Are we done with the snow cancellations yet? It is 60 degrees and we still have another month of winter left. Part of me is still looking for another “snomaggedon”, the other is wanting to see what survived the winter in my flower garden.
Please plan on attending our workshop meeting on March 8th as we will be announcing the proposed slate of elected officers. This will also be posted on the web after the 8th with requests for any additional nominations as per our bylaws.
The NVPS board met on February 8th (rescheduled several times since January 11th). Competition rules and categories were discussed as well as the subject of whether we should have active members as competition judges. Andy Klein also reported that we have renewed our contract for the meeting space for next year as well as reserving the End of Year Banquet space for June 10th. Minutes of the board meeting will be posted as soon as approved by the board on the website under “news”.
It is hard to believe that we are already planning for the end of this club year. The date for the End of Year Banquet will be Friday, June 10th at the Best Western Hotel on route 7 (same place as the last few years). Please mark your calendars. This is a wonderful evening where you will see all the End of Year images; the results of the End of Year competition; 2010-2011 awards presentations and break bread and socialize with members and their guests. It is also a great opportunity to bring your significant others or friend’s that have been supportive of you all year. Personally, I look forward to this evening all year.
I am still accepting nominations for NVPS’ most distinguished award until March 31st. Please see my article on the Joe Atchison Outstanding Service Award in Fotofax and on the website for details.
On a personal note, I would like to thank you all for your wonderful support for both my Presidency and my “ bump in the road”. As a whole and individually–NVPS is the best!
Sandi Croan
pashli "at"
There have been some reports of break-ins into cars parked during the club meeting. First and foremost, please lock your cars. Put any valuable items out of sight or bring them into the meeting. Please park on Wolftrap road or in the Fire Station parking lot. The Kilmer School lot is remote, not too well lit, it may or may not have many people around, and there can be a rather dark walk to your car. Fairfax County Police have agreed to provide an officer for visibility and security and may supplement this officer with periodic visits by another patrol officer as calls and circumstances permit.
Andy Klein
Facilities Coordinator
On the American Road: My Life in Photography
Steve Gottlieb
Tuesday, March 1, 7:30 PM
Please join us for a presentation by Steve Gottlieb, speaking on On the American Road: My Life in Photography. This is a compilation of Steve’s images (many are architectural) and anecdotes gathered over the years, and includes some technical photo tips as well. Steve will be joining us for dinner prior to the Program, so please rsvp to mary.m.o’ or no later than the Monday prior to the Program if you’d like to attend dinner.
Steve Gottlieb's photography ranges from architecture to people to landscapes. Literally thousands of his images have been published worldwide in magazines, advertisements, brochures and annual reports. His commercial work has been recognized with numerous awards, such as Advertising Photograph of the Year in both NYC and Washington, DC. He was designated as one of a half-dozen "Kodak Professional Icons" in the U.S., and has been a past judge for NVPS. Steve is best known as the photographer (as well as author and designer) of six books including American Icons, Washington: Portrait of a City and Abandoned America. A sampling of the recognition his books have received: Gift Book of the Year, People Magazine; Gift Book of the Year, USA Today; Best in Show, Chicago Book and Media Fair.
Shutterbut magazine said, "Gifted photographer and author Steve Gottlieb has crafted yet another inspired book." Popular Photography said, "Steve Gottlieb has produced a book of cityscapes that manages to evade every cliche."
Steve is founder and director of Horizon Photography Workshops. He (and other Horizon instructors) lead weekend workshops at the Chesapeake City, MD headquarters, as well as many other locations (NYC, Boston, DC, etc.).
Steve leads workshops in the following subjects: Creative Vision, Flash Magic, Photographing Real People in Real Places, Architecture, Creating a Photo Book, and Photographing Washington, DC. He also leads an annual Western Adventure, which will be in New Mexico in May, 2011. Steve also offers one-day workshops for individual camera clubs and meet-up groups. See: Steve also leads workshops for businesses, non-profits and government agencies to promote creativity, innovation and team-building using a photography-based process he developed called VisionMining . (See
Steve is a graduate of Columbia College and Law School. He practiced law for a decade before turning his photography hobby into his vocation.
Mary O'Neill
mary.m.o’neill "at"
Workshops, Education, and Training |
Portfolio Critique
Jim Steele
March 8, 7:30 PM
The Tuesday March 8th Workshop will be devoted to critiquing individual portfolios of members who are participating in the Portfolio Project. We are fortunate to have Jim Steele to critique portfolios. Jim is a nationally recognized photographer who has a studio at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria. You may see his work at
We currently have 40+ members signed up for the project and the logistics of critiquing such a large volume of images will take some serious effort and planning. We will likely request that participants have a portfolio and artist statement entered on the website ready to be reviewed by March 4th. This will give Jim adequate online preview time to provide good comments on your images and portfolio as-a-whole. He will devote approximately 5 minutes of oral comments per portfolio. The first twenty Portfolio participants notifying us at will be assured of critique time. Other participants may have to be satisfied with written comments on the website.
If you plan to participate in the March 8th portfolio critique, please email and indicate your intention to participate. We’ll get a headcount so we can determine the exact logistics of the critique and how much of it can be done live at the club on March 8.
(Only members participating in the Portfolio Project will be eligible to have images critiqued.)
Scott Musson, Paul Simmons, Bill Prosser
Macro and Close-up Photography
John Naman
March 29, 7:30 PM
The normal 2nd Tuesday of the month will be dedicated to the Portfolio Project critique so the Workshop will be on the 5th Tuesday this month. Join us for a “hands-on” workshop on table top macro and close-up photography presented by John Naman.
John is a retired researcher, fine technical photographer and excels at making the complex science of photography simple. He has a PhD and has taught at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Maryland. Those experiences have given him the ability to create examples that thoroughly demonstrate the concepts that he is teaching, in easy to understand steps that can be followed again and again until they become second nature.
John believes in taking simple approaches to seemingly complicated projects. He is an avid Do-It-Yourself photographer and will demonstrate table-top techniques including converting a couple of sheets of copier paper into a light tent for use with continuous lights or flashes. His techniques provide that beautiful wrap around lighting and a seamless background that are commonly used in product photography.
Bring your cameras, close-up or macro lenses and tripods. Bring a coin or small object if you want to practice on something that you have already had trouble with, or just want to shoot. We will have experienced photographers manning stations for taking photographs of some miniatures and small items.
Questions can be addressed to Matthew Schmidt.
February Abstract Photography Presentation
Joe Miller
Joe Miller's presentation can be found on the NVPS web site at:
Matthew Schmidt
mgs "at"
Rules Clarification
It has come to the attention of the Board that some NVPS members have a misunderstanding of what is required for an image to be submitted for competition in an Unrestricted category.
Clarification: Since any manipulation is allowed in "Unrestricted", an image that qualifies as a "Restricted" image for competition, also qualifies to be entered as an "Unrestricted" image.
Judge: Min Enghauser
March 15, 7:30 PM
On Tuesday March 15th, our competition judge will be Min Enghauser. There is no theme. You must be a paid up member to compete.
On competition night, please plan to join us and John for dinner at Chili’s at 5:30 prior to the competition.
Min began making photographs as a child; exploring, learning and becoming aware through photography. For Min, photographs, and the act of making them, are glimpses of those timeless Spirits, glimpses of the pure and unbiased realities of nature and time. The eye of the camera, unlike eye of the viewer does not look at life subjectively, no judgment is passed, no value placed, no claim staked. In that it is the most like the Mind’s eye.
Min Enghauser’s interest in making photographs developed at an early age, spending hours of her childhood making photographs. In 1992, she received her Bachelors of Fine Art in photography from Shepherd College in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
In 2006, Min was juried into the well renowned Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, Virginia. She and her work can be found in Studio 309 as well as at Multiple Exposures Gallery, a 15 member juried co-operative photography gallery, also located at the Torpedo Factory Art Center. Although a long and loyal maven of the traditional wet darkroom, the new technological advancements in photography offer Min a way of rendering to paper what she sees as the inherent beauty of photographic film. Her photographs, made on film and then scanned, are achieved using the timeless sensibilities of the traditional fine art photographic printmaker–manipulating only the tones of the image and perception of the viewer.
February Competition Results
Competition results can be found at: The current point standing can be found at:
Competition Images
Did your image win in a competition this year? Would you like your image displayed in a gallery of NVPS competition winners on the NVPS web site? Just send an email to and we'll upload your image to the competition winners gallery on the NVPS web site at First place winners will be added to Fotofax if sent by the Friday following the competition.
To be included in the Gallery, images must have received 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Honorable Mention in competitions from September 2010 to May 2011 to be eligible.
Important: Please identify the class/category and award in the email subject. E.g., "Restricted Color Prints - 1st Place".
For those of you with winners in Digital Categories/Classes, you do not need to send the image (except 1st place images), but you must send the above information in the subject and your consent to post the image. If your image won 1st place please attach the image to your email so it can be included in the next issue of Fotofax.
For those of you who won in Print categories, please provide the image in an email, no larger than 1024 pixels wide or 768 pixels tall.
First Place Images for February

Advanced Unrestricted Color Prints
Mike Kane
St. Remy de Provence

Novice Unrestricted Color Prints
Ceasar Sharper
Taffy on Champs Elysees

Restricted Color
Jay Heiser
Waterloo Bridge |

Monochrome Prints
Ginger Werz-Petricka
Hotel Kavalari

Novice Unrestricted Digital
Ceasar Sharper
Looking Through Elevator Window

Restricted Digital
Hung Nguyen
Hangzhou Ancient Style Door
Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image.
Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Competition
willa-f "at"
bob-f "at"
The Cherry Blossom Kite Festival
Washington Monument Grounds
March 27, 2011
After 44 years of Smithsonian sponsorship, the annual Washington, D.C. kite festival will now be produced by the National Cherry Blossom Festival. The Kite Festival will be held on Sunday, March 27, 2011, on the grounds of the Washington Monument.
The festival includes showcase flight demonstrations by Master Kite-makers from across the country. Multi-line kite flyers compete against each other, showing off their best flying tricks. Competitors fight to be the sole kite left in the sky.
Start early if you want to capture images from the National Mall. Plan to carpool from the parking lot at Vienna Metro Station (East bound side of I-66) at 6:00 am.
If that is too early for you, we will see you at the Kite Festival which is from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Washington Monument grounds – Constitution Avenue & 17th Street, NW
Bryan Peterson
Richmond, VA
April 9, 2011
The Camera Club of Richmond is celebrating its 80th anniversary by presenting a full day presentation by Bryan Peterson. This will take place at the Byrd Theater, in the heart of the "Carytown" section of Richmond. Tickets are $60.00, lunch is an additional $10.00..
Within the first 30 minutes of this Workshop, you'll learn the difference between a correct exposure and a creatively correct exposure; within an hour, you'll have a firm grasp on the relationship between f/stops, shutter speeds and ISO. Bryan also takes you on a fantastic journey into the world of creative exposures where the shutter speed is King; freezing action, implying motion, panning and the basics of using "rear curtain sync/second curtain sync" with your flash.
Parking is limited. Personally, I am not planning to go down Friday night, but I would like to meet at the Clarion Inn North on Saturday morning at 7:45 am and carpool to the Byrd Theater at 8:15 am.
Please register for Bryan Peterson’s presentation at the following address:
Byrd Theater address:
2908 W. Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23221
- From I-95 South, take Exit 79 onto I-64/I-195/Powhite Pkwy
- Immediately merge onto I-195 S. and follow for two miles
- Take exit for Rosewood Ave.
- From Rosewood Ave., take the first right on McCloy St.
- From McCloy St, turn right on W Cary St.
- The Byrd Theater will be on the left
Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens
April 10, 2011
The day after the Peterson presentation, there is a trip planned for Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens, which enlightens and inspires its constituents through its outstanding botanical collections, horticultural displays and landscape design throughout the year. This is a place to learn about plants, to marvel at nature, to relax in a beautiful setting.
If you plan to skip the Saturday event and join us Sunday, we plan to arrive at the Gardens at 9:00 am.
The gardens are open from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Admission is $10.00.
1800 Lakeside Avenue
Richmond, VA 23228
(804) 262-9887
- From I-95 South take Exit 83B, onto Parham Road
- Turn left at the second stoplight onto Brook Road (Rt. 1)
- Turn right at the third stoplight onto Lakeside Avenue
- You will see the entrance on the right
Hotel (Best Western)
(Hotel Information has been recently updated because previous hotel was closed until further notice.)
8507 Brook Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060-4019
(804) 266-3500
- From I-95 South take Exit 83B onto Parham Road
- Turn right on Brook Road (Rt. 1)
- Best Western will be on the right
Shenandoah National Park
Big Meadows
June 18-19
This is an overnight trip at Big Meadows, located between mile 51 and 52 on Skyline Drive. This was originally planned Friday, June 17 – 18, but because of my work schedule, it is now a weekend trip starting Saturday through Sunday.
This is a great time of the year to capture images of the fawns with the longest lens you have available. They are not hard to find in “Big Meadows,” across from the Byrd Visitor Center.
Although the fawns will be the main focus, there are many other places to explore and photograph in the park. Shenandoah is filled with great overlooks, waterfalls and miles of trails.
The Byrd Center will be the meeting place throughout the trip. I will be there 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning before starting in Big Meadows. If that is too early, I will be there again at 1:00 pm before hiking down to Dark Hollow Falls.
Dinner will be at 5:30 pm at Spottswood Dinning Room before heading back out to Big Meadows or to an overlook to catch the sun set.
The following Sunday morning, meet at the Byrd Center again at 6:00 am for another morning in Big Meadows. Eat breakfast when the sun gets too high at the Big Meadows Wayside, the little diner beside the Byrd Center, before exploring another trail.
Please know that you do not have to stick to the agenda. You are welcome to explore the places you want within this big park.
Because there is a cancellation fee, I would like people to make their own reservations with the address provided below. The rates are $124.80, $146.60 and $186.93. Check-in time is 3:00. Please remember that Big Meadows also provides a camp ground.
Information line: (540) 999-3500
Park web site:
Park lodging:
Curtis Gibbens
gibbensc "at"
Images from the Basilica of the Shrine of the Imacculate Conception Fieldtrip

Bob Friedman

Willa Friedman |

Curtis Gibbens

Mikyong Sim

Judy McGuire |
Note: Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image. Simply hit the "back" button in your browser to return to the newsletter. Additional images from this and past field trips can be found on the NVPS web site:
Photographic Travel Destinations
Judy McGuire
March 22, 7:30 PM
At the March Forum, Judy McGuire will highlight various photography destinations, including some less well known spots. Many are within a day's drive of Northern Virginia, but some more distant locales will also be covered. All will be illustrated with digital slides that showcase the photographic subjects at each location. Resources for planning trips and finding places to visit will be discussed.
Judy has been interested in travel and photography since she was 10 and her family took their first road trip to the western states. She took snapshots of family, travels and pets for many years before getting a Nikon SLR and taking slides. In April, 2007 she finally gave up film and now shoots digital images with a Nikon D90. Judy is most interested in travel and nature photography and loves to travel and photograph anywhere, searching out back roads as well as obvious sites. She enjoys giving slide shows for various groups and makes calendars and note cards with her photographs. Her work has been juried into Meadowlark/Nature's Vision and has been published in the Virginia Wildlife Magazine. In September, 2001, Judy saw Luella Murri on one of the first Photographers of Northern Virginia programs. She phoned Luella after the show for NVPS information and became a member shortly afterwards. Since then, Judy has enjoyed learning about all aspects of photograph from the club's activities. Viewing outstanding photos and hearing speakers lecture on new topics inspire her to try new ideas and improve her own techniques.
Tom Burden
TomBurden "at"
Rick Barnard
March 22, 7:30 PM
Rick photographs the natural world to capture fresh images of waterfalls, rivers, mountains and deserts. He looks for strong leading lines and compelling compositions that offer a unique perspective on some of the iconic vistas of the mid-Atlantic region and American West. Great Falls, Blackwater Falls, Shenandoah and the dramatic Utah deserts are among his favorite locales.
“Today, the imaging technologies are so terrific that anyone can take a pretty good photo of those gorgeous buttes in Monument Valley,” said Rick. “My goal is to create something different.”
Rick’s interest in photography was inspired by his wife, Marjorie. “She brought her Canon rangefinder along on our honeymoon. I had used an old box camera with flash bulbs. We were in Arkansas surrounded by fields of wildflowers and I was fascinated by the flexibility and clarity of the Canon. I’ve been shooting ever since.”
Today, he shoots with a Nikon D700 and his favorite lens, the 17-35, as well as the 28-70 and 70-200. In addition to landscapes, Rick enjoys macro photography and taking candid portraits of people.
His work has been juried into many photographic exhibits and art shows including artSpace Herndon, Nature Visions Photography Expo and Focal Point, the photo competition sponsored by the Maryland Federation of Art. Rick has received top honors in photo exhibitions in the Washington area.
He has been an NVPS member since 2009 and is inspired by the organization’s high level of photography and emphasis on learning.
Rick and Marjorie live in Springfield. One son, William, resides in Richmond and their son and daughter-in-law, Sam and Rebecca, live in Fort Collins, CO. A long-time newspaper reporter and editor, Rick left the publishing world behind in 2007 and devotes his time to photography and tutoring at a Fairfax elementary school.
In the coming months he’ll visit Chincoteague, the Colorado Rockies and other points on his long, long list of places to shoot. Croatia and Montenegro are penciled in for 2012.
Digital Presentation
Minnie Gallman
March 22, 7:30 PM
Minnie has been a member of NVPS since 2003 and served as Co-coordinator of Workshops, Education and Training for two years. She’s been awarded several ribbons over the years including End of Year Competition for Best Slide and Monochrome Print.
Photography is Minnie’s creative outlet that encourages her to look at the world in a different way. She’s always had an interest in photography and remembers her first camera, a Kodak Brownie. Since then, she has owned many cameras and taken many photos. Some of these photos have documented family and friends celebrating life; while others attempt to make the ordinary become extraordinary.
Her primary interest is nature photography. She enjoys walks that afford her the chance to see something she hadn’t noticed before. “Among the fields, woods and lakes there is endless subject matter. Over the years, my photography technique has changed but the beauty of nature remains constant,” says Minnie.
Being a sailboat owner, Minnie enjoys the opportunity of photographing the Chesapeake Bay. Several of these photos have been published in the local sailing magazine, Spinsheet. As well, her work has won Honorable Mention from Chesapeake Bay Magazine and Best Photo from the U.S. Lighthouse Society.
Minnie is also a member of the McLean Photography Club. “These groups introduced me to ideas, methods and techniques that I have used to improve my photography,” says Minnie. Her photographs have been exhibited at Hendry House, Arlington Library, Fairfax County Center, Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, USGS, and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reston. To further her knowledge, she attended seminars and workshops offered by the National Zoo, Dewitt Jones, Marc Muench, Eliot Cohen, Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant.
Currently, she shoots with a Nikon D300 and favors her 18–200mm lens. Minnie says she always carries her Canon S90 point and shoot in case of a photo op.
Minnie will be presenting images from her trip to Chile’s Atacama Desert last March. The Atacama Dessert is located in Northern Chile and is an extraordinary area of geologic wonders. It’s situated on a high plateau (8,000 to 16,000 feet) and is one of the few desserts on Earth that doesn't receive any rain. The area is surrounded by volcanoes and was sculptured by lava and glaciers. While in Chile, she also visited the Patagonian region. It was during her time here that Chile had its earthquake making her trip a bit more adventurous than planned.
Charlotte DeFuria
cdefuria "at"
Canaan Valley
Judy McGuire
One of my favorite photography locations is the Canaan Valley area of West Virginia. Photographic subjects abound depending on the season and your interest. You can find mountain scenery, picturesque old barns and houses, friendly deer, a wind farm and plenty of snow and ice in winter, just for starters.
Blackwater State Park is good for water photography with Blackwater Falls and Gorge and Elakala Falls. Blackwater Falls can be photographed from the higher handicapped assessible "Gentle Trail" viewpoint, or by descending 200+ steps to the bottom of the gorge. |
The best views are from the steps and at the viewing platforms on them. The impressive gorge may be viewed from Pendleton Point, from a platform behind the Lodge or from Lindy Point by a half mile trail. Elakala Falls is a short hike from the Lodge, but requires some scrambling for photo access. Not in the State Park but nearby is Douglas Falls near Thomas. It is very scenic but not easy to access.
Canaan Valley State Park has good locations for viewing fall foliage and early morning fog in fall. You may find macro subjects such as spiders and webs in the meadows there. Deer are plentiful around the Lodge area. Cortland Road through the valley can also be good for foliage.
The Dolly Sods Wilderness is a special place accessed by an unpaved Forest Service road. Dolly Sods is located on a high plateau so the vegetation is similar to that found in the much farther north tundra. There can be brilliant color in the fall and berry picking in the summer. The Bear Rocks are a fantastic jumble where you can find many close-up subjects as well as landscapes. This area is also good for sunrise, but rather remote unless you're staying at the nearby camp.
In the general area one can also explore the Otter Creek Wilderness, various back roads, the Seneca Rocks, Spruce Knob, Cathedral State Park and the Mountain Made Artisan Gallery, a fine West Virginia Crafts store in Thomas.
For an overview of some of these locations: More information can be found at individual websites.
Major Parks in Utah
Will Haubert
America’s Southwest offers some of the most stunning photographic venues on this planet. Among my favorite places to shoot are: Arches National Park. Located just north of Moab, Utah, Arches NP is America’s single largest concentration of natural arches. Below are some of the best times to photograph the major features at Arches National Park:
Early Morning |
Late Afternoon |
- Moab Fault
- The Three Gossips
- Sheep Rock
- The Great Wall
- Turret Arch
- The Spectacles
- Double Arch
- Cache Valley
- Wolfe Ranch
- Landscape Arch
- Double O Arch
- Park Avenue
- Courthouse Towers
- Petrified Dunes
- Balanced Rock
- The Garden of Eden
- North and South Windows
- Delicate Arch
- Fiery Furnace
- Skyline Arch
- Fins in Devil Garden
- Tower Arch
And this website is very helpful:
As long as you are in Moab, check out Fishers Tower and the photo ops along Utah route 128, particularly in the late afternoon:
And even more, from Moab, you are only 40 minutes from Canyonlands NP . Get up at 0-dark-hundred and head out to Canyonlands to walk the short trail to Mesa Arch for sunrise photography. Capturing the orange glow of the sunrise on the underside of the arch has become part of the iconic photographic experience of the Southwest. You need to get there early because there are at best only about 4-6 really good vantage points in front of this smallish arch – and it helps immeasurably if you do not arrive on the same morning that Scott Kelby irresponsibly chooses to bring 39 would-be photogs to this splendid location! You can also shoot Dead Horse Point State Park – best in the early morning:
Southern Utah boasts two more of America’s crown jewels: Bryce and Zion National Parks.
Bryce Canyon NP -- Although called "Bryce Canyon", it really isn’t a canyon at all. Bryce is an east-facing cliffside. As the cliff has eroded and retreated to the west, in numerous places, hard capstone has resisted erosion. As a result, Bryce bristles with thousands of glorious orange spires called hoodoos. And because Bryce faces east, the best time for photography is at daybreak. Be sure to walk down the Queen’s Garden Trail and/or the Navajo Trail for close-up photos of the hoodoos and to get to the dramatic slot canyon called Wall Street, where a couple of trees shoot up straight as an arrow from the canyon floor to its rim: But you’ll need to check whether the trail is open – it is sometimes closed when tourists get hit by falling rocks: The lodge at Bryce is notoriously difficult to book, so be prepared to stay, as I have, at Ruby’s Inn:
Zion is a wonderland for photographers. Some of my favorite venues are:
Weeping Rock Trail is 0.3 mile long, and the average round-trip time is about 45 minutes. Beginning at the Weeping Rock parking area, the trail climbs gradually to the Weeping Rock. The abundant vegetation here is due to the available water; Weeping Rock is made up of layers of shale, which are water resistant. The downward percolation of water from the highlands is interrupted at this point and runs down the face of the rocks so that it "weeps"
Canyon Overlook Trail is ½ mile long, and the average round-trip time is about 1¼ hours. The trail begins across the highway from the parking area at the east end of the Zion-Mt. Carmel tunnel. Starting quite steeply, it becomes gradual after the first 200 feet and follows the rock ledges above Clear Creek and Pine Creek Canyon to a point directly above the Great Arch of Zion. From this viewpoint you see a wonderful panorama of Pine Creek Canyon and lower Zion Canyon. The West Temple, the Towers of the Virgin, and the Streaked Wall make a breathtaking backdrop for the canyons of Zion. Early morning is best for this walk as the summer afternoons are quite warm.
Narrows Trail is 1.2 miles long, and the average round-trip time is about 1½ hours. Starting from the Temple of Sinawava at the end of the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive, the trail follows the Virgin River up the narrow canyon to a point where there is no longer room for both river and trail. This is a naturalist-guided walk during the summer season, but you may take it on your own if you wish. One of the easiest and most popular trails in Zion, it is entirely paved and climbs less than 100 feet from start to finish. The Canyon is shady in the early morning and late afternoon, but mid-morning is best for photographs.
Emerald Pools Trail starts from two locations and may be taken as a loop trail or as a two-way trail. The average round-trip time to the upper Emerald Pool from Zion Lodge is about 3½ hours. The lower Emerald Pools Trail is naturalist-guided each afternoon during the summer season. Starting across the roadway from the parking area next to the Zion Lodge swimming pool, the trail crosses the Virgin River by a footbridge. The trail to the right is a gradual climb into Emerald Pools Canyon and is shaded during most of the day. The entire canyon is shaded during the later afternoon, but mid-morning is best for photographs. See:
Zion also offers challenges for photographers seeking a somewhat more strenuous challenge – but with equally wonderful photographic opportunities–everything from hikes in the river to hikes to high places. Hikes in the river: The Narrows is a classic hike through a slot canyon formed by the Virgin River cutting through a plateau and creating, in places, 1000-foot cliffs. You can’t do it in the spring – the snowmelt runoff turns the river into a raging torrent that often overflows its banks. Do this hike in September – lower incidence of thunderstorms, relatively high air and water temps, low water flow, and still strong sunlight. Rent booties, shoes, and sticks from You’ll need to keep your camera in a dry bag, which inhibits random snapshooting – but do stop often and shoot the wonderful canyon walls and water scenes. If you want the opposite adventure, hike Angels Landing: and Just be aware that the last ½ mile is the tough part – the trail narrows down to a 10-foot wide saddle with 800-1000 dropoffs on either side: Fortunately, the Park Service has installed a sturdy chain in the middle of the saddle to use as a handhold. The hike gets a bit strenuous at this point, but the photos from trail’s end are so worth it!
Cedar Breaks NM: Resting on top of the Colorado plateau, at over 10,000 feet in elevation, a breathtaking view awaits. Millions of years of sedimentation, uplift, and erosion are carving out a giant amphitheater that spans some three miles, and is more than 2,000 feet deep. Thus Cedar Breaks is like Bryce-West. Hoodoos and cliffsides, just like Bryce, only 2000 feet higher and facing west. Result – great place for afternoon sun photos – just remember to take your fleece and windbreaker. It’s hard to handhold when your body is shaking from the cold.
Coral Pink Sand Dunes: For something different, stop at Coral Pink Sand Dunes – especially for early morning photography. The Park encompasses 3,730 acres of southern Utah's color country. The park itself is breathtaking, with coral-colored dunes, surrounded by red sandstone cliffs, blue skies, and deep emerald forests. This is a photographer's paradise. Unfortunately, the park allows ATVs; and their tracks can be both ubiquitous and right where you want to photograph. But take heart, it’s always possible to hike to a better angle that eliminates the tracks.
Will Haubert
America's Special Land, is a solo exhibit of 19 images in color and monochrome at the Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church in Adelphi, Maryland through February 27.
Will’s image Old Soldier ... New Way” is displayed in the online annex of Pose and Gesture, a juried exhibit at the Vermont Photography Workplace:
A list of current Board members and their contact information can be found at
Meet Your Board Members
As part of a continuing series on our board members, we continue with the biography for Scott Musson.
Scott Musson
Website Manager
Scott was born in Detroit Michigan and has lived in Northern Virginia for 38 years. He is married to fellow club member, Emi Wallace, who he describes as "a wonderful woman". Living with Emi and Scott is a 17 year old cat and several saltwater fish that are 4-6 years old. He works at Deltek for the Engineering and Technology organization.
Photography and NVPS
Scott has been a member of NVPS since 2004. He has been President, Past President, Vice President for Competitions, Vice President for Programs, Web Master, and Portfolio Project Coordinator. He has presented various workshops and critiques.
Scott has been capturing images since he was in high school, but didn’t get serious about it until he joined NVPS in 2004. He has taken workshops with the Rocky Mountain School of Photography, |
with Freeman Patterson, with NVPS and at the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC). Scott has won the NVPS Versatile Photographer of the Year award and the Advanced Photographer of the Year and has had several local exhibits in Northern Virginia.
Scott does photography mostly a hobby, but he has sold a number of images to be used in various motion pictures. His favorite types of photography are Landscape, Seascapes, Black Light, Macro, Travel & Underwater. His standard kit is a Canon 5D Mark II with a 24-70mm f2.8L lens. He also always has a Canon G11 with him and uses it underwater in a housing. He prints with an Epson 2880 printer.
Scott is an experienced user of Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 3.
He says, "NPVS is a place to share a common passion for photography and a place for good friends and fun. I’ve learned a tremendous amount about photography at NVPS".
In addition to photography, Scott is interested in snorkeling and kayaking.
Exhibition Opportunities
Focal Point
Entries Due March 12
The Maryland Federation of Art (MFA) invites all artists residing in the United States and Canada to enter its open-juried fine art photography competition. Any original work created in any form of photography will be considered. Information can be found on the web site at: All accepted entries will be
displayed at their gallery in Annapolis starting May 19.
First Annual NVACC Juried Abstract Photography Exhibition
Entries Due April 2, 2011
This first annual abstract exhibition is open to all members-in-good-standing of any Northern Virginia Alliance Camera Club (NVPS, VPS, MWCC, McLean, RPS, Loudoun) or NVACC affilliated camera club (OLLI, Charlottesville, Fredricksburg) exclusively. The exhibition will be open May 7 - May 27 at the Joseph Miller Center Gallery in Gainesville. Prospectus, entry forms, and related information will be available for download from the official NVACC website: www.
A Room of Our Own
f11, Women't Photography Collective
March 1- April 1
Reception: March 10, 5 PM - 7 PM
Does gender define art? Traditionally, recognition and gallery space have been harder to come by for women compared to their male counterparts. A Room Of Our Own, a photography exhibit opening March 1, 2011 at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery, 702 Eighth Street, NW, Washington, DC, proves talent is not the root of the discrepancy. Sponsored by The Art League in Alexandria, VA in honor of Women’s History Month, A Room Of Our Own features more than 50 outstanding images created by the 18 members of f11, A Women’s Photography Collective. Gallery open Tuesday-Friday 12 - 4 PM as well as Saturday March 12 & 26, 12 - 4 PM
djtooley "at"
78th Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography
Sundays, Feb. 27 & March 6 Noon-5pm
The exhibition will be held at Arsht Hall, University of Deleware, Wilmington Campus, 2700 Pennsylvania Ave. Admission and parking are free.
U.S. Photo Show
March 19
The first 80 years or so of photography coincided with the Golden Age of Development in New York City. The mass immigration of newcomers from all over the world, the exciting construction of some of the tallest buildings of the era, the development of mechanized transportation and industrial development were all recorded in America’s greatest city. At the same time, the greatest Native Americans, the outlaws and lawmen of the wild west, the wealthiest families and important occasions were all captured on photographic plates. Stereoviews of natural sites, tourist attractions, and landmarks throughout the world became the first 3D ancestor of the Travel Channel. Many of these wonderful old photographs will be on display Saturday, March 19th, 2011 in Manhattan, when many of the nation’s most active photography collectors and dealers meet for the U.S. Photo Show. Almost ironically, the show takes place at the Lighthouse, 111 East 59th St. (between Lexington & Park), New York, NY, 10022.
Blake Stenning
Malaysia Journeys
Blake Stenning, one of MEG's newest members will exhibit photographs of Malaysia.
Exhibition Dates:
February 8th – March 6th, 2011
Reception Sunday February 12th 2-4pm
Multiple Exposures Gallery
105 N Union St. #312
Alexandria VA
703 683-2205
Workshop Offerings
Frank Van Riper
Frank Van Riper, along with his wife, Judy Goodman offer workshops in Lubec Maine and Umbria Italy. The internationally acclaimed husband and wife team will share their image-making techniques with a small group of participants. Opportunities for landscape, portrait, and documentary photography will be available. For further information see for information about Lubec and for information about Umbria. Frank presented a program to NVPS in December 2009 and judged the December 2010 competition.
John Shaw
On March 26-27, 2011, Joseph Van Os Photo Safaris presents a Nature & Digital Photography weekend seminar in Philadelphia with renowned photographer and digital photo expert John Shaw. The seminar features one full day devoted to nature photography and the second day covering the digital darkroom. The two seminar days can be purchased as a package or separately by day. More information and registration can be found at or by calling (206) 463-5383.
Wayne Wolfersburger
Wayne Wolfersberger (NVPS member and past President) will be teaching many classes for his thirteenth year with Fairfax County’s Adult and Community Education - ACE. Anyone can sign up (Fairfax residency not required). Courses are designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced skills in photography which includes Outdoor (Nature) classes, flower and garden classes, as well as well as classroom table top shooting for composition and creativity. Several classes include weekend field trips. See and then go to Art – studio art for details or
Roy Sewall
One-on-one Coaching: This coaching is intended for novice and intermediate photographers. Coaching sessions are tailored to an individual's specific needs, and the scope is flexible. Representative topics are: how to operate a digital SLR, equipment selection, photo critique in a private setting, on-computer demonstration of photo improvements, and field technique. Roy judged an NVPS competition in October 2009 and presented a program in November 2010.
(301) 530-6720 roy "at"
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Nikhil Bahl is a professional nature photographer, educator, author, lecturer and workshop instructor. Nikhil leads several nature photography workshops and tours, primarily along the East coast of the United States. He also teaches photography locally at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia and through Digital Photo Academy. His instruction is focused on in-camera interpretation and developing personal vision, rather than simply following the traditional rules of photography.
nikhil "at"
Josh Taylor, Jr.
Fall workshops, classes, and lectures are posted at Please take a look and hopefully, you will find something of interest, including Canon camera classes. Josh is an NVPS member and most recently presented a workshop in March 2010.
jtaylorj "at"
Awake the Light Photo Tours and Workshops
Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem
Join two well-known professional photographers on their exciting and educational photo tours. For 2011 they are offering trips to Alaska's Denali National Park and Katmai National Park, Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, Antelope Canyon and Monument Valley in Arizona, the Great Smoky Mountains, and Acadia National Park in Maine. All tours include extensive photographic opportunities in the field, as well as personal one-on-one assistance and classroom instruction. Mollie and Mary gave NVPS Programs in October 2009 and October 2010.
Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem 757-773-0194 awakethelight "at"
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. It purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
NVACC publishes a monthly Calendar of Virginia Member Club Events that can be found at
.NVACC has published a Field Trips Guide Book for Photographers, which provides information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit (