Volume 47 - No. 01.1
Founded 1965 - our 47th Year
September 2011
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Editor: Dan Ward-Email: editor@nvps.org

Table of Contents

President's Message
Monthly Program
Workshops, Education, and Training
Member's Gallery
Field Trips
Want Ads
Board of Directors
Treasurer's Report
Workshop Offerings
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs
Editors Note


Monthly Program: Tony Sweet — Creating the "Wow" Factor
Workshop: Mastering the Art of the Digital Camera
Competition: Josh Taylor - judge
Field Trip: Hillwood Mansion and Gardens in the District
Gallery Prints: Ginger Werz-Petricka
Gallery Projected: Curtis Gibbens
Forum: Stan Bysshe - Underwater Photography: A Technophile Dream or Nightmare?


Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.

To protect our members from email spam, all email addresses in this newsletter have "@" replaced with "at". Please remember to substitute the "@" when attempting to contact any of the people.

All meetings for the club year will start at 7:30 PM at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors will open at 6:45 PM for a "meet and greet".

Remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight. Please remember to take seats immediately when the meeting starts and to silence cell phones.

Please check the website and Fotofax for the club’s policy on weather closings. Check WTOP www.wtop.com or Fairfax County School systems web site for closings. You can also sign up for emails or cell phone alerts www.fcps.edu/news/emerg.htm

President's Message

September 2011

If it is Tuesday, it must NVPS night.  I hope you all had a great summer. 

I am looking forward to another exciting season for our camera club.  We are starting the year with our Program night featuring guest speaker Tony Sweet on September 6th.  We are all familiar with Tony's work and I am sure it will be inspirational.

Don't forget to post a photo showing "What you did this Summer." Rules and instructions are on the website.  From what has been posted so far we have traveled far and wide.

Remember NVPS is a volunteer club.  When a Board member asks you for help, the appropriate answer is, "yes, I will be glad to help."

Lastly, do not forget to pay your dues.  Checks or cash are accepted at meetings, or DO IT NOW, and use PayPal.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Bob Friedman
President, NVPS

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Monthly Program

September 6th, 2011 - Program Night: Tony Sweet

Please join us for an evening of inspiration as we kick off our 2011/2012 club year! Tony will present a gallery of his extraordinary images, including a discussion on compositional, creative, and software techniques
to use as tools in creating the "wow" factor in your final images. Tony can be found at: www.tonysweet.com http://www.tonysweet.com/ and http://web.me.com/tonysweetphoto/tonysweet_blog/Blog/Blog.html

Tony Sweet's bio:
After 20 years as a professional jazz artist, Tony changed careers and directed his creative juices towards nature photography. The improvisational, spontaneous, and abstract nature of jazz are also integral
elements of nature photography.

Tony's work is published on calendars, post cards, posters, annual reports, greeting cards, catalogs, and electronic mediums. His fine art prints are exhibited in private and corporate collections throughout the United States,
and he is represented by The Getty Picture Agency. His images are also used by Nikon, NikSoftware, Singh Ray, Microtek, and others for national ad campaigns.

Tony conducts Visual Artistry photography location workshops, and speaks to photography organizations and PPA schools throughout the continental United States and Canada. Tony's articles and images are featured in Shutterbug and
Rangefinder magazines, and is a contributor to Nikonnet.com. He is a staff writer for Nikon World magazine.

He has authored four books on the art of photography: Fine Art Nature Photography ('02), Fine Art Flower Photography ('05), and Fine Art Nature Photography: Water, Ice, Fog ('07), and Fine Art Digital Nature ('09).

Tony maintains an active speaking schedule, addressing professional photography organizations, universities, seminars, and teaching workshops, is an instructor on betterphoto.com.

Tony was honored as a Nikon Legend Behind the Lens http://http://press.nikonusa.com/2006/03/nikonnet_and_legends_behind_th_7.php in 2006, member of Team Nik (NikSoftware http://www.niksoftware.com/) in 2007, and a Lensbaby Guru http://www.lensbaby.com/gurus-sweet.php in 2008.

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Workshops, Education, and Training

Mastering the Art of the Digital Camera
September 13th Workshop

Today's digital cameras are really very sophisticated computer systems, which can be "told" how to take and process the initial digital image. Why are there so many settings in today's modern cameras? What do they do and how do they aid the photographer in producing a technically better picture? Or do they?

This workshop is designed to help you master the intricacies of digital camera settings. But more importantly, this workshop will teach you how. As it currently stands, Canon and Nikon are the two major camera groups. These settings are used in different photographic scenarios. Please be sure to bring your manual and a fully charged battery.

The more knowledgeable members of NVPS will be acting as SMEs (Subject Matter Experts). We will breakdown into groups based on the number of SMEs and camera types. As it currently stands, Canon and Nikon are the two major camera groups we have experts for, but if you have a different brand, we should be able to help with the basic concepts that exist across brands.

Message from Workshop Coordinators

Roger Lancaster and Dennis Govoni are overseeing the Workshop/Education effort for NVPS for the club year: 2011-2012. Based on the recent survey that was posted, we have already determined the first two workshops to be scheduled:

1. September 13, 2011: "Understanding your Camera Controls for Better Technical Images."

For the first workshop on Cameras we need volunteers who are experienced users of their camera controls. The plan is to work in small groups and help the less experienced members understand what the settings are and not only how to use them but in which shooting situations they can be used. The more experienced members can thusly lend their first-hand experiences on this.

Please send to Dennis Govoni (dngovoni "at" verizon.net) the following information if you wish to be the subject matter expert for a group (the more we have, the smaller the groups):
Camera you use:

2. October 11, 2011: "Everything You Need to Know about Matting"
We also are going to use internal resources for the matting workshop in October, which will also be group-focused. So if you wish to be a group lead for this, please send your name to: Roger Lancaster (roger "at" thelancasters.us) . You will need to provide matting equipment to be used in the workshop. The intent is to allow those who have never done this or want more instruction to bring a picture and matting materials to be used. In addition, we would like to provide a list of recommended matting equipment (good to have multiple selections) with any pros/cons you more experienced "matters" have.

Thanks, in advance, for any consideration.

Roger & Dennis

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September 20th Competition

Judge Josh Taylor

Co-VP's of Competition Tom Burden and Melanie Marts, are pleased to welcome Josh Taylor as our Judge this month, to kick off the new club year.

Josh is a successful and accomplished professional photographer, with over 30 years of experience, presenting workshops at the Smithsonian National Orchid show, Longwood Gardens, U.S. National Arboretum, Brookside Gardens, etc, to name just a few, with emphasis on the success of the participants. In addition to this, he teaches Canon camera equipment, speaks at camera and garden clubs, judges photographic competitions, and exhibits his images in gallery shows.

Josh's passion for the craft of photography is his inspiration, and his compelling images of architecture, garden and other outdoor subjects convey this passion. He hopes his images will inspire, captivate, and teach others to experience his joy and love of photography. Through his photographic vision and personal style, the ordinary becomes the extraordinary. Josh wants the viewer to see that a "good" photograph doesn't just happen, rather, it is made by the photographer. "It's an honor to say that I've judged photographic competitions at all of the camera clubs in the Metro area. Some camera clubs have invited me back year after year, even though their rules state otherwise. Also, I've judged photo competitions online, national media competitions, and was one of last year's judges for Nature Visions competition."

Josh's website is www.archiphotoworkshops.com.  You are invited to have dinner with Josh at Chili's restaurant in Tyson's Corner (behind the Tiffany's shopping center), at 5:30 pm on the day of competition. For the latest info on uploading digital images for competition (and the deadline), please see the NVPS website in the digital competition section. Also, anyone who is not familiar with the new rules or categories, please review those as well. Respectfully submitted Melanie Marts, co-VP of Competition jasmarts "at" cox.net

Competition Themes for NVPS Club year 2011/2012

Subject matter, theme, and artistic presentation are normally the choice of the photographer. However three of the monthly competitions will have a predetermined theme that must be observed, Simplicity, Shadows and Weather.

Although the themes were specified by the Theme Committee, the interpretation of the theme is being left to the photographer. Thus, the Theme Committee intentionally did not provide definitions or examples for the 2011–2012 themes.

  • October 18, 2011:  “Simplicity”
  • January 17, 2012:  “Shadows”
  • April 17, 2012:  “Weather”

And for the last competition of the season, on May 15, 2012, members may submit older images.  There will be no time limit as to when the images were captured.  For all other competitions, images must have been captured within 2 years of the competition date, no exceptions.

No explanation or guidelines will be provided for the 3 themes, it is up to the photographer to interpret them, and for the competition judge to decide.

Respectfully submitted

Melanie Marts, Co-VP of Competition
jasmarts "at" cox.net

Planning Ahead - Themes for 2012–2013

1) Bridges

2)  The Sun is Your Friend

  • The intent of this theme is to take a photo in hard light. Hard light comes from a single point source, in this case the Sun, and falls directly on the subject from one direction, without being reflected off another surface.
  • The image must demonstrate that the sun is shining and is not obscured.  Objects within the image should contain shadows with very distinct or hard edges
  • The images should be of high contrast, containing deep blacks and bright highlights.
  • The image must be taken at least two hours after Sunrise and at least two hours before
  • Sunset

3)  A Different Point of View
Find a subject and photograph it in a nontraditional way.
Observe all sides and angles—front, back, top, bottom, up, down, side—before
you choose the most interesting point of view.

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Underwater Photography: A Technophile Dream or Nightmare?

Stan Bysshe - September 27

Taking pictures in an often harsh environment can be challenging and require mastering multiple skills.  Neither expensive DSLR cameras nor the human body were designed to function under eighty feet of sea water.  Nonetheless, with a little practice and knowledge of the equipment, photographic options are available—of course, this includes getting safely back to dry land to download your images.  Stan’s presentation, Underwater Photography: A Technophile Dream or Nightmare?, will take you on an underwater photographic adventure.

Like many club members, work always got in the way of photography for Stan.  Four years ago, his wife convinced him that it was time to call it quits after 35 years of medicine.  So, they left the comfortable confines of the U.S. and moved to the island of Curacao in the former Dutch Antilles.  Part of the decision to move to Curacao was based on Stan’s lifelong interest in tropical reef ecology, diving and underwater photography.  He spent the next three years in the water with his camera. 

Stan became certified in scuba in 1974 and actually took some underwater shots that year.   When time allowed, nature photography became a serious hobby with vacations often spent, at least partly, underwater.  Now back in the U.S., Stan is refocusing on land photography.  Yet, underwater trips are always on his horizon.

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Members Gallery

Curtis Gibbens – Gallery Digital

Photography became a big part of Curtis’ life after his first visit to Huntley Meadows Park in the mid-1990s.  He was fascinated with the birds he had never seen before and plenty of reptiles.   He always enjoyed watching wildlife in their natural surroundings and at that time there was nothing better or closer that could compete with Huntley Meadows.  He became more serious with his new Nikon N70.  John Shaw’s books and videos were a large part of the learning process during that time.

Although the creatures at Huntley Meadows Park have calmed down over the years, this is still his favorite place.  Curtis volunteers at the park by giving people on the boardwalk a closer view with a scope.  It’s his excuse to visit twice a month.

Curtis’ former employer, CACI International Inc., sent him around the country for weeks and sometimes months at a time, giving him plenty of opportunities to photograph local parks and natural places.  This was during the slide years, so he would love to do it again with his Nikon D300 and the backup D200, and his 200-400 f4, 70-200 f2.8, and 16-35 f4 lenses. 

His biggest thrill in the field is finding and capturing wildlife images in their natural surroundings, which lead to straight documentary photography.  NVPS has helped him over the past 11 years to be more creative by paying attention to leading lines, where to place the subjects, and special effects through the camera.  As the field trip coordinator last year, he photographed many subjects new to him, such as the National Shrine and the hot air balloon festival.

Because of his passion for photography, more people see him as a photographer.  He has taken coworkers in the field and has helped a close friend, Beth Morris, get started in her photography.  Curtis has received numerous awards over the years, including first place in the Huntley Meadows Photo Contest and a Vendor’s Choice Award in the 2010 Nature Visions Photography Expo.

He will be presenting images of favorite places and great places that he does not visit as much and a few images from the NVPS field trips of 2010-2011.

Ginger Werz-Petricka – Gallery Prints

Ginger has been a member of NVPS since 2009.  She had been a fine arts major in college with special interests in printmaking and photography, but for many years the demands of work and home put her artistic interests on the back burner.  She started with film on a Minalta and after several years of using work related digital point and shoot cameras she acquired a Canon Powershot S5IS, went DSLR in 2009 with a Canon Rebel XSi and now has a Canon 60D and is particularly enjoying the new cameras greater capability to shoot in low light.  She has a 70-300, 18-135, 12-24 and a 50mm.  As a photographer who is drawn to details and abstraction, she is looking forward to getting a macro lens.

Ginger has always been an avid art collector, and in recent years has begun collecting Asian art, including Japanese Netsukes and Chinese jade.  She enjoys gardening, although her weekends now involve more photography and the flower beds are seeing a few more weeds then normal.

It is evident from her prints that she enjoys photographing a wide range of subject matter, with the possible exception of birds and wildlife, subjects for which she says she lacks the reflexes.  From landscapes to close-up images, architecture to shadows, machinery to flowers, all are subjects of interest.  Most recently she has been challenged to photograph people and is learning how to improve her work with flash.  She has also enjoyed taking workshops with Steve Gottlieb and Frank van Riper.

As well as earning a number of ribbons in club competitions Ginger has been lucky enough to have images chosen for last years NatureVisions Exhibit, the Joe Miller First Annual Abstract Exhibit and the Horizon Photo Workshops Alumni Exhibit in Wilmington, DE this last July.

She feels that NVPS and its members have been a great source of knowledge and guidance over the last couple of years and is looking forward to seeing everyone’s work this year.

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Field Trips

September 24 - Hillwood Mansion

We have been hard at work planning field trips for the upcoming year.  To kick off the year, our first field trip is on September 24 at the Hillwood Mansion and Gardens in the District.  Hillwood is the estate of the late Marjorie Merriweather Post.  http://www.hillwoodmuseum.org/   It consists of formal gardens, woodlands, and a mansion.  We are welcome anywhere on the estate.  Cost for self-guided tour and access is $12.  The gardens include French, Japanese, Rose, Cutting, Greenhouse Gardens and a Lunar Lawn.   We can use tripods outdoors.  Hillwood requests no tripods or flash inside the mansion.  With such a variety of shooting opportunities, this will be a great beginning to our year’s field trips.

Additional Field Trips
We are currently planning at least two get-away photoshoots to enticing locations.  The first is in early November in Page Arizona – the Page Balloon Festival and Slot Canyon Shoot.  This combines two distinct shooting opportunities in one trip – a Balloon Festival and Slot Canyons.  The Festival features morning and evening launches and a memorable “Illumination” at night in the town of Page AZ.  During the day, we can get our fill shooting such slot canyons as Upper and Lower Antelope, Canyon X, and Waterholes.  Add possible shooting at Horseshoe Bend and Alstrom Point and this trip offers fantastic photo opportunities.  There will be additional fees for shooting in the slot canyons and as soon as those have been ascertained, we will pass them along.

Our other significant photoshoot will be a Florida Bird Shoot in late January and early February.  In addition to offering the chance to escape Washington’s cold and snow, we are planning this trip to respond to the interest of members who enjoy photographing birds.  We can anticipate shooting in locations such as the Eastern Everglades, Royal Palm, Ding Darling, Cape Coral, the Venice Rookery, and the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary.  This trip has been planned to be a week long so that members can join/leave as their individual needs dictate.

We are also hoping to schedule an opportunity to photograph the US Capitol, Washington National Cathedral, Shenandoah Park in autumn, the National Capital Trolley Museum, the Rawlings Conservatory & Botanic Gardens in Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, the Longwood Gardens Orchid Extravaganza, Morven Park in Leesburg, Georgetown, and Chincoteague.  Our expectation is to have at least one field trip a month, and sometimes two.  We hope to make this an active year for NVPS members.

Results from the 2011-2012 NVPS Field Trip Interests Survey

The NVPS Field Trips Committee would like to thank the 51 NVPS members who participated in the 2011-2012 NVPS Field Trip Planning - Member Interests Survey. The full survey and results are posted on the NVPS web site at http://nvps.org/main/fieldtrips/results_from_the_2011-2012_nvp/ .  Here are a few highlights and findings from the survey:

  • The most important consideration in selecting a field trip is:  Photo ops — Exposure to interesting venues that provide opportunity to exercise personal creativity in selecting scenes and subjects and capturing images.  100% of respondents agree that photo ops are at least "somewhat important" and 92.2% consider this factor "very important."  Hands-on skills development and education / instruction / observation are at least "somewhat important" to a majority, but lag far behind photo ops in importance
  • A field trip that focuses primarily on "natural landscapes" appears to be of greatest interest to respondents -- 82.4% are "very likely" to participate, and 96.1% are at least "somewhat likely" to participate.  "Technical skill instruction / development" was the next most-popular choice, with 56.0% "very likely" to participate, and 96.0% at least "somewhat likely."  "Wildlife" and "Urban landscapes" ranked next in drawing support
  • Cost, time required, physical demand, and distance from home can all be summed up in a few words:  interest in a field trip drops off as any of these increase.
  • Field trips are most likely to succeed when help on a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday.  Roughly 20% - 30% of respondents "will not participate" on a weekday.
  • Somewhere between 50% and 75% of field trips should be local (completed in a single day, with no more than four hours round-trip travel time).
  • 84.0% of respondents like the idea of NVPS inviting proposals for professionally-guided field trips lead by professional photographers who have a reputation for leading high-quality field workshops, assuming there is a meaningful discount from the leader's normal rates, exclusive or priority preference for NVPS members, and other reasonable terms.
  • Members provided a wealth of suggestions concerning sites and topics for field trips.
  • The Fields Trips Committee will be guided by this feedback as we select and schedule events for the coming year.  Elsewhere in this issue of FotoFax, you will find information on upcoming field workshops and on our new initiative to obtain proposals for professionally-guided field trips.

    NVPS Requests Proposals for Professionally-Guided Field Trips

    NVPS is beginning an experiment that we hope will add high-quality, professionally-guided field workshops to the opportunities available to NVPS members. Making use of feedback from the 2011-2012 NVPS Field Trip Planning - Member Interests Survey (see the related article elsewhere on the NVPS website, the NVPS Field Trips Committee has sent a "Request for Proposal" to local professional photographers who are known for providing high-quality field workshops. Each of these professional photographers has been invited to prepare a proposal for consideration by NVPS. We are hoping to see proposals that provide a meaningful discount from the leader's normal rates, exclusive or priority preference for NVPS members, and a truly memorable experience.

    We will provide information concerning each field workshop that results from this initiative -- at NVPS meeting, through e-mail, and through our website. We will also distribute printed materials that the workshop leader provides during NVPS meetings.

    There is no deadline for submission of proposals, so announcements can come at any time during the coming year. Stay tuned!

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    NVPS Portfolio Project

    The Portfolio Project is a nine month project starting in September and running through May 2012. All club members of all skill levels are encouraged to participate in this project. A Portfolio may include some images already taken, but primarily new images taken over the program year.

    The goal of the portfolio project is to conceive a theme, craft an artist statement, capture the images and the present them as a portfolio. This article is devoted to encouraging members who may be interested in participating this program year to start thinking about portfolio topics, possibly several, and to start shooting this summer.

    Your goal is to create a portfolio of your best images, primarily collected from June 2011 to May 2012, that exemplify the objectives of your theme and Artist's Statement. These should be images you would be proud to share with others for years to come.

    The beginning stages of the project entail picking a theme or concept and writing an Artist's Statement. In the "Artist's Statement" the photographer explains what he or she is trying to accomplish with the project. (See http://nvps.org/main/meetings/portfolio/nvps_portfolio_project_artists/ for more details about what should and should not be in an Artist's Statement.)

    In the beginning stages of determining a theme, some members have worked on several themes at the same time. As time passed and their images piled up, they began to become more comfortable with one subject over others. You too may follow this model in your project. It is helpful to write an Artist Statement for all potential portfolio themes.

    The NVPS web-site contains numerous articles in the "Portfolio Project" link under Club Activities on the main page.

    This year's coordinators are Bill Prosser (prosserwm ”at “ aol.com), Paul Simmons (pwsimmons11 ”at “ gmail.com), and Ginger Werz-Petricka (vze39dgt ”at “ verizon.net). If you have questions or need help with your portfolio, feel free to contact us at portfolio ”at “ nvps.org

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    Want Ads

    For Sale: Slide projectors. Two NVPS-owned slide projectors are being offered for sale:

    Kodak Ektapro 9020 Slide projector with Kodak Zoom Ektanor 102-152 mm f3.5 lens, wireless remote control. Purchased November 2001 for $1,750; asking $500.Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2, Kodak Ektanar 5 inch f:3.5 lens, and wired remote control. Purchased May 1999 for $225; asking $75. Contact Sam Schaen, vp-ops "at" nvps.org

    For Sale: Nikon AF VR Zoom-NIKKOR 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED Lens. Excellent condition. Rarely used. Includes UV filter.$1,100 or let's talk. B&H is selling it used for $1,400. Bob Friedman, 703-978-7937, bob-f "at" cox.net

    For Sale: If you are interested in attending a workshop with Steve Gottlieb (Horizon Photography Workshops) on September 17, 2011, contact Curtis Gibbens at gibbensc "at" verizon.net or 703-802-6283.

    For Information: Hope Susan Barret is a club member who moved away earlier this year. Hope is finalizing details to lead a photo tour to Israel, Jordan and Sinai in the spring. For more details on the dates, costs and itinerary, contact Hope. hopesusan880 "at" verizon.net

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    Board of Directors

    Our board members are:

      President: Bob Friedman

      Vice President for Programs: Mary O'Neil

      Vice Presidents for Competition: Tom Burden
    Melanie Marts

      Vice President for Operations: Sam Schaen

      Treasurer: Tom Brett

      Secretary / Historian: Georgette Grossman

    A list of all current Board members and their contact information can be found at nvps.org/main/about/board-members.

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    Treasurer's Report

    The NVPS Board decided to keep the dues at the same level: $45 for an individual & $65 for a family membership. You may pay your dues through PayPal, by way of the NVPS website, or by check or cash to Beth Morris [our Membership chairperson] at an NVPS meeting. You must be an NVPS member to enter images in the Oct. Competition.

    During the most recent NVPS club year, Board members stayed very close to budget [+ less than 1%]. At the same time, NVPS income exceeded expenses by $1,378 or 12.5%.

    NVPS expenses totaled $9,622 for the last club year. That included $4,875 for meeting hall rental; $1,617 for Competitions [judge honorarium & meals, ribbons & trophies]; $729 for Programs; $536 for equipment replacement; $554 for EOY Banquet subsidy; $550 for thumb drives as gifts for speakers & judges [to cover several years]; $200 for insurance; $100 for workshops; $180 for Web & host server and $281 for Membership, Exhibits & misc.

    Capital Reserve expenditures for new equipment during the summer, in preparation for the next club year, included a Canon Mark II digital projector for $2,250, a laptop for $1,000, an X-Rite Display Pro Calibration tool, mouse, case & cable for $316.

    The current balance is $7,005, which will increase as dues are paid in Sep. and Oct.

    Tom Brett

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    New Digital Projector

    The club has a new projector and laptop. The purchases were approved by the Board at the June meeting. The new projector is a Canon Realis SX80 Mark II. The projected image is sharper and brighter than what was possible with the old projector. The new projector uses an image size of 1400 pixels wide by 1050 pixels high (rather than the old 1024 x 768).

    On the NVPS website (link listed below) there are two illustrations to show how to use the Image/Size dialog box in Photoshop (CS5) or Lightroom to achieve the needed size. The resolution doesn’t really matter as long as the pixel dimensions are correct; but PowerPoint sizes the images as 10 in x 7.5 in. So it will wind up at 140 pixels per inch. You might as well plug in 140 to begin with. The process in Lightroom is similar. Illustration 2 shows the Lightroom 3.4 Dialog box. It can be found in the File/Export menu. Set the width to 1400, the height to 1050 pixels, and the resolution to 140 pixels per inch.

    More information can be found on the NVPS web site at :
    http://nvps.org/main/meetings/competition/nvpss_new_digital_project_-_ch/ .

    The information will be updated over the next few months to account for the new projector. In the mean time, remember to use the new dimensions provided above.

    Exhibition Opportunities

    FotoWeek DC

    The announcement for FotoWeek DC's Fourth annual competition arrived as this issue of FotoFax was ready to mail. The entry deadline is September 12th. For details, see their website:


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    This year's Expo will be held November 11-13 at the Hylton Performing Arts Center on the Prince William Campus, George Mason University, Manassas, VA.

    The Expo will kick off on Friday, November 11, with a full-day seminar presented by world renowned nature photographer, Art Wolfe. The subject of the seminar is "The Art of Composition." The price for this seven hour seminar is only $195 and seating is limited. If you register in advance for the Nature Visions Expo for either Saturday and or Sunday admission you will receive a coupon code upon checkout which will give you access to a 15% discount on this seminar which will drop the price to $165.75. Art will also be the Expo's keynote speaker at 4:00pm on Saturday afternoon. Detailed information about the Expo including registration and tickets, seminars and lectures and the Exhibitor's Guidance can be found on the website www.NatureVisions.org

    The submission deadline for prints is October 18. Prints may be submitted at meetings beginning with the first regular meeting September 6, through the October 11 meeting. Between October 12 and October 18 you may make arrangements with John Quigley (jhquigley "at" msn.com) to submit your prints to him. October 18 is the deadline and no images will be accepted beyond that date and only October 18 competition images will be accepted at the meeting on the 18th. Judging will be held at the Reston Community Center on Sunday, October 23. All photographs will be judged in one of the categories below.

    Photographs will compete with photographs within the category from all clubs. Accordingly, you will not be competing within the club for a juried entry but against members from other clubs with photographs in the category. The total number of juried images will be limited to 300. There are no club minimums or club quotas, however, there are individual limits. Entries may be split among clubs, but the total number of entries per member may not exceed 10. There is no limit to the number of images an individual may enter in a category. The first six images are free. There will be a $20.00 fee if you wish to enter up to an additional 4. This is a flat fee, not $5.00 per image. All participants are expected to volunteer at the Expo.

    First, second and third place "Best in Show" awards will be given. The categories are:

    Wildlife other than Birds
    Pond Life
    Water/ Waterfalls
    Flora other than Macro

    Entry Forms are available at:
    PDF Entry Form
    Word Document Entry Form

    Watch the NVPS website for updates.

    Submitted by John Quigley
    NVPS Exhibits Coordinator
    jhquigley "at" msn.com

    America in Color [1939-1943]

    A collection of photos in the Library of Congress collection, taken by the Farm Security Administration and the Office of War Information. Good composition and beautiful examples of early color. Life was simpler blogs.denverpost.com/captured/2010/07/26/captured-america-in-color-from-1939-1943/

    Submitted by Chuck Cecil

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    Workshop Offerings


    Photoworks in Glen Echo Park offers a variety of photography classes & workshops for adults and children, taught by many familiar names, including former speakers at NVPS. For schedule details, check their website class listings at: http://www.glenechophotoworks.org/

    Creative Vision

    On Saturday, September 17, 2011, Steve Gottlieb, of Horizon Photography Workshops, is offering a course entitled "Creative Vision" to NVPS members. This workshop was rescheduled from an earlier date. You may remember Steve as our guest speaker in March.

    The $99 class will explore ways to broaden your vision in order to create images in a new and different way. This is a one-day course given at: Horizon Photography Workshops in Chesapeake City, MD.

    More information is available on the Horizon Photography Workshops website at: http://www.horizonworkshops.com/index.html

    Wayne Wolfersberger

    Wayne Wolfersberger (NVPS member and past President) will be teaching many classes for his thirteenth year with Fairfax County’s Adult and Community Education - ACE. Anyone can sign up (Fairfax residency not required). Courses are designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced skills in photography which includes Outdoor (Nature) classes, flower and garden classes, as well as well as classroom table top shooting for composition and creativity. Several classes include weekend field trips. See www.fcps.edu/aceclasses and then go to Art – studio art for details or http://www.waynewolfersberger.com/

    Roy Sewall

    One-on-one Coaching: This coaching is intended for novice and intermediate photographers. Coaching sessions are tailored to an individual's specific needs, and the scope is flexible. Representative topics are: how to operate a digital SLR, equipment selection, photo critique in a private setting, on-computer demonstration of photo improvements, and field technique. Roy judged an NVPS competition in October 2009 and presented a program in November 2010.

    (301) 530-6720
    roy "at" sewallinc.com

    Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops

    Nikhil Bahl is a professional nature photographer, educator, author, lecturer and workshop instructor. Nikhil leads several nature photography workshops and tours, primarily along the East coast of the United States. He also teaches photography locally at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia and through Digital Photo Academy. His instruction is focused on in-camera interpretation and developing personal vision, rather than simply following the traditional rules of photography. Nik gave an NVPS forum program in April 2011.

    nikhil "at" nikhilbahl.com

    Awake the Light Photo Tours and Workshops
    Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem

    Join two well-known professional photographers on their exciting and educational photo tours. For 2011 they are offering trips to Alaska's Denali National Park and Katmai National Park, Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, Antelope Canyon and Monument Valley in Arizona, the Great Smoky Mountains, and Acadia National Park in Maine. All tours include extensive photographic opportunities in the field, as well as personal one-on-one assistance and classroom instruction. Mollie and Mary gave NVPS Programs in October 2009 and October 2010.

    Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem
    awakethelight "at" cox.net

    Josh Taylor, Jr.

    Fall workshops, classes, and lectures are posted at archiphotoworkshops.com. Please take a look and hopefully, you will find something of interest, including Canon camera classes. Josh is an NVPS member and most recently presented a workshop in March 2010 and is our September 2011 Competition judge..

    jtaylorj "at" verizon.net

    Freeman Patterson

    The Joseph Miller Center for the Photographic Arts is pleased to announce that the internationally renowned photographer, Freeman Patterson, will present two programs at the Hylton Center for the Performing Arts at the Manassas Campus of George Mason University. The first presentation will be a Friday evening program November 4, entitled: “The Call of Creativity”. The second will be an all-day seminar on Saturday, November 5, entitled: “Seeing and Visual Design”.

    Mr. Patterson last addressed members of the Greater Washington photographic community in March 2002, when he presented an all-day seminar at the International Monetary Fund Auditorium hosted by the International Photographic Society.

    Notes on the Friday evening, November 4, program: "The Call of Creativity" - Time: 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm. This is a presentation for everybody and not limited to just photographers. It should be equally promoted to other visual and performing artists, educators, university and high-school students, designers of every sort, spiritual care workers, and everybody interested in a visually and intellectually stimulating evening. During the two and a half hours (including an intermission), Freeman will combine talking, projected images and music to examine the sources and nature of creativity, essential facts about creativity and ways of accessing the creativity that we all possess. Freeman has given this program to large groups of photographers, university students and as a keynote address to national conferences of university educators across Canada, in South Africa and New Zealand, and will be presenting it in Israel in December. This will be his first presentation of the program in the United States. Registration fee: $30.00

    Notes on the Saturday November 5, all-day seminar: “Seeing and Visual Design”. Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Freeman’s “Seeing and Visual Design” seminar has evolved over the years. (Because the growing process just never ends, there will always be new ways of looking at and discussing visual design). Basic content: This seminar is about seeing and visual design. Visual design is the craft of visual expression and communication. During the morning, Freeman will be speaking about and illustrating (with projected images) the building blocks of visual design and, during the afternoon, principles for arranging them in picture space (composition). He will not be talking about the hardware and software of film or digital photography, except in passing. Registration fee: $75.00

    For additional information or to register contact Joseph Miller Center, e-mail: furnfoto "at" aol.com. Phone: 703-754-7598.

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    Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)

    The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. Its purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.

    NVACC publishes a monthly Calendar of Virginia Member Club Events that can be found at www.nvacc.org/Calendar.html.

    NVACC has published a Field Trips Guide Book for Photographers, which provides information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit (www.nvacc.org/Field%20trips%20Guidebook/NVACCPublications.html).

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    Editor's Note

    Thank you to those who provided feedback on the last issue of FotoFax. Sam Schaen did an outstanding job as our editor and I am still learning the ropes. Constructive criticism is welcomed and should be sent to editor@nvps.org. (Non-constructive criticism can be sent directly to nuisance " at " danlward.com where it will be duly noted and ignored.)

    If you would like to submit information to be published in Fotofax or on the NVPS Website, the following information may be helpful. We only publish information that is related to photography and we do not accept advertising as this would be contrary to the mission of NVPS. We do accept brief want ads by members for photography related items. Our membership is from the Northern Virginia and Washington DC metropolitan area and we focus on items of local interest.

    We generally publish the following types of information:

    Photographic Competitions: Website & Fotofax
    Exhibits: Website & Fotofax
    Field Trips: Fotofax only
    Workshops: Fotofax only

    Please note for all submissions we do not accept attachments, pdfs, images, etc. Please provide the information in plain text with as little formatting as possible. You are free to provide links to additional information.

    All requests should be sent to editor@nvps.org

    Editor, Danny Ward

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