Editor: Sam Schaen - Email: Editor@NVPS.org
Inside Note: You can click on the above links to go directly to the article; or you can scroll through the entire newsletter. You can also print the entire newsletter. Scott Musson It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since I was elected to President of NVPS; it’s been a fun year for me as I’ve had a terrific board to support me and the club as well. First I would like to thank the nominating committee Sam Schaen and Fred Chitty for bringing an excellent qualified slate forward for the election. I’m certain that Tom Brett will continue the quality and tradition that NVPS is known for, especially with Sandi, Matt, Mary, Fred & Teri, the excellent elected board to support him. There are so many people I would like to thank for their support and efforts this year, without them I couldn’t have done much. First thanks to Willa Friedman who was very helpful coordinating the Meadowlark exhibit again for our members this year. Once again Meadowlark was a highlight of the year with great images, speakers and networking. Thanks to Bob Friedman for managing the membership database again for NVPS. Both Bob & Willa volunteered without a second thought, to support countless activities for NVPS; and I appreciate both of their efforts. Thank you to Joe Miller our NVACC (Northern Virginia Alliance of Camera Clubs) Representative. Joe has been instrumental in training a new crop of judges for all the NVACC clubs and presented inspirational Educational and Forum events and web site articles this year, as he’s done so many times before. Thanks to Tom Hady our PSA (Photographic Society of America) Representative for keeping me up to date on PSA activities and sharing the PSA journal with the membership. I’m very grateful to Luella Murri for stepping forward to fill the Members Gallery post mid-year. Luella has brought her wonderful photographic experience to support NVPS for more years than I’ve been a member. She’s been an inspiration and a pillar of the local Photographic community. Andy Klein continues to support NVPS in an energetic and enthusiastic manor, providing a wonderful forum of his photography this year as well as his annual contribution to arranging the facilities for meetings and the banquet. Thank you Andy. Brian Payne is another person who has been supporting NVPS for many years. Brian shows up every week and has supported both competitions and equipment support and has largely gone unnoticed by many people. The reason he’s gone unnoticed is because he does such a professional and impeccable job. Thank you Brian, your efforts I sincerely appreciate. Many thanks to Matthew Schmidt who has worked hard to support digital competition over the last two years for NVPS. He has worked hard to provide the membership with quality digital projection; he has always been willing to lend a hand to all members, and always with smile. He’s reliable as the day is long and we are all indebted to his efforts at NVPS. Phillip Moore who revamped the NVPS website and has done a wonderful job of providing members, prospective members, ex-members, and friends a place they visit again and again. I thank Phillip for his almost daily work for NVPS making sure we are all up to date on the activities of the club and the photographic community as well as his own article contributions. Thanks to Mary O'Neill for providing forum for us for several years at NVPS. You’ve coordinated quality presentations and you’ve shown that you deeply care about NVPS and I’m really thrilled that you will be returning to the board next year as the VP of Programs. We’re also grateful for your work with Meadowlark. Thank you Mary. Jan Ponder served the NVPS board for the first time this year and she’s done a great job coordinating Exhibits. Henry House was a huge success and was enjoyed by all. Some exhibits like Arlington Library required a lot of extra effort, including a change in themes; but when we all saw the exhibit we realized that the effort was all worthwhile. Thanks for your work and doing it with a wonderful attitude. Teri Klinkosz is another first year board member who will be returning as our Secretary and historian next year. Teri worked very hard every month to provide quality educational field trips that also provided good comradery and fellowship. Thank you for the many hours you’ve dedicated to field trips for NVPS. Thanks to Judy McGuire who has served many years as a board member at NVPS. Judy has been very supportive to the board and has done it with her charming dry sense of humor that always keeps me chuckling. Always conscientious, thorough and reliable, we have all benefited from Judy’s work. Fred Chitty is another of our board members who supports us year after year. Not only does he make sure our books are in order as our treasurer he is also always willing to lend a hand. Fred is extremely conscientious about greeting potential members and first time visitors and he was instrumental in helping choose this year’s board nominees as a member of the nominating committee. I’m very grateful to Fred’s efforts on the NVPS board. Minnie Gallman, I appreciate all your efforts on the workshop, education and training committee; coordinating presentations, supporting your fellow team members, your wonderful attitude, and your ability to keep us all laughing. Many thanks for your willing and able attitude and another year of help with NVPS. Thank you to Amie Tannenbaum for providing us with 9 quality competitions this year. The competitions position is one of the most difficult positions in the club and there’s a lot that goes into doing it successfully. Amie has lead the competition team and made this a very successful and enjoyable year. Of course she was instrumental in coordinating the End of Year judging and competition along with Brian, which is a significant task. She also led the competition theme selection committee providing us with themes for 2 years from now. Thank you Amie for all your efforts this year. Tom Brett we had a wonderful variety of programs this year thanks to your work coordinating NVPS programs. Street, travel, commercial, Smithsonian, National Geographic, Maryland, dogs and nature photographers were just a few of the entertaining and educational programs we enjoyed. Your professionalism and dedication to NVPS is a benefit to all of us and I thank you. Paul Simmons thank you for your efforts with the portfolio project which was a wonderful innovative enjoyable project. Its efforts like this that keeps the long time members interested and the intrigues the newer members as well. You made the project comfortable and doable for every skill level and member. Your kind and gentle demeanor makes you a joy to work with and makes every members feel like they have friend at NVPS. Many thanks to you Paul. When we had our first board meeting about a year ago I requested that we make special consideration to the novice photographers. I asked to see if we could find a way to help those who are new to the hobby and might need some very basic skills. Bill Prosser really answered the call with some of the most innovative Workshop, Education and Training sessions. Novice night and the skills night reprise were two of the most successful nights of the year. Not only were novices learning fundamentals, but so were some of the long time members. The idea of splitting up into smaller focused groups was very appealing to the membership. This was just one of the very enjoyable activities Bill, Paul & Minnie coordinated for us this year. Thank you very much Bill. Many thanks to Emi Wallace, my wonderful wife, who greets people with her gentle smile and her welcoming demeanor. She chats with potential members at the club, on the phone, via email at all hours of the day and night. She has been tremendously patient with me and the time that I’ve spent with the club. She even consented to rearranging our anniversary celebration so we could attend the club meeting. Not to mention her patience with me judging and speaking at other clubs in the area. We’re all fortunate to have Emi helping out with the club and Emi I thank you for all you do. Sam Schaen has been a huge help to me, guiding me with his experience. He’s been a great consultant and his patience & even temper can always be counted on along with this objective view. Sam has been a great contributor to this club and we all owe him our gratitude for his time and compassion. Sam really showed what he’s made of when we were short a second time in establishing a quorum. Sam called and convinced members not in attendance to come in so we would have a quorum for the vote. Thank you Sam. There are other people who have been very helpful making this a successful year. Just a few more I would like to recognize them for their efforts: Tim Terriberry for his willingnes to lend a hand or work the lights at the club facility. Polly Terriberry who thanklessly provided coffee & tea at most of the program meetings. Luan Ngo who is responsible for all of us going off of our diet, every Tuesday night. John Naman for supporting the equipment and straightening the room up at the end of the evening. Most of all I would like to thank the membership of NVPS for permitting me with the honor of being a member of the team who guided the board to a successful and wonderful year, certainly one I’ll never forget. One final bit of photographic advice, there are three things that are critical to be successful at photography. First is a good lens, it’s the single most important piece of equipment you have. You can be cheap with every other piece of your kit, but this is the one piece you should invest the most. Second the most important part of your photograph is the light. It is the foundation of everything in photography and understanding it and using it to your advantage is critical to good photography. Third and perhaps most important is too find people and a place where you can share and discuss your images and learn through others experiences and share your experiences with others, a place and people like at NVPS. Scott Musson Joe Atchison NVPS Service Award
The nominations are confidential and the selection is made by a panel of past presidents of NVPS. This year that panel was comprised of 3 past presidents all previous recipients of the award. I would like to thank them for participating in this process and selecting a recipient this year. The 3 past presidents and previous recipients were Andy Kline, Sherwin Kaplan and Erwin Siegel. The selection of a recipient of this award is optional and only is presented when a nominee meets the criteria of the award. Nominees of the award are strictly confidential. Bill Prosser has been the Chairperson for Workshops Education and Training at NVPS along with Minnie Gallman for the past two years and I believe we will be lucky enough to have him serving in this position again next year. Bill was instrumental in bringing Workshops Education and Training to the Fire Station and established it as a regularly scheduled monthly meeting. He’s arranged quality monthly content such as critiques in support of the themed competitions. While the monthly meeting increased in popularity he’s found away to still keep the personal hands on interaction of the small groups through the break-out groups and taking advantage of senior members skills and willingness to help. Bill encouraged and supported comprehensive coordination of workshops education and training with other major club activities such as fieldtrips, programs and forums. One of the most significant contributions Bill has made was the introduction of a novice night which helped us refocus our efforts at NVPS to address the needs of new members and novice photographers. Coincidentally many of the experienced photographers also benefited from this feature. Bill also served as the VP of Programs during 2 different years, as the VP of Competition & served on multiple competition rules change committees. He served as the Digital Mentor as part of the NVPS Mentor program and was an early advocate of digital photography as an alternative to film and the chemical darkroom. He and other like-minded club members advocated that it is not the process by which an image is made, but the photographer skill-level and end product by which an image should be categorized and judged. (This point of view was very revolutionary in the early 1990’s) He presented several NVPS Forums and programs for other clubs on visual design, digital processing of images, and planning photography trips. He’s very proud to have completed Joe Miller’s Judging Training and has judged four club competitions. Outside of NVPS Bill has also supported the photographic community in general with his participation in the McLean Photography Club, of which he is a founding member and a member for 30 years. He’s taught classes at the McLean Community center, as a volunteer at McLean High School and various other educational environments. Bill has also been acknowledged for the generosity of his time by the Dept. of Health and Human Services National Volunteer of the Year award for his work in Fairfax County with youth soccer (as coach and organization board officer), runaway youth and foster children (councilor and board member), and camera club board work. Scott Musson
“The best place to photograph is where ever you are” – Freeman
End-of-Year Judge John Dusenberry currently serves as the Art in the Workplace Program Manager with the Arts Council of Fairfax County where he interfaces on a daily basis with member artists and local businesses. Managing the program involves curating artists and their artwork for exhibits as well as staging and installing exhibits on a quarterly basis. This involves artwork of various styles and media, including photography. An exhibit cycle can involve up to 150 to 200 artworks. To learn more about this unique program, please visit www.artsfairfax.org. Mr Dusenberry’s contact information can be found on the Art in the Workplace Program page. Mr. Dusenberry has over 20 years experience as a product designer in the field of imaging devices and was awarded the 1994 Industrial Design Excellence Gold Medal Award in the medical and scientific product category as juried by the Industrial Designers Society of America. Mr. Dusenberry attended the University of Massachusetts as a Fine Arts Major and originally moved to the area to work as an intern at the National Gallery of Art. He continues to pursue his love for the arts by periodically taking studio classes in drawing and painting, serving as an exhibit judge, and actively collecting fine art and crafts. Mr. Dusenberry has traveled extensively abroad. In 2006 he traveled with a group of artists to China to paint and to study traditional as well as contemporary Chinese art. Mr. Dusenberry has recently taken up the hobby of bee-keeping and is also a Loudoun County tenured Master Gardner. End-of-Year Competition Images
The above images won 1st place in their respective categories in the End-of-Year Competition. A larger version can be seen by clicking on each image. End-of-Year Competition Results
The 2008 Themes Committee announces the following three themes for competition during the 2009-2010 camera club year. The first two were chosen by the committee; the third was voted on by NVPS members at their May 20 Competition Meeting.
The 2007-2008 Competition team wishes to announce the following promotions of NVPS members for the '08-'09 camera club year:
Amie Tannenbaum VP Competitions
Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens Newcomers to the club may not be aware that a fine tradition has emerged of getting together for a mid-summer field trip to Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in Washington (http://www.nps.gov/kepa/). Every year we see dozens of award-winning photographs taken here during July. Kenilworth has an outstanding collection of lotuses and water lilies. It is the only National Park dedicated to the study, propagation and enjoyment of aquatic plants. Twelve acres of ponds provide ample opportunity for photographers. There are also three small concrete ponds to the rear of the visitor center that allow photographers to get very close with a telephoto zoom lens such as 80-200mm. In addition to the lotuses and water lilies, there are many other subjects including unusual landscapes, plants, leaves, frogs, birds, etc. Occasional early morning fog/mist can be an added bonus. Mid-July is the peak blooming period, and this year the trip is scheduled for Sunday, July 13. We will meet at the Kenilworth Gardens’ parking lot. Bring a sturdy tripod, a 80-200 mm zoom lens is adequate, although longer is sometimes better. A macro lens, 1.4X and/or 2X teleconverter, close-up lenses or extension tubes could be useful, or if you shoot film, 50/100-speed slide film is good for the sharpness and fine grain, and for print 100/200 speed works well. Polarizer and warming filters are helpful, or a fog/diffusion filter if you have one. It will probably get hot, so dress accordingly. You may want to bring a hat for sun protection, sunscreen and insect repellant. Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is in northeast Washington, D.C., just south of the Route 50, Baltimore-Washington Parkway, Kenilworth Avenue intersection. The entrance to the Aquatic Gardens is at 1550 Anacostia Avenue, NE. Directions from Virginia: Via the 14th Street Bridge: Bear right crossing the bridge to the Southwest/Southeast Freeway. From the Southeast Freeway, take the Pennsylvania Avenue exit. Make a soft right turn onto Pennsylvania Ave., SE/John Philip Sousa Bridge. Shortly after crossing the bridge, turn a slight left onto Fairlawn Avenue, and then merge onto I-295 North. Continue about three miles to the Quarles St./Eastern Ave. exit, and then follow the directions above to Kenilworth. When taking either route, beware of an automated speed trap on I-295 near Howard Road – in both directions. Being caught speeding on camera is not the kind of “photo op” you’re looking for! Sign-up Information For this field trip there is no need to sign up – just show up! This is a splendid opportunity to make some outstanding photos, don’t miss it. For more information, contact Teri Klinkosz at tek7@cox.net, 571.217.1010 or Gerry Abbott, Incoming Field Trip Chair, gerry.abbott@cox.net, 703.967.9677. Outgoing Field Trip Chair: Incoming Field Trip Chair:
After failing to attain a quorum at the initially scheduled election on May 6th, a second attempt was made at the May 20th meeting. This second attempt was successful. The nominated Board Members were all confirmed. In addition, all proposed Constitution, By-laws, and Rules of Competition changes (as described in the May issue of FotoFax) passed as well.
Photographers of Northern Virginia Repeat programs of Photographers of Northern Virginia are now being shown on a regular basis on Fairfax Public Access Channel 30 every Monday at 3:30 p.m. and every Friday at 3 p.m. They will no longer be shown on Channel 10. The Summer schedule is as follows:
The schedule can also be found on the NVPS website (http://nvps.org/main/upcoming/tv_program_photographers_of_no/). Luella Murri
Member Exhibit at United Universalist Church of Reston Several members of NVPS are also members of McLean Photography Club and will be exhibiting at the United-Universalist Church of Reston beginning with a reception on June 22nd from 12:30 -3:30. Photos from Ursy Potter, Jan Ponder, Minnie Gallman, Tom Mangan, Sue Teunis, and Tony Hathaway will be exhibited. Thanks for passing on the word. Lorton Arts Travelling Art Show Laura Howell's image Wall Detail was juried into the Lorton Arts Foundation's - Workhouse Artist's First Curated Traveling Art Show. The exhibition will be held at the University of Phoenix, 11730 Plaza America Drive, Reston - May 2 - June 28, 2008. IsraelScope Willa Friedman won second place in IsraelScope: Celebrating 60 Years of Israel Through Pictures, a photo exhibit sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council. Several hundred photos were submitted. Willa had three photos juried into the show. The photos were on display at the Montgomery County Executive Office Bldg, the John A. Wilson Building in DC and is expected to be exhibited at the Fairfax County Government Center. Bob Friedman, had two photos juried into the show.
Product Announcement New member, Bobby Singh, pointed out that Photodex, maker of ProShow Gold, offers discounts to camera clubs. NVPS members are offered a 20% discount until October 1, 2008. The code is AX1QGDAF. A flyer about the offer can be found here.
Events Photographic Society of America
Tom Hady Exhibition Opportunities ArtPerk At www.ArtPerk.com, artists can search for art opportunities, such as Jurored Shows, Online Jurored Shows, Calls For Work, etc, by the type of media allowed. Now photographers can find shows to enter that consider photography appropriate art, rather than wading through disappointing listings and wasting their time. Also, unlike many other sites, it is free to list, free to search, and photographers can receive email reminders of upcoming deadlines for entry. ArtPerk has no subscription fees, they are free for artists. Submitted by Jan Ponder FotoWeek DC FotoWeek DC, the first annual celebration of photography in the nation's capital, will take place November 15-22, 2008. It will bring together photographers, museums, universities, and others involved in the profession across the metro D.C. area. FotoWeek DC will feature a photography contest and juried exhibition open to professional and amateur photographers, along with gallery openings, lectures, educational workshops, portfolio reviews, book signings, and special offers on photographic services and merchandise from local area retailers. The week-long celebration will culminate in a gala awards ceremony hosted by FotoWeek DC sponsor National Geographic, recognizing area photographers across several genres, including photojournalism, commercial, fine art, amateur, and student photography. For more information on FotoWeek DC, including how to enter the FotoWeek DC professional and amateur photography competition, please visit www.FotoWeekDC.org. National Wildlife Federation Contest NWF invites you to submit your favorite nature images to their 2008 Photo Contest. Cash prizes totaling $18,000 plus camera equipment and other gifts will be awarded to the winners in three separate divisions: professional, amateur and youth. The grand prize winner will receive $5,000. Plus, a portfolio of award-winning entries will be published in the 2008 December/January issue of the magazine. The deadline for all submissions: July 1, 2008. For more details about the categories, how to submit your photos and other information, read the official rules at: http://www.nwf.org/photozone. Workshops and Tours Photographing Elk Bob Shank will be hosting to photograph the elk of Pennsylvania this September. The 3 photo seminars will include the following topics: 1) Basic Digital Photography and Work Flow, 2) Adobe Lightroom, and 3) Wildlife Photography. You can see more details at www.bobshankphotography.com. Bob
Shank Mountain Trail Photography Workshops
Mountain Trail Photography was launched by Ian Plant (did NVPS presentation on Chesapeake Bay). More information can be found at http://www.mtphotoworkshops.com. Ian J. Plant
Mountain Trail Press 5926 Nicotine Trail Lorton, Virginia 22079 Phone: (703) 652-0839 Fax: (703) 349-1075 www.mountaintrailpress.com www.ipphotography.com
Josh Taylor's Workshop Schedule
More information can be found at http://www.archiphotoworkshops.com Corey Hilz’s 2008 Location Workshop Schedule
Corey Hilz’s 2008 Local Class and Workshop Schedule
Details about each workshop (and photo galleries) can be found at www.CoreyHilz.com in the “Instruction” section. Feel free to contact Corey with any questions: corey@coreyhilz.com 2008 VA Safaris
10% discount for repeat participants 10% discount for camera club members To sign up for a Va Photo Safari go to www.vasafaris.com. Jack Nevitt & Alan DeFelice Loudoun Photography Club Contact: Mary Austin-Keller at info@loudounphotoclub.com or 703-435-8907 Website: www.loudounphotoclub.com Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 7:00 pm at theCascades Library (aka Eastern Regional Library) or as indicated. Field Trip: See our Yahoo group mailing list for details
Manassas Warrenton
Camera Club
Program: There
are no programs scheduled for June, July or August