June 2012
NVPS is on vacation till Tuesday, September 4--the day after Labor Day. Is this because we are too busy shooting? If you are not going someplace exciting and exotic this summer, we have so many interesting places to shoot right here at home. We can make day trips to Skyline Drive to photograph fawns, mountains, waterfalls and the shore to photograph birds, fishing villages and wetlands. Whatever your favorite genre, it is here.
Again this year we will have a gallery on the club website for What I Did on My Summer Vacation. Please post an image taken between June 15 and September 3.
This year, not only are we continuing to welcome newcomers to our meetings, but we are going to go farther in encouraging and advancing the skills of beginners. In September we will start an ongoing project to build photographic skills and the understanding of composition--learning to see. The project will include periodic assignments, mentoring, on-line gallery and a Members' Gallery presentation at the end of the year to share what we accomplish. We hope the challenges will be interesting enough to involve experienced photographers as well-- as participants or as mentors and critiquers. This project will be headed by Willa Siegel and past president, Bob Friedman.
If you are in town, there is an interesting photographic exhibit at the National Gallery that will end in early August. It shows street photography of Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Harry Callahan and some more recent photographers. There is so much to see and do here at home.
Of course, we will have our annual field trip to photograph the Lotus flowers at Kenilworth Aquatic gardens on Saturday, July 7. And don't forget the photo ops at the Smithsonian FolkLife Festival in late June and early July. http://www.festival.si.edu/
There are still opportunities to volunteer-- It takes a lot of people to keep things moving. We especially need someone to make coffee! Please, this is not a big job but it is certainly appreciated.
Willa Friedman
Former President's Message |
Hooray, my last article.
Very simply, thanks to all of the volunteers who make this club work.
I encourage the members to continue to volunteer without hesitation to support the incoming President. If you don't I become the stuckee.
Have a great summer. Take wonderful photos and post in the fall in the "What Did You Do This Summer" gallery.
Sept 4th, 2012
At the time the newsletter was published, our Sept 4th speaker had not yet been confirmed. The September issue of FotoFax is scheduled for distribution during the last week of August and details will be included. You can check the club website periodically for updates during the summer.
Sept 11th - Watch the website for more details.
Sept 18th - Judge and Details TBD
The first competition of the next program year will be September 18th and it will be an open category. Three themed competitions are planned. The exact dates for each theme will be announced before the start of the 2012-2013 club year in September 2012.
- Bridges
- The Sun is your Friend.
- The image must be taken at least two hours after Sunrise and at least two hours before Sunset
- The image must be taken at least two hours after Sunrise and at least two hours before Sunset
- The image must portray that the sun is shining and not obscured. e.g. there are shadows.
- The intent of this theme is to take a photo in hard light.
- Light that comes from a single, point source, such as the Sun, and falls directly on the subject from one direction, without being reflected off another surface, is known as hard light. It generally casts dark shadows and produces high contrast pictures with deep blacks and bright highlights. The shadows also generally have a very distinct or hard edge, so that the outline of the object closely reflects the shape of the shadow.
- A Different Point of View. Look up, look down, and look behind the subject (Look at the subject from the top, the bottom, the back--in a nontraditional way.)
May Competition Results
The full listing of May competition results can be found at: http://nvps.org/main/meetings/competition/competition_results/may_15th_2012_-_results_of_com/
Some of the winning images from May

Novice Digital- 1st Place
Rosemary Smith
Santorini Colors

Advanced Digital - 1st Place
Jeff Hancock Great Falls Morning

Prints - Honorable Mention
Maricruz Fugon
No More Pictures, Grandma

Monochrome Prints - 2nd Place
Mike Whalen
Calm Sunrise

Novice Prints - 1st Place
MariAnne MacGregor
Three at Sea
Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image.
Earlier Competition Images
The NVPS Website has a gallery of past winning images at http://nvps.org/gallery/v/competitions/.
If your image placed first, second, third
or received an honorable mention in a club competition, it is eligible for this gallery. This
is not done automatically; you must specifically provide consent for your
image to be included in the gallery.
To have your winning image included in the gallery, email competitionwinners@nvps.org and
provide the following information:
Your name
Image Category (digital, color print, monochrome print)
Image Class – for those categories with classes (Advanced or Novice)
Competition Date
Digital Winners: just provide consent for posting your image
Print Winners: send a digital version of your print, sized as if it were
for digital competition (smaller is ok, but not too small).
The FotoFax newsletter is usually finalized during the weekend
immediately following the monthly club competitions. If your image is a
first place winner and you send it in before the weekend after competition,
your image will be forwarded to the editor for inclusion in FotoFax. If you have not provided permission before that deadline, your image will NOT
be included and another winning entry may be used for that category
in FotoFax.
Year End Competition & Banquet |
Congratulations to all of this year's competition winners!
Melanie Marts and Tom Burden wish to thank the following people for helping with End-of-Year festivities:
Corey Hilz, for being our End-of-Year Judge
Mike Whalen, for all his work in compiling the digital entries, getting them to us and to our end-of-year judge, Corey Hilz
Jeff Hancock, for arranging the lovely digital slide show and posting the winners
Scott Musson, for taking the time to make all the awards certificates, and label cards for the winning prints
Ed Funk, for all the trophies
Andy Klein, for dealing with the banquet room and reservation
Minnie Gallman, for making label cards for the winning prints
Sam Schaen, Kip Holdridge and the ops/tech team, for doing what they do to perfection
Beth Morris, for manning the check-in table
John Quigley, Bill Joseph, Minnie Gallman, and our long suffering spouses, for coming early to help with the prints setup
Thank you everyone, we would not have been able to do it without you!
Have a great summer, see you in September!
Mike Whalen
MariAnne MacGregor
John Naman
Rosemary Smith
Mike Whalen
Timber Gooding
Dasha Rosato
Vivian Luu; Cooling Off
Full details of all the individual awards can be seen at:
Here are most of the Year End first place winners:

Novice Digital- Year End 1st Place
MariAnne MacGregor

Monochrome Prints -
Year End 1st Place
MariAnne MacGregor
Prints - Year End 1st Place
Mike Whalen
Old Spigot

Novice Prints -
Year End 1st Place
Dasha Rosato
Have a Beer
The photographer who won 1st place in the Year End Advanced
Digital winning image was unable to confirm permission from the subject to publish that
image on-line, so she opted not to include it in this issue of FotoFax. We applaud her sensitivity to the potential concerns of the model/subject.
Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image.
Field Trips
July 7th — Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
Every year, NVPS schedules a field trip to Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens. It is a National Park Service site located in the northeastern corner of Washington DC. A homesick war veteran from Maine started the Aquatic Gardens as a hobby with a few wild water lilies in a single pond. Time and diligence turned a trickle of curious visitors to a stream of customers for a growing commercial garden of twenty-eight ponds. The park is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna including water lilies, lotus, wild flowers, blue herons, butterflies, dragonflies, etc...
1550 Anacostia Avenue, NE,
Washington, DC 20019
Information about the gardens can be found at
The National Park Service provides directions (including metro) to the gardens at http://www.nps.gov/keaq/planyourvisit/directions.htm.
If you are entering Washington DC on I-395:
continue on the SW/SE FWY towards its end and take the right exit on to Pennsylvania Ave SE. After crossing the Anacostia river, turn left onto the DC-295N (Anacostia Fwy).
From the Kenilworth Gardens website:
Take Route 295 north to the Burroughs Street Exit. At the bottom of the ramp go left. Go straight to Kenilworth Recreation Park. To get to Aquatic Gardens, go to the right of the athletic field entrance to follow Lee Street to 40th around a curve to Anacostia Avenue. Pass a hand ball court and wooded area to the gardens. An alternate to the Aquatic Gardens is to continue north on Route 295 to the Eastern Avenue Exit. Make a U turn to the left at the light at the top of the ramp and go down two streets to Douglas Street. Make a right on Douglas. At the end of Douglas make a right on Anacostia and continue a block and a half to the park on the left.
Bob Friedman
A full list of all current Board members and their contact information can be found at nvps.org/main/about/board-members
Our 2011-2012 program year board officers have been:
Willa Friedman
Vice President for Programs:
Tom Burden
Vice Presidents for Competition:
Mike Whalen
Mike Kane
Vice President for Operations:
Jim Norman
Tom Brett
Secretary / Historian:
Thank You Notes from Last Year's Board Members:
Thank you to and from the Tech Team: The Folks in the Background
from Sam Schaen, former VP of Operations
We introduced a new projector and laptop this year. These new pieces of equipment contributed to improved reliability and outstanding image quality. I would also like to thank Joe Miller for refurbishing the light box for the print competitions.
The fact that the work of the tech team goes largely unnoticed is a tribute to the members of the team. Each week, members of the team are among the first to arrive and the last to leave. They make the presentations and competitions go seamlessly. The team includes: Jeff Hancock, Kip Holdridge, Scott Shaw, and Paul Uhler. Jeff, who runs the competitions, has introduced some innovations this year (including display of multiple images near the end of a competition and real-time web searches to echo points being made by the speaker).
Thank You to Members Gallery Participants
To all of you who participated in this year’s Members Gallery I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation. Thank you Edward Fink, Bob Friedman, Willa Friedman, Curtis Gibbens, Timber Gooding, Will Haubert, Melanie Marts, Jim Norman, Susan Phillips, Ursy Potter, Bill Prosser, Lea Schlosser, Ceasar Sharper, Rosemary Smith, Dan Ward and Mike Whalen. With your extraordinary presentations we were able to visit Cuba, Haiti, the Galapagos, Ghana and a lot of Europe. We went to the Grand Tetons and Alaska; we explored Phoetry and the Civil War. There were landscapes and cityscapes, wildlife and models, black and white and color. It was a privilege to see each and every image.
You have all been extremely generous to put in the time, effort and expense needed to share your exceptional work.
Everyone, please welcome next year’s Members Gallery coordinator, Dasha Rosato. Please contact her if you are interested in showing your work during the 2012-13 club year
Thank you! Ginger Werz-Petricka, former Members Gallery coordinator.
Congratulations Portfolio Participants
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s portfolio project. Once again the club membership was privileged to see an exhibition that showcased the high level of professionalism and talent that you bring to your art.
It is always interesting to see the wide variety of subject matter that members choose to explore for their portfolios and this year was no exception. In color and in black and white we had food, trees, motion, landscapes and children, birds and their feathers, commuting and reflections, heroes remembered and places forgotten, close-ups, abstracts, travel and staying at home, the beauty of the ordinary and of course, those body parts.
Congratulations to Brittany Anderson, Ken Barnett, Claudia Copeland, Bill Corbett, Kim Enevoldsen, Bob Friedman, Willa Friedman, Rita Leake, MariAnne MacGregor, Judy McGuire, Tuan Pham, Susan Phillips, Jan Ponder, Ursy Potter, Thomas Pratuch, Bill Prosser, Lea Schlosser, Ceasar Sharper, Paul Simmons, Dan Ward, Ginger Werz-Petricka, and Mike Whalen. Your work met and exceeded the challenge of the portfolio project. We hope you will be delighting us next year with another wonderful collection of images.
Your portfolios serve as inspiration to the members who will participate in the Portfolio Project in 2012-13. Thanks, Ginger Werz-Petricka, Bill Prosser, and Paul Simmons former portfolio Project Co-chairs
Ginger Werz-Petricka and Ken Barnett will be facilitating the project this upcoming year.
Notice: Workshop and
contest announcements of events not sponsored by or affiliated with NVPS are
provided as a courtesy to Members. Individuals should review the detailed
contest rules and conditions to determine what impact entering images has on
rights and ownership of the submitted images. Review the descriptions of
workshop to whether participation in a workshop would actually meet personal
learning goals. NVPS attempts to screen events for legitimacy and quality,
however NVPS does not recommend these events and cannot assume responsibility
for their ultimate quality. We recommend due diligence and encourage you to
share your experience with other club members.
Members' Resources:
Do you need help with a photography problem, but don’t know who to ask? The Members’ Resource Program is here for you. Have you ever been asked “How do you do that?” If so, then consider sharing your knowledge with other club members.
The Members’ Resource area of the club web site http://nvps.org/main/members_resource/ contains a growing set of presentations and ‘how to’ documents created by club members. For example, it includes Jay Heisel's excellent Forum presentation from the January meeting on Social Photography, with his detailed explanations. It also contains the Members’ Resource List, which provides the names and email addresses of club members who have volunteered to help club members looking for help on specific technology and technique topics.
If you have a photography question, check the Resource List for the name of a club member who can help you with it. If nobody has indicated they have expertise in the topic, then contact me and we’ll find somebody. If you have some expertise that you’d like to share, let me know what topics you are able to address.
If you’d like to share your knowledge through a presentation, club website document or FotoFax article, and just need some help getting it off the ground, let me know and I can help with writing, editing, or graphics. Jay Heiser, Members’ Resource Program Coordinator, jay “at” heiserhollow.net .
Members News:
Our members routinely receive photo awards and recognition and have images in shows. As FotoFax only comes out monthly, the best place to look for current events is on the website at :
Mike Kane was featured in a recent blog about late blooming entrepreneurs. Congratulations to Mike, who is our new competition co-chair.
Bill Prosser's entry in the B&W Portfolio Contest 2012 has been selected for a Merit Award. Several of his images will be published as a 2-page spread in the Special Issue #92 of B&W magazine, scheduled to arrive on newsstands early June. There were 81 winners in this category (out of a total of 413 entries, consisting of 681 portfolios, totaling 7,500 images). Bill can be confident that they felt his work stood out in a way that deserved this special attention.
Exhibition Opportunities
4th Annual
Nature Photography Contest
The Jamestown, NY Audubon announces the 4th Annual
Nature Photography Contest
Six CASH Prizes!
* Youth & Adult Divisions
* 3 Categories
Deadline: June 30, 2012
Rules and application online at:
Made possible in part by the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation and Main Street Photo.
Blue Ridge Mountain Photographers
The Blue Ridge Mountain Photographers invite members to enter their 2012 National Juried Nature and Fine Art Photography Exhibit. Last year more than 150 photographs were selected for display in The Art Center, an historic courthouse in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Their judge this year will be Professor Paul Dunlap of North Georgia College and State University. A total of $2000 in prize money will be awarded.
Final deadline is July 2, 2012. Detailed information and entry form can be found at www.blueridgemountainphotographers.com
Nature Visions 2012 will be held November 9 - 11, at the Hylton Performing Arts Center on the Prince William Campus, George Mason University, Manassas, Virginia. The Expo is a three day event showcasing the photographic work of Northern Virginia's wildlife photographers. The centerpiece of the Expo is a display of approximately three hundred images that have been selected by a panel of jurors.
The Expo also offers two full days of lectures and workshops by noted photographers and several unique activities including photographers having the chance to photograph hawks, owls and other raptors. Thanks to the Raptor Conservancy of Virginia, photographers can focus their cameras on these magnificent wild birds in a natural setting just outside the Hylton Center. Numerous vendors will be on hand to display the latest in photographic equipment and technology.
The Expo will kick off on Friday, November 9 with a full day seminar conducted by Seth Resnick. Seth is considered one of the 30 most influential photographers of the decade and is one of 78 photographers worldwide named as a "Canon Explorer of Light" photographer. Seth will also give the keynote address on Saturday afternoon. Lectures will be held all day Saturday and Sunday.
NVPS will collect images beginning with the first meeting in September, September 4 and continue through the second meeting in October, October 16. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS FOR LATE ENTRIES. The judging will be on Sunday October 21 and a list of juried entries will be posted as soon as possible, but not later than the meeting on October 23.
Images must be in compliance with instructions and specifications in the EXHIBITOR'S GUIDANCE and all entries will be accepted on the condition that the photographer will perform at least on volunteer task for the Expo. The guidance was provided by e-mail to the membership on May 7 and is now posted on the NVPS website under "Exhibits" and the Nature Visions website.
Specific information concerning registration, hours of operation, lectures and workshops, etc., will be posted on the Nature Visions website at www.naturevisions.org. as soon as it become available. Additional information will be provided to members via e-mail throughout the summer.
Questions may be addressed to John Quigley, NVPS Nature Visions Rep at jhquigley" at "msn.com or in person at any of the regular meetings.
Submitted by:
John Quigley
NVPS NatureVisions Rep
Joseph Miller 2nd Annual Abstract Exhibit - Post Exhibit information
Images from the Second Annual Abstract Exhibit are now posted on the NVACC.org web site, as a gallery and also as a video shown with the music of Dennis Brain playing Mozart's 2nd Horn Concerto. Both are well worth seeing and can be found at the following links:
Exhibit: http://nvacc.org/Gallery/Gallery.html
Video: http://nvacc.org/Gallery/Pages/Videos.html
This is a great opportunity to see the wonderful images from this show.
Photoworks in Glen Echo Park offers a variety of
photography classes & workshops for adults and children, taught by many
familiar names, including former speakers at NVPS. The Summer schedule is out and can be seen at:
Wayne Wolfersberger
Wayne Wolfersberger (NVPS member and past President) will
be teaching many classes for his thirteenth year with Fairfax County’s Adult
and Community Education - ACE. Anyone can sign up (Fairfax residency not
required). Courses are designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced
skills in photography which includes Outdoor (Nature) classes, flower and
garden classes, as well as well as classroom table top shooting for
composition and creativity. Several classes include weekend field trips. See
http://www.fcps.edu/is/ace/index.shtml and then go
to Art – studio art for details or http://www.waynewolfersberger.com/
Tony Sweet
Tony Sweet was our September 2011 speaker. He conducts Visual Artistry photography location workshops in a variety of locations and offers individual instruction as well. Details are available via his website at: http://tonysweet.com/
Roy Sewall
Roy was the November 2011 judge and presented a
program in November 2010.
He offers one-on-one coaching for novice
and intermediate photographers, tailored to an
individual's specific needs. Representative topics
are: how to operate a digital SLR, equipment selection, photo critique in a
private setting, on-computer demonstration of photo improvements, and field
technique. See his recently updated website for more details and information about upcoming workshops or to sign up for his newsletter:
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Responding to a request for proposals, Nikhil Bahl offered three workshops to NVPS members at a reduced rate. The last of those three workshops is the Chincoteaque Island session listed below. Nikhil gave an NVPS Forum program in April 2011.
November 16-18, 2012.
The workshop will start with an orientation on Friday, November 16 and end after a critique session Sunday, November 18 at 1pm. There will be field work every morning and evening during the workshop. There will also be classroom sessions in the afternoons.
Tuition: $375 -- Regular fee would be $425. A $50 discount will be offered to all NVPS members. Participants are responsible for travel, hotel, food and other incidentals are not included as part of the workshop fee.
If you are interested, please contact Nikhil at:
Awake the Light Photo Tours and Workshops
Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem
Join two well-known professional photographers on their
exciting and educational photo tours. For 2012 they are offering trips to
Alaska's Denali National Park and Katmai National Park, Yellowstone
National Parks, Antelope Canyon and Monument Valley in Arizona, the Great
Smoky Mountains, and Acadia National Park in Maine. All tours include extensive
photographic opportunities in the field, as well as personal one-on-one
assistance and classroom instruction. Mollie and Mary gave a NVPS Programs in
October 2010. See their website for more information on their workshops and tours.
Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem
http://www.awakethelight.com/ or http://awakethelight.blogspot.com/
awakethelight "at" cox.net
Josh Taylor, Jr.
Fall workshops, classes, and lectures are posted at archiphotoworkshops.com. Please
take a look and hopefully, you will find something of interest, including
Canon camera classes. Josh is an NVPS member and most recently presented a
workshop in March 2010 and was our September 2011 Competition judge.
jtaylorj "at" verizon.net
Mike Moats
Mike was our November Program Speaker on the topic of Macro Photography. Mike offers a regional workshops on Macro techniques throughout the US on a regular basis. He also has a blog and newsletter that offer coaching notes on various aspects of photography. For more details, check the events listing on Mike's website: www.tinylandscapes.com
Bill & Linda Lane
Responding to a NVPS request for proposals, Bill and Linda Lane are holding a workshop near Marlinton, West Virginia from June 20-23 and are offering a $100 discount to NVPS members. They plan to shoot along the Greenbrier River Trail, the scenic highway, the glades, waterfalls, barns, all around town and surrounding towns. Indeed, they will take advantage of every 'photo op' they can find! http://www.lanephotoworkshops.com/workshops_2012/12summerwv.htm
Their base price of $775 (NVPS discounted price $675) includes most meals but not lodging; they have reserved a block of rooms for attendees.
For more information, see the workshop link above or contact:
Bill and Linda Lane
Nature's Image Photography Field Workshops
15325 Mountain Road
Montpelier, Virginia 23192
(804) 883 7740 or check their website: lanephotoworkshops.com
Joseph Rossbach
Joe was our speaker on February 7th. His website has a new "eStore" with a 20% discount on books, photos, posters, etc.
He has several instructional workshop events listed over the next few months. Details are at:
For Sale
MANFROTTO BOGEN GRIP ACTION BALLHEAD for tripod or monopod, model #3265. Like brand new. http://www.adorama.com/BG3265.html
Selling at Adorama for $89.95 after rebate. Will sell for $45.00
Brand new, never used. Still in sealed box. http://www.adorama.com/HY62UVM.html
Selling for $29.99 at Adorama. Will sell for $15.00.
Brand new, never used. Still in sealed box. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/22705-REG/Hoya_B62CRPL_62mm_Circular_Polarizer_Glass.html
Selling for $27.96 at B and H. Will sell for $15.00.
For more information, contact Mollie Isaacs
Omega D2 Variable Condenser darkroom Enlarger w/PM2L color analyzer with EL-Nikkon F-50MM & Rodenstock F-90 lenses. Measurements: 17 3/4" W x 25" L x 48" H. In good condition.
Call 703-451-4753 (Bill Wallentiny)
9' x 20' med.blue & pastel canvas backdrop $200.
Wacom large tablet $100.
1 12"x12" light table $15.
1 wood computer desk, 2 drawer lateral file cabinet, and printer table $75 each or set for $200.
1 20" PMA cold mount press $50.
1 Viewsonic computer monitor 18" $50.
1 Viewsonic computer monitor 22" $65.
1 Epson Stylus Photo 1289 printer $50.
1 Epson Stylus Pro 7600 printer w/ ink & paper $ 200.00 General Products album covers w/ mats,to hold 8x10 prints, Our Family on cover $20.
1 PPA 16x20 print case $60.
1 16x20 fiber print case $40.
1 hard side Porter Case 14"x22"x8" outside dim. $75.
1 Metz battery and flash head $25.
1 small size changing bag $5.
1 Kiwi large black soft camera bag $30.
1 medium size camera fanny pack $15.
1 large Lowepro fanny pack w/ small backpack $40.
1 Tamrac medium size camera bag, black $25.
1 Geneva medium size camera bag $15.
2 rolling backpack camera bags $25 ea. or 2 for $40.
2 Kodak Carousel projectors on stack rack w/Yamaha speakers and Jascan dissolve unit $150.
1 Quick release pistol grip Manfrotto head, broken plastic lock button $10.
2 camera straps, Bogen & Minolta $2.50 each
misc. darkroom equipment $0.00
1 Minolta Maxxim 7xi film camera w/ 24-85 zoom $25.
Lens 1.35-4.5, 62mm w/ special effects filters
1 Polaroid sx70 camera and flash $20.
1 Nikon Coolpix 950 camera in Tenba bag w/ lenses $25.
1 Minolta Maxum 800si film camera w/ 28-100 zoom lens $25.
1 Minolta Maxum 8000i film camera $25.
1 Tamron 28-300 zoom macro lens 1:3.5-6.3, 62mm $25.
1 Tamron aspherical LD 28-300 macro lens, 1:3.5-6.3, 72mm $ 25.
1 Minolta 28-300, 1:3.5-6.3, 62mm macro lens $25.
1 Tamron AF 38-300, f3.5-6.3, 20mm, aspherical $40.
SF macro lens (new in box)
Assorted precut mats 8x10-20x24 make offer
Assorted frames, make offer
lenses have Minolta mounts
Mary Ann Stagner
lastimages" at "aol.com
Tamron 200-500
Nikon mount lens for sale (almost new only used twice) - $600. obo
Laura Howell lhowellphotos" at "yahoo.com
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
Did you miss a great speaker at NVPS? She just might be speaking at one of the other (lesser) clubs in the area. NVACC publishes a monthly Calendar of Virginia Member Club Events that can be found at http://www.nvacc.org/Calendars.html.
NVACC has published a Field Trips Guide Book for Photographers, which provides information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit. See their booklets at:
http://www.nvacc.org/Booklets.html .
Thank you to those who have taken the extra time to let me know what you liked or did not like about FotoFax. Constructive criticism is greatfully appreciated.
The Newsletter Editor is one of the few non-elected roles in the club that is currently a one-person role. I would welcome the assistance of someone willing to volunteer a few hours per month to help with proof-reading the content.
Let me know if you are interested.
Comments, requests and submissions are solicited and welcomed. They should be sent to editor@nvps.org or given to me at a regular meeting.
Newsletter Editor, Dan Ward
Copyright 2012 by the Northern Virginia Photographic Society and its Contributors. The contents of this FotoFax are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the Editor or the material’s specific contributor. All photographs are copyrighted by the photographers who have granted permission for NVPS to use their image in FotoFax and/or on the NVPS website, but otherwise retain all rights to their image. |