Volume 45 - No. 9
Founded 1965 - our 45th Year
May 2010
The Newsletter of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society
Editor: Sam Schaen - Email: Editor@NVPS.org


Message from the President
Election, By-Laws, and Rules
Monthly Program
Workshops, Education, and Training
  Competition Judge
  Competition Images
  Competition Results
Field Trips
Members' Gallery
End of Year Banquet
Member News
NVPS Board
  Exhibition Opportunities
  Workshops and Tours
NVACC Events


5/4 Program Meeting: Sports Photography, Jonathan Newton
5/11 Workshop: Portfolio Critique, Sherwin Kaplan
5/18 Competition: David Luria, Judge
5/25 Forum: Bird Photography, Sam Schaen
5/25 Members' Gallery:
    Anna Gomez (Prints)
    Vivian Luu (Digital Projection)

5/29-30 Rolling Thunder, Washington DC


Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter.

All meetings for the club year will start at 7:30 PM at the Dunn Loring Fire Station. The doors will open at 6:45 PM for a "meet and greet".

Remember to lock your car and place valuables out of sight.

Please remember to take seats immediately when the meeting starts and to silence cell phones.

Message from the President

The cherry blossoms have come and gone and all that pink and white has turned to green. I went to Meadowlark yesterday and couldn’t believe how everywhere I looked it was just GREEN!!!  I also noticed that the log that has been in the back pond for years (where I have shot geese and turtles basking in the sun) is gone. It reminded me of just how ephemeral life (and nature) can be and how one must both capture and seize those fleeting moments.

As NVPS wraps up an amazing year I once again want to thank everyone for their contributions, camaraderie, and support. We have made terrific strides this year and are constantly looking for ways to improve the NVPS experience for its members.

On May 4th, I encourage you all to come to the Program night. The membership will be asked to vote on three (3) separate business/club items:
1. Election of slate of officers for 2010-2011
2. Competition Rules changes
3. Constitution and By-Laws changes

All the proposed changes are listed on the website and in Fotofax. Please familiarize yourself with these propositions and be prepared to cast your votes.

I also would like to highly encourage you all to sign up for the NVPS End of Year Banquet that will be held on Friday, June 11th (details on the web). You will save $5 each if you sign up before May 25th. Feel free to bring your significant others to this inspiring and fun event. We will all get the opportunity to see the “best of the best” from this competition year.

And finally, again… I am still looking for volunteers for next year.  Many folks have already thrown their hats in the ring and I really appreciate it. Also, please feel free to talk to me or email me about ideas that you might have to improve the club and provide me with feedback on how you think NVPS is doing.

Keep on shooting and enjoy spring while it lasts!

Sandi Croan
NVPS President

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Elections, By-Laws, and Rules

NVPS Election

The election will be at the Program Meeting on May 4. It will be by voice vote since no additional nominations have been made.


President: Sandi Croan
Vice President for Programs: Mary O'Neill
Vice Presidents for Competition: Willa & Bob Friedman
Vice President for Operations: Brian Payne
Treasurer: Fred Chitty
Secretary / Historian: Georgette Grossman

Other non-elected Board members will be appointed by the President.

Tom Brett
Past President & Chair, Nominating Committee

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Proposed Constitution and Bylaws Changes

Our President, Sandi Croan, appointed a special committee to review the size and structure of the NVPS Board for optimal efficiency, and to generally review our Bylaws and Constitution for any necessary updates.  The committee (Mary O’Neill, Fred Chitty, John Quigley, Bill Prosser, Sandi Croan) made their recommendations for changes to the Bylaws and Constitution to the Board, who approved the recommendations on April 6 for submission to the General Membership.  Our general membership will now vote on these recommendations on May 4. 

The recommendations focus primarily on consolidating a few Board positions, and then allowing for up to 5 additional Board appointments as needed for each term.  We also made recommendations for the disposition of club assets in the unlikely event of a dissolution, and made minor suggestions for changes in terminology.  The proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws as well as a summary of those proposed changes can be found at http://nvps.org/main/meetings/may_4th_2010_-_general_members/ for your review prior to the vote. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about these recommendations.

Mary O’Neill,
VP Programs

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Proposed Competition Rules Changes

Proposed competition Rules Changes were discussed at the April Program Meeting. 

Summary of Proposed Changes

The proposal includes a change to the categories and classes of competition. Under the proposal, there will be 5 categories:

  • Unrestricted Images Digitally Projected (2)
  • Unrestricted Color Prints (2)
  • Monochrome Prints (1)
  • Restricted  Images Digitally Projected  (1)
  • Restricted Color Prints (1)

The numbers in parenthesis above indicate the number of classes for the category.

The proposal increases the number of required participants needed for a Novice Competition from two entrants to three entrants (making it the same as for Advanced classes). In addition, for all Categories/Classes, there must now be four images submitted for a competition to take place.

The proposed Restricted Prints Category is intended to provide a slightly more restricted venue than has been used for color prints in the current rules. 

The proposed Unrestricted Color Print Category is intended to include manipulations that would be unacceptable under the definition of Restricted Prints.

Monochrome Prints are restricted only in color. They can include various shades of black on a white background, or shades of a single other color such as sepia.

The Restricted Image Digitally Projected category is intended to parallel the Restricted Color Print category. 

The Unrestricted Image Digitally Projected category does not restrict manipulations. The single restriction is that all elements must have been captured by the entrant.

A second Versatile Photographer of the Year award is proposed to provide separate awards for Novice and Advanced categories. Some clarification has been provided for the definitions based on comments received at the April Program Meeting. The new text is as follows, with changes in italics.

B. Versatile Photographer of the Year. These awards shall be given to the Novice and Advanced club members who have accumulated the highest number of total points from all competition Categories and must have received an award in at least three Categories. Only points accumulated in the advanced class of a category or in a single class category count toward the Advanced Versatile Photographer of the Year award. If the novice class of any category is included in the point count total for a member, that member shall be eligible only for the Novice Versatile Photographer of the Year award, even if some of the points were received in a single-class category or in the advanced class of a category.

The full text of the proposed Competition Rules can be found on the NVPS web site.

For more information, contact Sam Schaen or Scott Musson, committee co-chairs.

Sam Schaen

Scott Musson

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Monthly Program

Sports Photography
Jonathan Newton
April 6, 2010


Our May 4 Program speaker will be Jonathan Newton, Washington Post sports photographer.  Jonathan has come highly recommended from other area clubs, and he’s keeping busy now photographing the winning Washington Capitals. 

Jonathan Newton is entering his 24th season as a professional photographer. He joined The Washington Post in the summer of 2000.

He started out at The Nashville Banner and after a little more than a year at the Banner, he moved to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, where he spent 10 years shooting assignments that included the Atlanta Braves. He joined the St.Petersburg Times when the town landed an expansion baseball team.

Newton has covered almost every major sporting event in the world, the Olympics in 1996 and 2008, The Kirkwall Ba in Scotland, baseball in the Dominican Republic, four World Series, NCAA Final Fours, The Preakness, The Kentucky Derby, Heavyweight title bouts in Las Vegas, college football championships, the Super Bowl and countless high school events.

Mary O'Neill
VP for Programs
703-548-8669 (H)

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Workshops, Education, and Training

Member Portfolio, Presentation and Critique
Sherwin Kaplan
May 11, 2010

The Workshop meeting on May 11th will be the final step of this year's Portfolio Project. At the meeting Portfolios will be displayed, critiqued and discussed. In addition members will be provided an opportunity to have images reviewed and discussed informally by three other critics.

All Portfolio Project participants' will display printed Portfolios and be available to discuss them with attendees. There will be a slide show of 12 images from each of the portfolios which will be accompanied by comments by this year's critic, Sherwin Kaplan. (Sherwin, a member of the club, is one of the club's best judges. He has been the Portfolio Critic the last two years.) The critiques will emphasize the portfolio as a whole rather than comments on individual images (although, there may be comments on individual images as appropriate to illustrate their impact on the portfolio). After the critic's review all the portfolios, attendees will be able to look at and discuss individual portfolios with their makers.

After the portfolio slideshow and while meeting attendees are viewing the printed portfolios, there will be an informal critique to support the upcoming themed competition.  (As always, images for critique will not be restricted to the theme.)  So far there are 3 volunteers to critique images—Tom Brett, Timber Gooding, and Steve Passman.  They have been kind enough to volunteer, so those of you who wish to have images critiqued, can do so. Please be respectful of their time, and bring no more than 3 images, either as prints, or loaded onto a thumb drive or CD. Each “critiquer” will have a laptop available to display digital images for their review and discussion.  (If these informal critiques do well, it is highly possible they will be held more often next year, in addition to scheduled formal critiques. 

Any questions, please contact Melanie Marts, jasmarts@cox.net.

Melanie Marts

Ed Ruggiero

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Competition Judge
David Luria
Theme: Monuments, Memorials, Statues

May 18, 2010

On Tuesday May 18th, 2010, we will hold our ninth and final monthly competition for the 2009/10 club year with David Luria as our judge. This will be the third themed competition of the season. The theme will be “Monuments, Memorials, Statues” .  The competition requires that the dominant element(s) of all entries consist of monuments, memorials or statues.

E. David Luria is a Washington DC-based photographer specializing in architecture, art/still life, restaurant/ food, editorial/event, commercial, and landmark photography.  His images appear in over 100 publications, including TIME Magazine, Travel and Leisure Magazine, Prevention,  Italian Cooking and Dining,  Food and Wine,  and Cuccina Italiana, in the Washington Post, the  Hamburger Abendblatt,  and the Tokyo Shinbum newspapers. David’s images have also appeared on the covers of  30 publications. Over 80 of his photographs of DC landmarks appear on postcards, guidebooks and posters sold throughout the area and 25 of his DC images appear in a coffee-table book entitled “Washington DC Visions,”  authored by Austin Kiplinger.

David describes himself as a photographer of "places and faces." Trained in Paris, France, at the Parsons School of Design by a protégé of famed French photographer Henri Cartier Bresson,  David places a great deal of emphasis on strong, clear composition lines in his photography and believes that good pictures can be made with any camera. He has traveled and photographed  extensively in Latin America for CARE, Inc. and  the Partners of the Americas organization, and he also served as photographer to the City of Hamburg, Germany, his birthplace.

David is founder and director of the Washington Photo Safari  (www.WashingtonPhotoSafari.com),  through which he and his team of nine professional photographers have trained over 18,000 clients on 2,500+  “photo safaris” since 1999 in the techniques of travel, landmark, portrait,  and nature photography.  This program is now one of  the country’s largest providers of photography training field excursions, offering 4-5 photo safaris every week, with special workshops in nighttime photography, interior museum photography, beginner and advanced digital photography, pet photography, nature photography,  outdoor portraiture, child photography,  and architectural, abstract/still life, event, and real estate photography. This program also  offers photo safaris in   Prague, Amsterdam, Kenya, Annapolis, and New York City.

His Washington Photo Safari has received extensive press coverage in the Washington Post, the Baltimore Sun, WTOP Radio, AAA Magazine, USA Today, on the Discovery Channel, and  on the NBC Today Show.

David also serves as a photography instructor for the Smithsonian Resident Associates, Penn Camera, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, the Kreeger Museum, the staffs  of National Public Radio and the Embassy of the United Kingdom, and  contestants of the  National Spelling Bee.  

David can be reached at 202-537-0937 or at edavidluria@juno.com. His work  can be viewed on his website at www.edavidluriaphotography.com

Please join our judge, David Luria for our pre-competition dinner at Chili's at 5:45 on Tuesday, May 18th, 2010. Please RSVP to Gerry at gerry.abbott@cox.net . Hope to see you there.

Chili's Bar and Grille

8051 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA


1: Take the VA-7 W/LEESBURG PIKE exit number 47B-A toward TYSONS CORNER
2: Merge onto LEESBURG PIKE/VA-7 W toward TYSONS CORNER and move to left lane
   You will see Chili's almost immediately on the left.
3: Take a left at the first light "Fashion Square" (Tiffany's will be on the left and Tyson's
   Corner Shopping Center will be on the right) and an immediate left onto service road in
   front of Tiffany's, take your first right into Chili's parking lot.

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April Competition Images

Below are some images that received a first place award in the April competition. Clicking on one of the pictures will display a larger version.


Novice Digital
Calla With Dew
George Williams


Novice Monochrome
The Sentinels 2
Roger Lancaster


Advanced Monochrome
Day's End
Minnie Gallman




Novice Color
Babbling Brook
Chuck Anstrom


Enhanced Prints
Passing With Flying Colors
Timber Gooding


Advanced Color
Great Egret Portrait
Jorja Feldman

First place winners in future competitions may be submitted to editor@nvps.org. Submitted photos should have maximum width and height of 1024 pixels and 768 pixels respectively. Images should be sent to editor@nvps.org by the Friday following the competition.

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April Competition Results

Award Photographer Title
Novice Monochrome Prints
1st Roger Lancaster The Sentinel Tree
2nd Beth Morris Corkscrew Willow
Advanced Monochrome Prints
1st Minne Gallman Day's end
Novice Color Prints
1st Chuck Anstrom Babbling Brook
2nd David Massi Scouting For Food
3rd Ginger Werz-Petricka One In A Trillion
HM Roger Lancaster Soldiers In The Snow
HM Maricruz Fugon Candles
HM Dale Nelson Flamingo Resting
Advanced Color Prints
1st Jorja Feldman Great Egret Portrait
2nd Timber Gooding Next Year's Christmas Card
3rd Bob Friedman GAS 35.9
HM Melanie Marts Picasso Dog
HM Will Haubert Los Cuernes del Paine
HM Jorja Feldman Spoonies Times Three
Enhanced Prints
1st Timber Gooding Passing With Flying Colors
2nd Susan Breen Fancy Singer
3rd Susan Breen Harrison
HM Melanie Marts Great Falls #91
Advanced Slides
1st Amie Tannenbaum Three Susans
2nd Tom Brett Bi-Wing Beauty
Novice Digital Images
1st George Williams Calla Lily With Dew
2nd Gayle Dennis Coconut In Water
3rd Kieu-Hanh Vu Shadows
HM Kieu-Hanh Vu Pink Magnolia
HM Pat Worley Fishing
HM Susan Phillips Indian Conflict
HM Susan Phillips Indian Rock Halo
Advanced Digital Images
1st Vivian Luu Surprised
2nd Bill Prosser Pink Coral Sand Dunes
3rd Judy McGuire Zabriske Point
HM Bill Van Holle Swiss Alps _ Pine Trees
HM Rick Barnard Evening at Elakala Falls
HM Tuan Pham Kite Festival

Overall standings will be posted on the NVPS web site.

Gerry Abbott
Co-VP Competition

Brian Payne
Co-VP Competition

Field Trips

Memorial Weekend & Motorcycle Rolling Thunder
Location: Washington, DC
Date: May 29-30, 2010

Motorcycle Rolling Thunder is an annual motorcycle rally that is held in Washington, DC during the Memorial Day weekend to call for the government's recognition and protection of Prisoners of War (POWs) and those Missing in Action (MIAs). Tens of thousands veterans will roar across Washington, DC on their motorcycles as a tribute to American war heroes. Some 3,500 riders from Fairfax participated last year. Local activities begin on Friday afternoon, May 28 culminating with the Ride of the Patriots to Rolling Thunder to DC on Sunday morning, May 30, 2010.

Meeting place: Patriot Harley-Davison, Inc. at Fairfax Circle
9739 Fairfax Boulevard, Vairfax, VA 22031
Tel. 703-352-5400
Date & Time: Sunday, May 30, 2010, from 6:45 am – 9:00 am.

Parking is available and free at Fairfax Circle Center.

Marilyn Gaizband
703-560-8365 (H)
703-402-6214 (C)

Tuan Pham
703-354-3322 (H)

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Bird Photography
Sam Schaen
May 25, 2010

Forum Topic  

On May 25, the Forum will be on Bird Photography and will be given by Sam Schaen. He will discuss equipment needed, lighting, techniques for getting close to your subject matter, and places to do bird photography. The presentation will be illustrated with examples of good bird photography as well as mistakes to learn from.


Sam was introduced to serious photography when he met his wife, Marilyn, in 1983. She taught him photography and black and white processing. Much of Sam’s early photography was a combination of landscape and people photography.

Sam and Marilyn became fascinated by birds while staying with a friend in Maine around 2000. They combined this fascination with a renewed interest in photography.  In addition to local photography, the couple has photographed in Ecuador, the Falkland Islands, Africa, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Argentina.

Sam has been a member of NVPS since 2003. He has held the positions of Competition VP, President, and FotoFax editor.

Anna Gomez

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Members' Gallery

Anna Gomez
May 25, 2010

Anna Gomez’s photography experience has been winding journey of changing equipment and subject matter. She bought her first camera, a Kodak Instamatic, when she was 13 years old. As an art student, she viewed the camera as another way to express her creativity. At 19, her father brought her a fixed lens Canon from a business trip to Japan. Her father-in-law taught her some basics about aperture and shutter speed by shooting black and white film. Next in line, a Nikon SLR, was replaced with an automatic-focus Olympus IS-1 after her daughter was born. She wanted to capture those special moments lost during focusing. In 2005 she bought her first hi-end point and shoot digital; once again an Olympus, C-5060 wide zoom. Then, back to an SLR in 2007, when Anna purchased a Nikon D200. The switch to digital opened the door to becoming the Staff Photographer for her employer in 2008.

Currently shooting with a Nikon D700, Anna enjoys capturing many different subjects, from landscapes to abstracts. Working as a Digital Color Specialist and Staff Photographer, her photographic assignments consist of shooting conferences, Congressional events, Senate hearings, meetings, special events, and staff portraits.

Anna joined NVPS (Northern Virginia Photographic Society) during the 2007–2008 year, and has won numerous awards from the club, including 1st place in the Enhanced Print category at the 2009 End of the Year Banquet. Anna was also juried into the Meadowlark Show in 2009.

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Digital Projection
Vivien Luu
May 25, 2010

In the old days, Vivian Luu was passionate about being in the pictures instead of taking pictures; this was especially true after a new hairdo! She considered pictures of her and her family and friends priceless.

When posing for pictures, she was instructed to move to the right a little or to the left a little, but she was never exposed to the language of photography—composition, design, depth of field, shutter speed, aperture, etc. These were words that were not part of her vocabulary.

In 2005, after joining a local Vietnamese Photographic Society camera club, Vivian purchased a Canon 5D camera. The new equipment motivated Vivian to become passionate about photography as a "photographer" as rather than a "model."

Vivian joined NVPS in 2006 and her photography skills accelerated. During her second year with NVPS, she actively participated in the club's competitions. In the third year she received the Photographer of the Year award in the Advanced Digital category and also received the Image of the Year award.

Photography is one of Vivian’s hobbies. She enjoys photographing nature, people, sports, and flowers. She loves to apply panning techniques to racing bicyclists and zooming techniques to landscapes and lights. Capturing people's expressions or emotions is another favorite subject. Sometimes Vivian's creative mind imspires her to turn ordinary images into extraordinary ones by using Photoshop's filters.

Georgette Grossman

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NVPS Annual End of Year Banquet
June 11th, 2010

Reminder: this year's NVPS End-of-Year banquet will be held on Friday, June 11th, 2010 at the Westpark Hotel in Tyson's Corner at the intersection of Rt. 7 and Westpark Drive. Cocktails at 6.   Buffet dinner at 7. See all the best of the best photos, see the best-of-the-year winning photographs, enjoy good food, and good friends and End of Year awards. Price is $40 per person in advance and $45 after May 25th.  Payment can be made on the NVPS web site using paypal or by providing a check or cash to the NVPS Treasurer, Fred Chitty.  Checks should be made out to NVPS.

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Do you want to be a Nature’s Best Photography winner?
Lesliediana Jones

In March, Chuck Veatch, chairman of the Board of Nature’s Best Photography magazine and competition judge, led some members of our club on a tour of the Smithsonian exhibit of the winners of the Windland Smith Rice International Awards competition.  This annual competition, sponsored by Nature’s Best Photography (NBP) magazine, draws thousands of entries in 17 categories.  But, alas, there can be only one winner.  So, of the 22,000 entries submitted last year, how did the judges pick who would win?

That question was on my mind as I was not able to go on the tour.  I thought others might be interested in the answer so I asked Tuan to arrange for me to interview Chuck.  Little did I know that a phone call would result in, “I can do the interview now if you have the time.”  Throwing my lunch to the side and grabbing a notebook, I began the interview.  My notes were almost illegible, but I came away with a great understanding of what makes a photo a winner for this competition.  What follows are the highlights of our conversation.

Over the years, NBP has seen an increase in the number of entries.  Unfortunately, that increase in quantity has not meant an increase in quality.  With so many entries, the judges are looking for the photograph that not only is technically correct but also has that unique quality that makes it stand out from the masses. They are looking for art, not merely a snapshot.  The best photographs are those that tell a story.  In short, the viewer should be able to look at the photograph and know what the photographer is trying to say. 

Chuck emphasized that visual design is very important.  Good visual design happens when you slow down and compose well.  You must be in the right place at the right time.  Ask yourself if the colors are complementary.  Do you have a good background that is free of distractions?  Keep in mind that if an element doesn’t add to the image, it subtracts from the image.  The best photographs are those that are simple.  Does everything in the image say something about the subject and the story?  Try to look beyond the subject and think about line, shape, tone, texture, color and perspective.    Compose the image in camera with all of these factors in mind.  Do not have the attitude that you can snap away and fix the image in software later.  Bottom line -capture the image you want the first time.  Yes, there are exceptions to all of these factors but the key is in recognizing those situations when it is best to quickly get the image without consciously considering all of those factors. 

Exceptions to composition and to taking a gazillion images to get that one jewel did occur with the winning images.  To illustrate, I asked about two images, and Chuck explained why they passed the test.  The first was an image of a lion taking down a zebra.  In the corner was a distracting clump of leaves.  Chuck explained that cropping out the leaves would also involve cropping out the tail and flank of the lion.  This was a case when composition had to suffer a bit because of the immediacy of getting the shot.  Aside from this technicality, all other aspects of the image were superb.  The second image was of a puffin with smelt in its beak.  The photographer had taken over 2,000 images to get this winner.  In this case, with puffins being fast and hard to capture, the photographer didn’t have much choice but to snap away.  However, he had planned where to set up in order to get this shot, i.e. the right place at the right time. Moreover his technical skills were on point.   The image is sharp down to the eyes of the smelt and set against a perfectly neutral background.  

The world of digital cameras is a lot more approachable than in years past.  That said, a lot of people feel that they can rely on luck or on taking a gazillion images with the hope that one will be a winner.  It is a false hope.  Rather, as Chuck says, “luck is knowledge meeting opportunity.”  Know the technology of your camera well so that when the opportunity arises you are ready to go.  Moreover, don’t rely on software to compensate after-the-fact.  When the images have reached the final round of judging, NBP requests high resolution files and your RAW file, if available.  Any cloning or masking won’t make for a good reprint in the magazine, so, it is best if you try to “do it right the first time.”

Finally, with 22,000 entries, one has to wonder, do the judges really look at all of those images?    Amazingly, they do.  The first round of review is done by NBP staff who weed for obvious errors, such as focus and background issues.  At this point it is not one person looking at each and every entry.  However, there is one person who does review each and every entry including those in the rejected pile.   Steve Freligh, NBP Editor, takes the time to look at each and every photo with the sentiment that if someone took the time to send it he should take the time to review it.  It is possible that a jewel was overlooked.

So with all of this in mind, the question is, are you ready to be a Nature’s Best Photography winner?

Addendum:  After the article was posted Chuck made the following clarification.“There are only 17 categories plus the grand prize winner and the conservation photographer of the year, but about 95 additional images end up in the magazine as "highly honored", and the exhibition at the Smithsonian has a total of about 45 in print and an additional 40 in the video which also includes credits for each image. The point is that the odds of being a "winner" are a little better than just the first place images. It still takes a really good shot to be selected as you well know, but it is very doable. By far most of the images selected are by amateurs”.

Lesliediana Jones

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Member News

Minnie Gallman

Minnie won 1st prize in the U.S. Lighthouse Society, Chesapeake Chapter, in the Special Effects Category for a photo of Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse.She was also awarded Honorable Mention in the Preservation Category for her photo of Hooper Strait Lighthouse.

Minnie's photo, "Full Moon", was selected for the Maryland Federation of Art Artful Photography National Juried Exhibition.  The exhibit will be held at the Circle Gallery located at 18 State Circle in Annapolis from May 19th - June 13.  The juror was Catriona Fraser, owner of the Fraser Gallery.  The reception will be held Sunday, May 30, 3-6 PM.


Minnie Gallman

Will Haubert

Congratulations to Will Haubert. Will's picture The Twins received a merit award at the Glennie digital photo exhibit sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Camera Club of Andover, Massachusetts. There were more than 380 images submitted for competition in the "bird" category. Will's image and the other images submitted by NVPS for the competition may be viewed in the photo gallery on the NVPS website.

John Quigley

Lucile Renola

Longtime NVPS Member, Lucille E. Renola, passed away on Sunday, March 28th at home in Arlington, Virginia after bravely battling cancer for 3 ½ years.

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NVPS Executive Board 2009-2010

The elected and appointed board members for the 2009-2010 club year can be found at http://nvps.org/main/about/board-members/.

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Exhibition Opportunities

Nature's Best Photography

The deadline for submission of photographs to Nature's Best has been extended to May 5. All winners and highly honored images will be published in the Fall Nature's Best Photography magazine. See www.NaturesBestPhotography.com for guidelines, new categories, and prizes.

National Wildlife Photo Contest

The National Wildlife Federation is now accepting entries for the 2010 National Wildlife Photo Contest. Cash prizes of more than $30,000 plus other gifts will be awarded to the winners in seven categories in three separate divisions. Submit up to 25 images in 7 categories: Birds, Mammals, Other Wildlife, Landscapes/Plants, Connecting People and Nature, Backyard Habitat and Global Warming. The submission deadline is July 6, 2010. Winning images will be published on the NWF website and a selection will appear in the December 2010 issue of their magazine. Go to the entry page for more details and the complete rules. http://www.nwf.org/photocontest/default.aspx

Submitted by Matthew Schmidt

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Blue Ridge Mountain Photographers

The Blue Ridge Mountain Photographers (Blue Ridge, Georgia) invites you to enter its National Juried Wildlife and Nature Exhibit, which will be on display in our historic courthouse, The Art Center, from September 4 through October 8. Deadline for entries is June 30, 2010. The show is open to photographers of all levels. Nationally known nature photographer and teacher Milton Heiberg will judge the exhibit and monetary prizes totalling $2500 will be awarded. For further information and the official entry form go to brmphotographers.net

Joyce Dumas
BRMP Program Chairman

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Adam Lister Gallery

This is an international open call for artwork to be exhibited in the upcoming summer group show in the Adam Lister Gallery.  This exhibition will run from June 4 through July 18, 2010.

This open call will be juried by the gallery board of directors and gallery staff.  All artists that are selected will be featured in a six week show in the gallery. The entry deadline is May 1, 2010.

For more information, visit: http://www.adamlistergallery.com/submissions.html

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Women's International Juried Photography Exhibition

Laura Howell had 2 images juried into the 12 12 Gallery Women's International Juried Photography Exhibition 2010 - River Bend and Inner Harbor Reflection. The exhibit will be held at the 12 12 Gallery, 12 East 12th Street, Richmond, VA 23224 - the opening and reception will be on May 2 and the exhibit closes on June 20, 2010.

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Workshops and Tours

Josh Taylor and Corey Hilz

June 12-13
11:00am to 1:00pm

Garden and Butterfly Photography Workshop. Tuition: $150. Josh Taylor and Corey Hilz offer a weekend photo workshop at Brookside Gardens, Wheaton. MD. Participants will have special access to Brookside's butterfly exhibit, instructional classroom and shooting sessions with instructors, critiques of images, and Photoshop/ Photoshop Elements instruction for image enhancement.

Josh Taylor

Corey Hilz

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Nikhil Bahl Photography

May 1, 2010
11:00am to 1:00pm

Spring Flowers at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. Tuition: $125 (includes entrance fee to park). You will have plenty of opportunities to create classic flower photographs, ultra close-ups, abstract and photo impressionistic images. Tulips, Trillium, Virginia Blue Bells and a host of other spring flowers are in bloom at this time of the year.
The workshop will start with a presentation to get your creative juices flowing. Feedback on your photographs will be provided during a critique session. Field instruction will include demonstrations, tips on visualization, and the opportunity to receive immediate feedback on your technique and compositions.

May 14-16, 2010
1pm May 14 - 1pm May 16

Chincoteague Island (Virginia). Tuition: $325. You can expect to photograph many different bird species like Willets, Sanderlings, Dunlin, Glossy Ibis, Terns, Osprey, Grackles, Little Blue Herons, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Cormorants and others that return to the island in the spring. There will be opportunities to photograph the fabled Chincoteague Ponies, Sika Deer and other wildlife that inhabits the island. We will also photograph ocean views, beach scenes, patterns and textures in the sand, marshes and plant life.
May 29-31, 2010
12:00pm May 29-
8:00pm May 31

Developing a Creative Vision (Virginia/Maryland). Tuition: $395. This workshop is for photographers who are looking to challenge themselves and take their photography to the next level. While technical aspects of photography will be covered, the emphasis will be on enhancing your creativity and photographic vision.
Topics that will be discussed and illustrated include the art of seeing, personal style, importance of interpretation, the creative process and how to make your images more expressive. Field sessions will give you the opportunity to implement new ideas and receive immediate feedback. The workshop will end with an optional sunset field trip the evening of May 31st.

Nikhil Bahl

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Corey Hilz

May 1 & 8
(2 session class)
Photoshop Skills for Photographers. Location: Arlington VA, 12:30pm-3:30pm, $125. This class focuses on the features of Photoshop that are useful for photographers, enabling you to use Photoshop confidently and effectively. Topics covered include: layers, masks, brushes, selections, cloning, Levels, Curves, sharpening, correcting distortion and more.
May 2 Field Session at Brookside Gardens. Location: Wheaton MD, 6:30 – 9:30am, $65. Explore the diverse gardens at Brookside in the early morning light. Field sessions are all about putting your skills into practice and enjoying the process of creating new images. Corey will share photo tips, demonstrate shooting techniques and offer ideas for capturing your best shots.
May 15 Nikon Flash Workshop. Location: Ashburn VA, 9:30am – 5:00pm, $250 (includes lunch and model fee) Learn how to maximize their capabilities of your Nikon speedlight: understand the modes and functions of your flash, plus find out how to effectively use multiple flash units wirelessly. Workshop also covers using soft boxes, umbrellas, diffusers and reflectors, plus the opportunity to photograph a model.
May 16 Field Session at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. Location: Vienna VA, 6:30 – 9:30am, $65 Enjoy photographing the splendor of the gardens before they’re open to the public. Field sessions are all about putting your skills into practice and enjoying the process of creating new images. Corey will share photo tips, demonstrate shooting techniques and offer ideas for capturing your best shots.
May 16 & 23
(2 session class)
Digital Workflow: Lightroom. Location: Alexandria, VA, 1:00 – 4:00pm, $100 Learn how to use the Library module to organize your photos, including importing, adding metadata and keywords, searching and exporting. Find out all that the Develop module has to offer for processing your images; other modules will also be explored.
May 22 Digital Workflow: Adobe Camera Raw. Location: Alexandria, VA, 1:00 – 5:00pm, $100 Learn about the benefits about capturing your images in the Raw format and how to use the many tools in Adobe Camera Raw to process and enhance your photographs. Find out what order to use the tools in and when to use them with hands on practice.
May 31 Field Session at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. Location: Vienna VA, 6:30 – 9:30am, $65 Enjoy photographing the splendor of the gardens in beautiful early morning light. Field sessions are all about putting your skills into practice and enjoying the process of creating new images. Corey will share photo tips, demonstrate shooting techniques and offer ideas for capturing your best shots.
June 3-6 St. Michaels Workshop. Location: St. Michaels, Maryland, $575 St. Michael's and surrounding areas offer the opportunity to photograph marinas, boats, working harbors and marine scenics. The Maritime Museum, Tilghman Island and Oxford all offer great subjects for this workshop on Maryland's eastern shore.
June 12-13 Butterfly & Garden Photography Workshop. Location: Brookside Gardens, Wheaton MD, $150 Join Corey Hilz and Josh Taylor to photograph flowers, garden landscapes and butterflies. You’ll receive special access to the butterfly conservatory and learn from presentations, shooting sessions and critiques.
June 12 Nikon D90/D5000/D80. Location: Ashburn VA, 2:00 – 6:00pm, $99 Learn about all the buttons, dials and menu options of the Nikon D90/D5000/D80 in an easy to understand manner. This class teaches you how to take advantage of what your camera’s capabilities and use it to capture the best pictures.
June 19 Nikon D60/D3000/D40. Location: Ashburn VA, 12:30 - 4:30pm, $99 Learn about all the buttons, dials and menu options of the Nikon D60/D3000/D40 in an easy to understand manner. This class teaches you how to take advantage of what your camera’s capabilities and use it to capture the best pictures.
June 20-30 Ireland Photo Tour. Location: Western Ireland, $3,195 Explore Western Ireland for ten days, visiting ancient abbeys, unspoiled villages, broad peat lowlands and the dramatic coastline. The photographic opportunities will be diverse and you'll receive hands-on help in the field plus learn from critiques and lectures in the evenings.
September 16-19 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Workshop. Location: Townsend, Tennessee, $575 It’s a great to be in the Smokies - no crowds and plenty to photograph; from Cades Cove to Clingman's Dome, we'll visit popular locations and lesser known ones. Fog is often present in the mornings, rivers spotted with boulders cut through the forest and fields are full of tall grasses and late summer wildflowers.
October 7-10 Fall Color in West Virginia Workshop. Location: Canaan Valley, West Virginia, $575 Autumn foliage is bold and vibrant in West Virginia. We'll have convenient access to Blackwater Falls State Park, Canaan Valley State Park, Dolly Sods and the Monongahela National Forest. The area offers diverse subject matter, from mountain top landscapes to dense forests and waterfalls. Ground fog creates mysterious landscapes. Rushing rivers reflect brightly colored leaves, painting the water in vivid colors.
October 18 – November 1 China Photo Tour. Location: urban and rural areas of China, $5,098 including airfare Photograph the architecture and city life of Beijing and Shanghai. Visit well known sites such as the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, see rice terraces in Longji, mountains in Yangshuo, the ancient city of Nanjing and a silk factory in Suzhou.

Corey Hilz

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Frank Van Riper

Thursday, May 27th or Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Flash Photography Demystified   ($95)

Intimidated by your flash? One-evening short course will help you beat it into submission. Practical tips, creative ideas from lighting master Frank Van Riper. All levels. 7-10pm

Contact: GVR@GVRphoto.com or www.glenechopark.org

Summer, 2010

Starting Mondays:

July 12th, 26th
Aug 26th

New Summer Photo Workshops in Down East Maine. Nationally acclaimed husband and wife photographers Frank Van Riper and Judith Goodman have inaugurated a series of week-long summer photography workshops in the picturesque town of Lubec, Maine, the easternmost point in the United States, featured prominently in Frank’s Pulitzer-nominated book Down East Maine/ A World Apart. Limited to only six participants a week, will cover all aspects of photography: landscape, portraiture, documentary, product,  flash, etc. Tuition is $550. Program administered through the SummerKeys Music Workshops. www.summerkeys.com


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West Mill Photography Workshop in Southern France
George Munday

9/25 - 10/2 2010 West Mill Photography Workshop in Southern France, Sept 25 – Oct 2, 2010 1,400 Euro (~$2,050) per person for week long photography workshop with professional photographer George Munday of Ireland. Enjoy Provence and Southern France while staying in a converted watermill with a private pool. All inclusive once arrive in Avignon.

Kirsten Apple of
Falls Church, VA at
info@thewestmill.com or

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Awake the Light Photo Tours
Mollie Isaacs & Mary Lindhjem


From Conception To Completion. The morning session will concentrate on expanding your creative options with respect to macro, landscape, wildlife, and abstract photography. We will introduce techniques that will enable you to think outside the box and help you add more artistic imagery to your photographic library. The afternoon session will introduce you to the judicious use of Lightroom and Photoshop to optimize your photographs so that they look natural and are representative of your aesthetic vision while maintaining the integrity of the original image. FEE: $95.00 per person, payable in advance. Lunch will be provided. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Joseph Miller Center for the Photographic Arts in Gainesville, Virginia, where the course will take place.

10/9 – 10/17 Photo Tour and Photoshop / Lightroom workshop, Outer Banks of NC - Two separate workshops, take one or both. The photo tour segment is a blend of photographic instruction and a pristine location. The Photoshop segment will improve your knowledge of Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw, Lightroom and Photoshop and increase your workflow efficiency. Fee includes all instruction, lodging at a luxurious beachfront house, and all meals. $1175 per segment

Mollie Isaacs

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Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs (NVACC)

The NVACC web page can be found at: www.nvacc.org. The combined calendar for the NVACC can be found at: http://www.nvacc.org/Calendar.html.

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