Competition |
- Susan Phillips |
- competition" at "nvps.org |
Co-VP Competition |
- Beth Morris |
- tenfrwrd" at "verizon.net |
Treasurer |
- Tom Brett |
- tombrettphoto" at "cox.net |
Secretary/Historian |
- Georgette Grossman |
- ggrossman" at "cox.net |
Remember to sign up for this year's Portfolio Project. You can do so either by going to the website or by seeing Ken and his laptop at the meetings. To sign-up online use the directions below.
See you there, Ginger Werz-Petricka and Ken Barnett
Notice: The information about workshops and
events not sponsored by or affiliated with NVPS are
provided as an informational courtesy to Members. Individuals should review the detailed
rules and conditions for contests and gallery shows to determine what impact entering an image has on the photographer's
rights and ownership of the submitted images. Review the descriptions of
workshops to see whether participation in a particular workshop would actually meet your personal
learning goals. NVPS attempts to screen events for legitimacy and quality;
however NVPS does not recommend these events and cannot assume responsibility
for their ultimate quality. We recommend due diligence and encourage you to
share your experience with other club members.
Members' Resources:
Do you need help with a photography problem, but don't know who to ask? The Members' Resource Program is here for you. Have you ever been asked "How do you do that?" If so, then consider sharing your knowledge with other club members.
The Members' Resource area of the club web site http://nvps.org/main/members_resource/ contains a growing set of presentations and "how to" documents created by club members. It contains the Members' Resource List, which provides the names and email addresses of club members who have volunteered to help club members looking for help on specific technology and technique topics.
Members' News:
Our members routinely receive photo awards and recognition and have images in shows. As FotoFax only comes out monthly, the best place to look for current events is on the website at :
Member News for Willa Friedman
Congratulations to Willa Friedman, who will have a solo exhibition of her images Reflections at 1st Stage Gallery from Nov. 23 to Dec. 29.
The images may be viewed at 1st Stage when the theater is open. It is located in the Tysons Corner area at 1524 Spring Hill Road, McLean,
phone: (703) 854-1856.
For hours, map and directions, check their website at: http://www.1ststagespringhill.org/
Member News for Roger Lancaster
Congratulations to Roger Lancaster had his photo Awakening at the Beach published as a two page spread in the August/September issue of Grand Strand Magazine which serves the Myrtle Beach SC area. The photo was a sunrise scene taken at Surfside Beach SC.
Member News for Tuan Pham
Congratulations to Tuan Pham for his upcoming public presentation Beauty of Things Insubstantial, Insignificant and Untouchable, which will be held at the US National Arboretum on February 8th 2014.
A 5-Saturday workshop will follow in the Spring, also at the National Arboretum. The workshop will be called In Search of Artistic Personality. In both events ,Tuan says he will share the wonder and joy of visual discovery, and review the teachings of Ancient Masters on Wise Attention. Tuan suggests anyone with a camera, even a phone camera, can enjoy the lessons which are applicable in seeing nature as well as human nature. He invites us to share this news with friends.
Member News for Jan Ponder
Congratulations to Jan Ponder. A show featuring 33 of her photo encaustic prints is on display at The BayWoods of Annapolis Art Gallery from November 10 through the month of December.
Exhibition Opportunities
Comet ISON Photo Competition
Sky & Telescope magazine welcomes submissions to the Comet ISON Photo Contest. (See the Editor's Note at the bottom of the newsletter for more information about this comet.)
In addition to recognition in the magazine and online, the top three winners will receive Celestron prizes described on their website. The deadline for submissions is December 31st.
4th Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit
Last year, the 3rd Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibt had 489 entries from 117 photographers including some from two foreign countries. Attendees have compared this show with the best work ever seen at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. This year's exhibit is scheduled for May 2 -25, 2014. Details are available on the NVACC website at:
Entries will be accepted between December 28, 2013 and February 26, 2014. A $25.00 entry fee is required to submit up to three (3) images for jurying, and with a supplemental fee of $25 00, up to three (3) additional images can be paid. No more than six (6) images will be accepted per photographer. See the NVACC link for full details.
Macro Workshop
Note the January Macro and Close up workshop offered by member Joseph Miller and listed in the Workshop Offerings below.
Comet Photography
Comet ISON passes very near the sun on Thanksgiving Day. Due to the size of the comet, many astronomers believe this will provide spectacular views (and photo opportunities) during the month of December. Some astronomers are less optimistic and think it may be less spectacular, or even destroyed completely by the close passage to the sun.
If it is a spectacular comet, the news media will doubtlessly hype it, and local astronomy clubs will offer public opportunities. The Northern Virginia Astronomy Club (NOVAC) has a public star party scheduled on Saturday night, December 7, 2013 from 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm at C.M. Crockett Park, 10066 Rogues Road, Midland, VA. (Public Star parties are cancelled if the weather is bad - if you can't see the stars, there is no star party!) More information about Public Star Parties can be found on the NOVAC website at: http://www.novac.com/wp/
The two most popular astronomy magazines in the US are Sky & Telescope and Astronomy. Both magazines feature Comet ISON in their December issues, but both were published well in advance of the actual event. They have weekly updates on their websites, along with finder charts to make it easy to see where the comet will be in our local sky.
Workshop Offerings
Speakers and competition judges for NVPS are offered the opportunity to have notices about up-coming tours and workshops in FotoFax for two years after the date of their NVPS program.
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Nikhil Bahl was our December 2012 presenter and has spoken at the club numerous times in the past. He offers a variety of workshops and coaching events. For more details with his latest workshop updates, visit: www.NikhilBahl.com
Sam D'Amico
Sam D'Amico was our judge for April 2013. He asked that we post this information: "Thank you to all who extended their hospitality and made me feel welcome. If you're interested here's a post on my website that was inspired by our meeting:" http://samdamico.com/different-point-view/
See Sam's website for more information about his services: Sam D'Amico Photography - Original Photography and Excellent Photography Instruction. Classes held in Washington DC and Online--Introduction To Photography classes start monthly.
Alan DeFelice
Alan DeFelice was our October 2013 judge. He is a professional photographer who has done raptor photo workshops at Nature Visions. For several years Alan has been a partner with Virginia Digital Photo Safaris.
Steve Gottlieb
Steve Gottlieb was our November 2012 judge. He is Director of Horizon Photography Workshops where he and other instructors offer workshops, mostly on weekends, all year round.
David Heagy
David Heagy is a NVPS club member and was the Digital Gallery presenter in November 2012. The Travel Photography Satisfaction class will show novice and experienced photographers how to increase their satisfaction with their travel photos, handle a variety of situations, protect their images and equipment, and use photography to plan their trips. His schedule of classes and more information are at: http://imageryx.com/.
Corey Hilz
Corey Hilz was our speaker for the April 2013 program and is scheduled as our December 2013 judge. He regularly holds workshops on Lightroom, Photoshop and Aperture as well as hosting photo tours. See his website for the current schedule: http://www.coreyhilz.com/
Don Johnson
Don Johnson was our speaker for the October 2013 program. He specializes in zoo photography and does guest lecture at photo clubs throughout the area. He sells his zoo/animal photos on his website and has done workshops at Nature Visions. See his website for details: www.sunspotimages.com
Adam Jones
Adam Jones was our Program speaker in September 2013. He is a popular and respected workshop instructor and lecturer. Adam teaches photography workshops around the world helping students reach their full potential in the exciting world of digital photography. He has taught for Canon, Popular Photography & Imaging, and Maine Photographic Workshops.
Adam is noted for his enthusiastic down to earth approach and his ability to communicate effectively with all skill levels. A listing of his current workshops can be found here on his website: http://www.adamjonesphoto.com/photo_tours_workshops.html
Joseph Miller
Joseph Miller is an active coach, mentor and long time NVPS member. He is offering a Macro and Close up Photography Workshop on January 25th and February 22nd.
Macro photography opens a new and exciting visual world and allows us to capture images not seen by the naked eye. There is much confusion about what is macro and this workshop will discuss what is macro and what is not, and how to capture macro images.
As in all my workshops, there will be two sessions. The first session will discuss what is macro, the equipment needed to achieve macro, and examples of macro images will be shown. Individual assignments will be given to each participant to produce 10 images for presentation and discussion at the second session.
The first session (Program) will be Saturday, January 25, 2014, from 2:00pm – 4:00pm. The second session (Presentation) will be Saturday, February 22, 2014, from 2:00pm - 5:00pm. Both sessions will be held in the Joseph Miller Center For The Photographic Arts, 4811 Catharpin Road, Gainesville, VA 20155. The cost for the two sessions is $50. For further information contact Joseph Miller, furnfoto@aol.com.
Joseph Rossbach
Joseph Rossbach was our speaker in February 2012.
He does one-day workshops, educational photo tours, individual coaching and other learning events. Details are available at: http://www.josephrossbach.com/photography-tours-workshops/
Roy Sewall
Roy Sewell was our May 2013 Portfolio Critiquer. He offers one-on-one coaching for novice and intermediate photographers, tailored to an
individual's specific needs. See more at: http://www.roysewallphotography.com/iWeb/Home.html
James Steele
James Steele was our competition judge in May 2012.
He does individual coaching and tutoring and can be reached at his gallery in the Torpedo Factory or via his blog at: http://jamesdsteele.blogspot.com/
Joshua Taylor, Jr.
Joshua Taylor is a past NVPS president and was our September 2013 Competition judge. His goal in photography is to help you create, capture and refine your vision. Josh is offering fall photography workshops and classes, including Canon camera classes. For a complete listing and registration, visit his website: joshuataylorphotography.com
Frank Van Riper
Frank Van Riper was our March 2013 judge. In addition to teaching at Photoworks, he offers a variety of acclaimed workshops in great locations. Frank and his wife, Judith Goodman, lead sold-out photography workshops in Italy, Maine and Washington DC. They invite you to join them for low-key, hands-on instruction in some of the world's most beautiful settings. See their website for the current opportunities: http://gvrphoto.com/wp/?page_id=82
Alexander "Sasha" Vasiljev
Sasha Vasiljev was our March 2013 NVPS program speaker. His company, NATURE & PHOTO TOURS offers a number of photo tours: http://naturephotographytours.com
Wayne Wolfersberger
Wayne Wolfersberger is a NVPS member, past President, and was our October 2013 Digital Members Gallery speaker. He teaches a number of classes with the Fairfax County Park Authority. The 2014 calendar schedule should be available soon via Wayne's website at: http://www.waynewolfersberger.com/
Want Ads
For Sale
Manfrotto Monopod and Head
Manfrotto 679B Monopod and Manfrotto monopod tilt head plus quick release plate. Used once. Have all original packaging and manuals. Great for sport or bird shooting. Ready for use or gift giving! Asking $40.00
Contact Georgette Grossman: ggrossman" at "cox.net
Nikon Coolpix P7000
10.1 MP Digital Camera with 7.1x Wide Zoom-Nikkor ED Lens and 3-Inch LCD, two batteries, charger, (28-200mm VR equivalent), Magic Lantern Guide book. $200. See review at
Contact Dan Ward at: danlward"at "aol.com
Nikon D70
Camera body, three batteries, charger. $40. Great condition. See review at:
Contact Dan Ward at: danlward"at "aol.com
Nikon D7000
Used very little. Under 10,000 shutters. In pristine condition, just like new for $600. Also selling AF-S DX Nikkor 18-300 mm F 3/5-5.6 ED VR Lens for $700.
Call Susan, 703.999.6412
Canon 1Ds Mark III Camera body; low shutter count (around
30,000 out of rated 300,000). Excellent condition with no external marks. Included are all the accessories and original box. Also includes a free L-bracket ($180.00 value) for Arca-Swiss style clamps. Asking $2500.00.
Contact Dennis Govoni at: dngovoni" at "verizon.net
Bronica Etrsi
Medium format film camera with two lenses (normal and wide-angle).
Contact Erwin A. Siegel, for details and pricing, or make offer. All in mint condition.
Erwin A. Siegel, ex NVPS Editor and member.
home: 703-960-6726
cell: 703-407-0408
email: ErwinEAS" at "verizon.net
Spudz Microfiber in Flip Pouch
The club has a supply of Spudz. Great for cleaning your lens and camera. These are a large size, 10x10 inches, and are emblazoned with the club logo! Don't be fooled by other cheaper models. These are in the flip pouch.
I will be selling them at club meetings for the amazing price of $10/each or $20 for two.
Bob Friedman
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
NVACC publishes a calendar of area member club events that can be found at http://www.nvacc.org/Calendars.html
NVACC has a free, downloadable series of 25 guidebooks for photographers, which provide information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit. See their booklets at:
Editor's Note
Bill Vanderpool recently forwarded a link to Wyman Meinzer's website. Wyman is the "official Texas State Photographer." His collaboration with musician Doug Smith has resulted in some very enjoyable photo/music slide shows, including his very popular West Texas photo tour. http://www.wymanmeinzer.com/west-texas-2/
Meinzer and Smith have also produced a nice holiday season show, using Wyman's photos and Doug's arrangement of We Three Kings. http://vimeo.com/55915235 This might be a nice example for some future member's digital gallery. z
If you encounter a problem reading FotoFax on your system, please let me know.
Newsletter Editor, Dan Ward
Copyright 2013 by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and its Contributors. The contents of this FotoFax are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the Editor or the material's contributor. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers who have granted permission for NVPS to use their image in FotoFax and/or on the NVPS website, but otherwise retain all rights to their image. |
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