Table of Contents
President's Message
Monthly Program
Workshops, Education, and Training
Field Trips
Members' Gallery
Board of Directors
Member News
Photography News
Exhibition Opportunities
Workshop Offerings
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs
2/1 |
Monthly Program: Joe Rossbach–Impressions of Nature |
2/5 |
Field Trip: Shrine of Immaculate Conception |
2/8 |
Workshop: Joe Miller–Abstract Photography |
2/15 |
Competition: Judge–John Gonsalves; Theme–Through Doors, Out Windows |
2/22 |
Prints: Gerry Abbott
Projected: Paul Simmons |
2/22 |
Forum: Nikhil Bahl–Abstracts and Extracts to Create Unique Images |
3/27 |
Field Trip: Cherry Blossom Kite Festival |

Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.
To protect our members from email spam, all email addresses in this newsletter have "@" replaced with "at". Please remember to substitute the "@" when attempting to contact any of the people.
All meetings for the club year will start at 7:30 PM at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors will open at 6:45 PM for a "meet and greet".
Remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight. Please remember to take seats immediately when the meeting starts and to silence cell phones.
Please check the website and Fotofax for the club’s policy on weather closings. Check WTOP or Fairfax County School systems web site for closings. You can also sign up for emails or cell phone alerts |
It’s Tuesday, January 18th and NVPS is cancelled for the second time in two weeks – yawn! I know, I know – it was fine tonight! Unfortunately, in order to avoid total chaos and in the interests of everyone’s safety, we do strictly follow Fairfax County Schools cancellation policy. Personally, I am looking forward to a major snowstorm and not this wimpy stuff. Just not on a Tuesday, thank you very much. The good news is, you have another month to be thinking about and shooting for the themed competition of Through Doors, Out Windows which has been rescheduled for February 15th.
Winter is a wonderful time to do all that photography housework and look for creative new images. Clean out those hard drives of those images that will never make the cut; back up and catalog your images; learn that new software; experiment with new techniques; rework your images; read your camera manual; update your video drivers and other software/hardware; and brave the elements for new and creative image taking.
We are continuing to think about the 2011-2012 NVPS year. We are in the process of putting a slate together for the new board and other volunteer positions. A healthy organization depends on a combination of experienced and new members in these positions. Please talk to me about the ways in which you might want to be involved next year. It is definitely not too early to start thinking about this.
Joe Atchison Award for Outstanding Service
I am now accepting nominations for NVPS’ most distinguished service award – the Joe Atchison Award for Outstanding Service. This award is given very rarely and is not an annual award as very few members could even qualify for it (12 years of active service is a requirement). Please read the below very carefully and if you feel you would like to nominate a potential candidate, please follow the listed criteria (2-5) and send to me no later than March 31st, 2011. It is not enough to just send me a name, you must make a case for your nomination by letting me know why this member is deserving of this award. If I receive any nominations, I will form a committee to evaluate the candidate
This award was established in 1998 after the death of Dr. Joe Atchison. Joe had been a member of NVPS for many years and made significant contributions to the club. On learning of Joe’s death, many club members asked that NVPS find a way to honor Joe’s memory. A committee was chartered to study the matter and ultimately recommended that a "service award to go to an individual who has performed outstanding service to the club over a period of many years." The Board set a very high bar for this award. At its inception, it was strongly believed that only one club member, Dave Carter met the requirements. Joe Atchison was honored by naming the award after him and Dave Carter was honored as the Joe Atchison Award’s first recipient. This decision was met with universal approval and is considered the highest award offered by NVPS. Other recipients have been Erwin Siegel, Greg Gregory, Ed Funk, Joe Miller, Andy Klein, Sherwin Kaplan, and Bill Prosser.
The process for making this award is as follows:
- Length of service. Service to include at least 12 years of active service. This service must include positions critical to the fulfillment of the NVPS mission. (President, Vice President - Competition, Vice President - Programs, Workshop and Field Trip chairs are particularly critical because of their educational nature)
- To what extent has this service changed the club for the better? Describe.
- Is there tangible evidence of the nominees impact? Describe.
- To what extent has the nominee served as a role model/mentor for service by others? Describe.
- To what extent has the nominee inspired others to serve NVPS? Who has been encouraged to volunteer their services. Describe this "encouragement."
Nominating process:
- Nomination is to be made in writing to the current president and must describe in detail how each of the above criteria have been met.
- A three person committee appointed by the president and chaired by a former Atchison Award winner will review, investigate, and make the final determination.
The award consists of a camera mounted on a block of finished wood with four brass plates for engraving the awardee name and year. It is kept by the awardee for one year and returned to the club for the next winner. A permanent award is also made for the recipient to retain. It has been in the form of a finished wood base (plaque‑like) with a brass plate for engraving and a crystal vase that sits on the base.
Sandi Croan
pashli "at"
The Wild Landscape
Joseph Rossbach
Tuesday, February 1, 7:30 PM
Please join us for an evening filled with the wonders of nature, captured by Joseph Rossbach in a way that is sure to inspire novices and pros alike!
Joe is a full-time professional nature and landscape photographer, author, guide and workshop instructor. His work has appeared in a number of books and calendars, as well as national and regional magazines. Joseph’s fine art prints have appeared in national collections, galleries, personal collections and one-man shows. He is also the co-author and photographer of 50 Amazing Things You Must See or Do in the Greater Washington D.C. Area and The Ultimate Guide to Digital Nature Photography. For an in-depth look at Joe’s work, information on photo tours and workshops, eBooks and free instructional articles and videos, please visit;
In this presentation, Joe will show a wide selection of some of his most well-known and inspirational images from the wild coast of Maine to the deep canyons of the southwest. He will explore the philosophy, creative vision and techniques used to bring his vision into focus. Joe will offer the group the opportunity to ask questions about techniques and locations at the end of the lecture.
Joe will be our guest for dinner at Chili’s at 5:45 pm prior to the Program. If you’d like to join us for dinner, please RSVP to mary.m.o’ or or call her at 703-216-9340 by Monday, January 31st.
Mary O'Neill
mary.m.o’neill "at"
Workshops, Education, and Training |
The Art of Visual Design
Joe Miller
February 8, 7:30 PM
Please join us for a passionate presentation on the art of Visual Design as it relates to creating intriguing abstract photographs. Joseph Miller will present images and explain how the building blocks of visual design affect our impressions and perceptions of a given image. Believing that abstract photography is the free verse of photography, Mr. Miller looks for the balance, distribution, and harmony of the color, tone, lines, shapes and patterns within the picture space. Come prepared to forget about the need for a subject in your photography.
Mr. Miller is a prolific writer and frequent speaker and judge for most of the camera clubs in the Northern Virginia area. He has authored or co-authored no less than twelve of the NVACC handbooks on photography, teaches workshops relating to photographic techniques and has trained numerous judges in the area. He is a mentor for many of us in the club and has taught us to appreciate the 4 C's of Visual Communication: Craftsmanship, Composition, Creativity and Communication.
Questions can be addressed to Matthew Schmidt.
Matthew Schmidt
mgs "at"
Judge: John Gonsalves
Theme: Through Doors, Out Windows
February 15, 7:30 PM
On Tuesday February 15th, our competition judge will be John Gonsalves.
As a result of the weather cancellation of the January competition meeting, the theme originally scheduled for January, Through Doors, Out Windows has been moved to February. The theme is defined as “images with a view through doors or windows, looking out or in. The window(s) or door(s) may be the subject themselves, or a framing device for some other scene.” Images uploaded for digital categories in January will need to resubmitted in February.
Note: Image capture must have occurred after Feb 14th, 2009 to be eligible for this competition. Also, you must be a member to compete.
On competition night, please plan to join us and John for dinner at Chili’s at 5:30 prior to the competition.
John is a member of the Professional Photographers of America (PPofA), Virginia Professional Photographers, Southeastern Professional Photographers Associations and Wedding Portrait Photographers International and is the owner of Gonsalves Photography in Alexandria, VA. In business since 1978, the majority of his commercial photography centers on creating portraits and covering weddings and mitzvahs.
John began his photographic career in 1970 as a photographer for the US Army serving with Psychological Operations and Special Forces units before coming to the Northern Virginia area in 1977 to serve as lead photographer and later, production chief, for the US Army Recruiting Support Center producing recruiting advertising products. Later assignments included Visual Information Chief for the US Army Intelligence Command and a final assignment with a highly specialized military activity before retiring as a Sergeant Major in 1991.
John was designated a Certified Professional Photographer by the PPofA in 1995. In addition to teaching military photography techniques to select military assets while on active duty, he has conducted photography classes for the Fayetteville Technical Institute, Fairfax County Park Authority, Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County ACE program as well as individual private lessons for aspiring professionals.
John spends considerable time mentoring high school photography classes in Fairfax County and has been a long term substitute teacher with the South County Secondary School program.
January Competition Results
As a result of the weather cancellation, there are no competition results to report.
Competition Images
Did your image win in a competition this year? Would you like your image displayed in a gallery of NVPS competition winners on the NVPS web site? Just send an email to and we'll upload your image to the competition winners gallery on the NVPS web site at First place winners will be added to Fotofax if sent by the Friday following the competition.
To be included in the Gallery, images must have received 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Honorable Mention in competitions from September 2010 to May 2011 to be eligible.
Important: Please identify the class/category and award in the email subject. E.g., "Restricted Color Prints - 1st Place".
For those of you with winners in Digital Categories/Classes, you do not need to send the image (except 1st place images), but you must send the above information in the subject and your consent to post the image. If your image won 1st place please attach the image to your email so it can be included in the next issue of Fotofax.
For those of you who won in Print categories, please provide the image in an email, no larger than 1024 pixels wide or 768 pixels tall.
2012-2013 Themes
The Themes Committee, consisting of Willa and Bob Friedman, and Judy McGuire, have selected the following themes for the 2012-2013 competition year. With this early announcement, members will have close to two full years to work on the themes.
- Bridges
- The Sun is your Friend
- A Different Point of View
Remaining 2010-2011 Themes
As a reminder, the remaining to themes for this season are:
- February 15, 2011 - Through Doors, Out Windows (see above)
- April 19, 2011 - Old Images which convey a feeling of great age.
This theme was a Members' choice. Recommendations: Images with a subject that appears to be old, having lived or been around for a relatively long time. May be living or inanimate. Note: Image capture must have occurred after Apr 18th, 2009 to be eligible for this competition.
2011-2012 Themes
- Simplicity
- Weather
- Shadows
Although the themes for 2011-2012 were specified by the Theme Committee, the interpretation of the theme is being left to the photographer.
Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Competition
willa-f "at"
bob-f "at"
Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception
February 5, 2011
The Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception is one of the largest Roman Catholic Churches in the United States, and is the tenth largest church in the world. Located in Washington, DC, the Basilica is renowned for its unique architecture and beautiful, sacred art. It is the largest collection of contemporary ecclesiastical art in the world and rich Catholic and American history and heritage.
The staff will provide an hour long tour starting at 10:00 a.m.. Ask for the tour; we will have time for photography.
400 Michigan Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20017
Phone: 202-526-8300
The Basilica is easily accessible by car and provides ample free parking for visitors. It is also easily accessible by Metro on the Red line at Brookland/CUA (Follow the steeple as you see it coming up the escalator).
Directions by car:
- I-66 E, enter D.C. using the Roosevelt Bridge to Constitution Avenue or I-395 over the 14 Street Bridge to Constitution Avenue
- Bear left on Louisianna Avenue (Close to the Captial).
- Turn left on North Capitol Street (proceed for two and a half miles)
- Turn right on Michigan Avenue (Continue until you reach the 400 block).
- You will see the National Shrine on the left; turn in the parking lot provided.
The Cherry Blossom Kite Festival
Washington Monument Grounds
March 27, 2011
After 44 years of Smithsonian sponsorship, the annual Washington, D.C. kite festival will now be produced by the National Cherry Blossom Festival. The Kite Festival will be held on Sunday, March 27, 2011, on the grounds of the Washington Monument.
The festival includes showcase flight demonstrations by Master Kite-makers from across the country. Multi-line kite flyers compete against each other, showing off their best flying tricks. Competitors fight to be the sole kite left in the sky.
This is also a great opportunity to come early and get images on the National Mall. You are welcome to join me on the first train out of Vienna Metro Station at 7:00 am. Otherwise, you will see me outside the Smithsonian Metro Station, on the mall side, at 9:30 am. The Kite Festival is from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Location: Washington Monument grounds – Constitution Avenue & 17th Street, NW
Curtis Gibbens
gibbensc "at"
Images from the Dulles Air and Space Museum Fieldtrip

Ginger Werz-Petricka

Mike Cane |

Curtis Gibbens |
Note: Clicking on any of the images above will display a larger version of the image. Simply hit the "back" button in your browser to return to the newsletter. Additional images from this and past field trips can be found on the NVPS web site:
Abstracts and Extracts
Nikhil Bahl
February 22, 7:30 PM
A photographer makes many decisions that interpret the subject. The subject can be presented in an atypical manner that may challenge our perceptions. Alternatively, when the photographer delves into the abstract, the viewer can be left guessing as to what the subject really is. In his presentation, Nikhil will take you into the realm of abstracts and extracts to create unique images using in-camera techniques and artistic interpretation. The ideas and photos to be presented are part of Nikhil's new eBook entitled Creative Interpretations. You can find more information on his eBook at:
Nikhil Bahl is a professional nature photographer, educator, author, lecturer and workshop instructor. He currently resides in Montgomery Village, Maryland. His goal is to inspire people to appreciate the splendor of nature by becoming aware of that which is easily overlooked, and by transforming the mundane into the exciting through contemplative and artistic interpretation. While his primary aim is to create art with his photographs, he also strives to document the natural world with an eye toward conservation and education. This has led him to volunteer his time and photography skills for the National Park Service and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Nikhil's work has been published in a variety of print and electronic media. His fine art prints have been widely exhibited in the Washington metropolitan area, and are part of many private collections. Nikhil leads several nature photography workshops and tours, primarily along the East coast of the United States. He also teaches photography at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia and through Digital Photo Academy. His instruction is focused on in-camera interpretation and developing personal vision, rather than simply following the traditional rules of photography.
To view Nikhil's work, please visit You can also follow his blog ( or facebook page (
Tom Burden
TomBurden "at"
Gerry Abbott
February 28, 7:30 PM
Gerry has been a member of NVPS since 2004 and has held positions of Field Trip Coordinator (2008-2009) and Competition VP (2009-2010).
Gerry retired three years ago after a 32 year career in the International Oil and Gas Industry. He has become an active member in North American Nature Photographer's Association, Audubon Society, Audubon Naturalist Society and The Nature Conservancy.
He has received photographic awards from the Meadowlark Photo Expo, National Wildlife Federation and others. Currently, his photographic subjects are predominantly birds, yet he enjoys all types of nature photography.
At the Members Gallery, Gerry will show recent landscape prints that feature rocks in autumn foliage. The images were captured at Dolly Sods WV and Olmstead Island (C&O National Park) using a Canon 5DII camera with tilt/shift lens. Additionally, he will show prints of bird images from the 2010 NVPS field trip to Bosque del Apache NM that were captured with a Canon 7D camera and supertelephoto lens. The images were printed on Epson Velvet and Hot Press Bright fine art papers.Digital Presentation
Paul Simmons
February 28, 7:30 PM
Paul’s interest in photography began in college as an Engineering student. One of his student jobs involved processing film and making black and white prints for the Engineering Department. With his new skills and a fully equipped professional darkroom at his disposal, it occurred to Paul that he should have a camera. Epiphanies like this come to people who spend their lives in the dark. So, Paul purchased a Nikkormat camera, a case of Plus-X film and began photographing the world around him—enough to visualize his surroundings in B&W. However, over the years, this ability started to erode as his interests turned to color photography (flower and, lately, bird).
One day, Paul awoke and found himself married with a growing family which left him precious little time, money, and energy for photography. His camera languished on the shelf for decades being dusted off for vacations, birthdays and Christmas only. Paul says he has no complaints…“If I had to do it again, I would not change a thing.”
Several years ago it dawned on him that his job, as an Engineer, was actually interfering with his picture taking activities so he retired. As Paul says, ”Can you imagine that?” Today his favorite photographic subjects are his six grandchildren followed closely by flowers and birds – beautiful, colorful, wonderful subjects.
Paul gives many thanks to NVPS members for eleven years of friendship and for the only photographic training he received. “I must admit, I do occasionally read a book about photography so the blame does not rest solely upon NVPS,” says Paul.
Early on in his photographic endeavors, Paul used Nikon film cameras and shot almost anything that was, “foolish enough to get in front of my lens.” After a few years photographing like this, he purchased a 4x5 view camera and shot B&W landscapes exclusively. For guidance, he studied Ansel Adams' six books on photography. Today, Paul uses Canon digital cameras and an 800mm lens which he used to collect the images chosen for his presentation.
His show is titled “Song Birds” and is a collection of images he gathered over the last two years.
Charlotte DeFuria
cdefuria "at"
Willa Friedman
Willa Friedman has had 3 images juried into the Winter Folly Exhibition at Photoworks Gallery located in Glen Echo Park. The exhibition runs from January 28 to March 6. The reception is Saturday, January 29, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.
Jan Ponder
Jan Ponder has two images that have been selected for the upcoming 14th Annual National Juried Show at Gallery West, Above the Fruited Plains and Earth Tides.
The run of Kodachrome has come to an end, after 75 years. Kodak manufactured the last roll of the film in 2009. The last lab processing the film, Dwayne's Photo in Parsons Kansas, processed the film for the last time at the end of December.
An article about the last week of Kodachrome Processing can be found here. |
Security Risk Posting Photos from Smart Phone
Are You Posting Photos From Your Smart Phone? Then You Should Read This!
The US Army is advising against posting images from your smart phone to social networking sites. This is advice that civilians should also consider. At least we all should understand the potential risk to our privacy posting photos with location metadata. The following presentation (pdf) provides details on why it is risky to post such metadata to social networking sites:
If you want to post photos, you should sanitize your photo metadata first by removing the location metadata; particularly if this information can identify personal information such as where you live, work or play. If you don't have a tool like LightRoom or Photoshop that can edit the metadata, there are some free tools that can help. Google "remove photo metadata" and you'll find a number of articles and tools to help you with cleaning up the location metadata.
Scott Musson
scottmusson "at"
A list of current Board members and their contact information can be found at
Meet Your Board Members
As part of a continuing series on our board members, we continue with the biography for Sam Schaen.
Sam Schaen
FotoFax Editor

Sam grew up in Queens New York. He was a nerd before it was cool to be one. He moved to Northern Virginia after getting his MS in Computer Science in 1975. He has worked as a Computer Systems Engineer specializing in Computer and Network Security. His work is so secret, even he doesn't know what he does.
Sam lives with his wife, Marilyn Gaizband (who is also an NVPS member) and 2 cats who have shown no interest in photography (in front or in back of the camera).
He enjoys movies, good restaurants, travel, and being a couch potato.
Sam learned black and white photography and wet darkroom processing from Marilyn in the mid-80s. After a hiatus of several years, the couple became interested in bird photography and wildlife photography in 2000. |
Sam and Marilyn enjoy traveling to exotic locations in search of photo opportunities. They are especially fond of bird photography. The two have been to Churchill, Canada to photograph polar bears, Kenya, Africa on a photographic safari, the Falkland Islands to photograph penguins and other birds, Costa Rica to photograph exotic birds, to Argentina and to Brazil. They have also visited numerous National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges in the US.
Sam uses Nikon equipment. He currently has a Nikon D300 camera. Most of his wildlife shots use a 500mm fixed lens. Sam and Marilyn don't believe in deleting images and as a result have 4 TB of internal hard disk memory on a computer Sam built. He uses Photoshop CS 4 at the moment; but expects to upgrade to CS 5 sometime soon.
The couple joined NVPS in 2003. Sam was co-VP of Competitions with Marilyn in 2004, President in 2006, and FotoFax editor since 2007. Sam has been on several competition rules committees since joining and hopes he and the committee finally got it right and it won't need to change again. He was a member of the committee responsible for adding digitally projected images to the competitions and a member of the technical committee during the 2009-10 club year. Sam is grateful for all he's learned from others in NVPS and feels his photography has improved greatly since joining the club.
Exhibition Opportunities
Entries Due March 17
INTERSECTIONS is a nine-day all-arts festival. including music, theater, film, spoken word and dance.
Ten Miles Square will host a photography show to run during the festival that celebrates INTERSECTIONS' goal of being a place were arts merge and cultures meet. This time, instead of "Ten Miles Square" where the focus was on all of D.C., this exhibition is looking for photographers who can take on the ten square miles surrounding the Atlas neighborhood–capturing connections, innovation, intersection of cultures, ages, races.
The winners' work will be hung unframed in the Atlas Theater and available for sale; winners also receive one festival pass good for entry to every performance on a space available basis. Submit your work to before February 7 for consideration.
Thirty-First Annual George W. Glennie Nature Competition
Entries Due March 17
Exhibits Coordinator John Quigley has received sufficient expressions of interest from NVPS members to participate in the Glennie competition.
This is a premier, international, all-nature club competition of digital images that is known for its diversity of subjects, which range from animals to botany to landscapes. In the animal categories, birds and mammals are usually well represented, but each year about a third of the entries are invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians or marine & freshwater life.
The Glennie competition presents awards to both club and individual images. Club awards include:
- Top 5 Clubs Total Score
- Top 5 Clubs Diversity Award - (best score from club's top six categories, club must have entries in at least 6 of the 8 categories)
Individual image awards include:
- Best of Show
- Best Wildlife
- Best of Category (Birds, Invertebrates, Reptiles, Amphibians, Mammals, Marine & Freshwater Life, Botany, and Landscape)
- Subcategory and Honor Awards depending upon number of entries.
This is a club competition and each club is invited to submit up to 10 digital images. Images prepared for the NatureVisions Expo, as well as any other nature images members may have, would be eligible for consideration in the Glennie competition .
Additional information may be viewed on the Merrimack Valley web site at
If you are interested, please respond directly to John at If you have responded to an earlier announcement you need not reply again. Your entries will be due to him by February 25, 2011. John is preparing specific instructions for the submission of the images for the club competition and and will have them out on or before February 1.
John Quigley
Exhibits Coordinator
jhquigley "at"
First Annual NVACC Juried Abstract Photography Exhibition
Entries Due April 2, 2011
This first annual abstract exhibition is open to all members-in-good-standing of any Northern Virginia Alliance Camera Club (NVPS, VPS, MWCC, McLean, RPS, Loudoun) or NVACC affilliated camera club (OLLI, Charlottesville, Fredricksburg) exclusively. The exhibition will be open May 7 - May 27 at the Joseph Miller Center Gallery in Gainesville. Prospectus, entry forms, and related information will be available for download from the official NVACC website: www.
78th Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography
Sundays, Feb. 27 & March 6 Noon-5pm
The exhibition will be held at Arsht Hall, University of Deleware, Wilmington Campus, 2700 Pennsylvania Ave. Admission and parking are free.
U.S. Photo Show
March 19
The first 80 years or so of photography coincided with the Golden Age of Development in New York City. The mass immigration of newcomers from all over the world, the exciting construction of some of the tallest buildings of the era, the development of mechanized transportation and industrial development were all recorded in America’s greatest city. At the same time, the greatest Native Americans, the outlaws and lawmen of the wild west, the wealthiest families and important occasions were all captured on photographic plates. Stereoviews of natural sites, tourist attractions, and landmarks throughout the world became the first 3D ancestor of the Travel Channel. Many of these wonderful old photographs will be on display Saturday, March 19th, 2011 in Manhattan, when many of the nation’s most active photography collectors and dealers meet for the U.S. Photo Show. Almost ironically, the show takes place at the Lighthouse, 111 East 59th St. (between Lexington & Park), New York, NY, 10022.
Gayle Rothschild Exhibit
Goldman Art Gallery
Photographs by Gayle Rothschild through February 6 at the Goldman Art Gallery, JCC, 6125 Montrose Rd, Rockville MD.
gaylesue "at"
Blake Stenning
Malaysia Journeys
Blake Stenning, one of MEG's newest members will exhibit photographs of Malaysia.
Exhibition Dates:
February 8th – March 6th, 2011
Reception Sunday February 12th 2-4pm
Multiple Exposures Gallery
105 N Union St. #312
Alexandria VA
703 683-2205
Workshop Offerings
Frank Van Riper
Frank Van Riper, along with his wife, Judy Goodman offer workshops in Lubec Maine and Umbria Italy. The internationally acclaimed husband and wife team will share their image-making techniques with a small group of participants. Opportunities for landscape, portrait, and documentary photography will be available. For further information see for information about Lubec and for information about Umbria. Frank presented a program to NVPS in December 2009 and judged the December 2010 competition.
John Shaw
On March 26-27, 2011, Joseph Van Os Photo Safaris presents a Nature & Digital Photography weekend seminar in Philadelphia with renowned photographer and digital photo expert John Shaw. The seminar features one full day devoted to nature photography and the second day covering the digital darkroom. The two seminar days can be purchased as a package or separately by day. More information and registration can be found at or by calling (206) 463-5383.
Wayne Wolfersburger
Wayne Wolfersberger (NVPS member and past President) will be teaching many classes for his thirteenth year with Fairfax County’s Adult and Community Education - ACE. Anyone can sign up (Fairfax residency not required). Courses are designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced skills in photography which includes Outdoor (Nature) classes, flower and garden classes, as well as well as classroom table top shooting for composition and creativity. Several classes include weekend field trips. See and then go to Art – studio art for details or
Roy Sewall
One-on-one Coaching: This coaching is intended for novice and intermediate photographers. Coaching sessions are tailored to an individual's specific needs, and the scope is flexible. Representative topics are: how to operate a digital SLR, equipment selection, photo critique in a private setting, on-computer demonstration of photo improvements, and field technique. Roy judged an NVPS competition in October 2009 and presented a program in November 2010.
(301) 530-6720 roy "at"
Nikhil Bahl Photography Workshops
Nikhil Bahl is a professional nature photographer, educator, author, lecturer and workshop instructor. Nikhil leads several nature photography workshops and tours, primarily along the East coast of the United States. He also teaches photography locally at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia and through Digital Photo Academy. His instruction is focused on in-camera interpretation and developing personal vision, rather than simply following the traditional rules of photography.
nikhil "at"
Josh Taylor, Jr.
Fall workshops, classes, and lectures are posted at Please take a look and hopefully, you will find something of interest, including Canon camera classes. Josh is an NVPS member and most recently presented a workshop in March 2010.
jtaylorj "at"
Awake the Light Photo Tours and Workshops
Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem
Join two well-known professional photographers on their exciting and educational photo tours. For 2011 they are offering trips to Alaska's Denali National Park and Katmai National Park, Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, Antelope Canyon and Monument Valley in Arizona, the Great Smoky Mountains, and Acadia National Park in Maine. All tours include extensive photographic opportunities in the field, as well as personal one-on-one assistance and classroom instruction. Mollie and Mary gave NVPS Programs in October 2009 and October 2010.
Mollie Isaacs and Mary Lindhjem 757-773-0194 awakethelight "at"
Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)
The Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC) is an informal entity started in 1997 by Joseph Miller with the assistance of Dave Carter and Ed Funk. It purpose is to promote communication and cooperation among area camera clubs. NVACC is made up of Member Clubs and Associated Member Clubs.
NVACC publishes a monthly Calendar of Virginia Member Club Events that can be found at
.NVACC has published a Field Trips Guide Book for Photographers, which provides information about nearby areas that camera clubs might wish to visit (
Slide scanner for use with windows XP. Not interested in Konica Minolta DiMage scanner. Contact: Rose Julian: drmrjulian "at" |